What can fans do?

Or I could show Jerry this

One team has gone 0-16
One team hasnt won more than 10 games in 33 years

Both teams got closer to a SB. Than you
One thing I'll do now, seriously--- stop making comparisons of Jerry, his family to Jed Clampett and the Bevery Hillbillies.
I watched that show as a youngster and the Clampetts are beloved TV figures, characterizing honesty and kindness. Qualities Jerry obviously lacks.
It's very disrespectful to Jed, Jethro, and Granny comparing them to Jerry and his scions.
Don’t buy tickets
Don’t buy merch

Losing money is the only thing that’ll get the Jones’ attention
Been thinking about this for a couple of days. One thing for certain is that the local media isn't going to carry any torches...another thing for certain, is that Cowboy fans are too passive to get involved in driving across town for any protests. There is no way that any of the brainwashed zombies at AT&T dressed head to toe in Cowboy merch are gonna do anything....they are too far gone, and beyond any help. Than I remembered 1999, 2006, and 2011 in regard to the Dallas Stars and Dallas Mavericks respectively. ALL OVER THE DFW AREA you saw those little clip on flags that went above the drivers and passengers doors in support of the teams....vehicles had stuff painted on the side and back windows. Soooo.....how about getting the message out via vehicles. Somebody could make a KILLING right now selling bumper stickers with choice verbiage, and the 1st amendment would make for some pretty choice messages directed at Booger and Chuckles painted on windows....I really do think it would take off....especially when it starts to be common place. As mentioned on 105.3 The Fan this morning, do y'all realize that the thirty (30) year mortgage you took out on you home back in 1996 will be paid off before "your boys" reach a NFCCG....let that one sink in!!!
Nothing will happen, soon as it's time for the 2025 season, thousands of fans will be outside of the stadium, and when they open the doors, thousands of them will rush in!!
Fans like you is the reason Schottenheimer is going to be the next head coach.

Jerry doesn’t have to care with fans like you.
Fans like me? All I do is tell the truth.
It is fans like you that can’t be taken serious. Because all you do is find fault and hate everything.

You would be the first to find fault if they win a SB.
Nothing spreads the word faster than Social media. Get on there and start blasting Jerry and Stephen!
Fans blaming fans again.

There are age old methods for proactive people to bring attention to business owners. All of those methods involve getting business owners' actual attention. All those methods take near or 100% dedication, effort and action.

Rarely do any of those methods involve passive action. None of those methods have ever been successful simply blaming others for doing more than what the blamer does themselves.

But it's cool. Everyone else is not doing enough to get the idiot to stop <expletive> the franchise. Don't buy a jersey. Someone else does. Don't go to a game. Someone else buys a ticket. Don't watch a commercial. Someone else following a totally different team does. No actual plan. Just inept commands that the real target never gets.

Literally. Never. Same don'ts made continuously on a Dallas Cowboys fan forum That Shalt Not Be Named Here in the late 90's. Same don'ts made continuously on this site from the early 2000s to today (twenty flippin' years) and beyond. Just wait. One of these days, the don'ts will catch on like wildfire, spread across Texas, the nation and the world. Just you wait. Jones will eventually be moved by the don'ts on a fansite.

THERE! I was right! His casket flinched 0.002 microns. Those earthworms did it. It took a few thousand times squirming against that sucker but dang it, "IT MOVED! YEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAW!"


One thing I'll do now, seriously--- stop making comparisons of Jerry, his family to Jed Clampett and the Bevery Hillbillies.
I watched that show as a youngster and the Clampetts are beloved TV figures, characterizing honesty and kindness. Qualities Jerry obviously lacks.
It's very disrespectful to Jed, Jethro, and Granny comparing them to Jerry and his scions.
Agree 100%.....but Chuckles damn sure is Milburn Drysdale.
Nothing spreads the word faster than Social media. Get on there and start blasting Jerry and Stephen!
Excellent suggestion. I am dead serious. That is a wonderful, proactive idea.

Now, fellow members will start posting all the dozens and hundreds of tweets, videos, etc., they have been creating to piss Jerry Jones off!

Any second now!

The examples will start flooding the thread any moment!

I'll check back!
There's nothing we as fans can do except protest.

Financially there's little that the motivated fans can do by not buying merch. It would take a deep, concerted effort that crossed the line heavily into the casual fans who really don't care for merch sales to take a dip. The reach for Cowboys fandom is international and sells to a lot that just aren't as concerned as we here are.

It's been over and over again how the ticket sales work at AT&T and there's nothing that "not buying tickets" will do. Most ticket holders are locked in and seasonal and sell their tickets secondhand through the online hubs, so the money is already made. If they got out of their seat option contracts then others can still buy the seats and shop them out to fans of other teams. Most aren't going to do that because they're accepting a huge financial hit if they do. Then there are the sold out events in which people honestly don't care about the Cowboys or even football. AT&T is financially boycott proof, Jerry made sure of that. The worst you could do is not show up to seats you paid for and have empty seats in the stadium, but it'd still be a financial sellout.

Not watching TV? Ok, but unless you're a Nielsen household that's not going to matter. It'd take fans of the opposing teams who also were tracked to boycott the Cowboys as well, along with fans that tune in just to watch the Cowboys lose. The Cowboys had TV issues in the 80's but it took a long time of just general apathy setting in for even non-Cowboys fans for that to happen. We're a long way from that.

And if the Cowboys do have problems, there's revenue sharing.

All of this has been gone over in the media and here a lot. At this point I'm just along for the ride. I still love the Cowboys but I know how it's going to go and there's little me getting upset about it will do. Jerry doesn't care, Stephen might care less, and neither are going to sell willingly.
There's nothing we as fans can do except protest.

Financially there's little that the motivated fans can do by not buying merch. It would take a deep, concerted effort that crossed the line heavily into the casual fans who really don't care for merch sales to take a dip. The reach for Cowboys fandom is international and sells to a lot that just aren't as concerned as we here are.

It's been over and over again how the ticket sales work at AT&T and there's nothing that "not buying tickets" will do. Most ticket holders are locked in and seasonal and sell their tickets secondhand through the online hubs, so the money is already made. If they got out of their seat option contracts then others can still buy the seats and shop them out to fans of other teams. Most aren't going to do that because they're accepting a huge financial hit if they do. Then there are the sold out events in which people honestly don't care about the Cowboys or even football. AT&T is financially boycott proof, Jerry made sure of that. The worst you could do is not show up to seats you paid for and have empty seats in the stadium, but it'd still be a financial sellout.

Not watching TV? Ok, but unless you're a Nielsen household that's not going to matter. It'd take fans of the opposing teams who also were tracked to boycott the Cowboys as well, along with fans that tune in just to watch the Cowboys lose. The Cowboys had TV issues in the 80's but it took a long time of just general apathy setting in for even non-Cowboys fans for that to happen. We're a long way from that.

And if the Cowboys do have problems, there's revenue sharing.

All of this has been gone over in the media and here a lot. At this point I'm just along for the ride. I still love the Cowboys but I know how it's going to go and there's little me getting upset about it will do. Jerry doesn't care, Stephen might care less, and neither are going to sell willingly.
~takes a deep breath~


Fans like me? All I do is tell the truth.
It is fans like you that can’t be taken serious. Because all you do is find fault and hate everything.

You would be the first to find fault if they win a SB.
You notice nobody agrees with your "I've always been a fan so take my money, Jerry" approach, right? It's crickets on that post except for one of your buds.

Thankfully it seems there is a shift and more fans are starting to take my approach over yours.

You can thank us when/if actual change ever occurs.
....all I'm saying ..
Been thinking about this for a couple of days. One thing for certain is that the local media isn't going to carry any torches...another thing for certain, is that Cowboy fans are too passive to get involved in driving across town for any protests. There is no way that any of the brainwashed zombies at AT&T dressed head to toe in Cowboy merch are gonna do anything....they are too far gone, and beyond any help. Than I remembered 1999, 2006, and 2011 in regard to the Dallas Stars and Dallas Mavericks respectively. ALL OVER THE DFW AREA you saw those little clip on flags that went above the drivers and passengers doors in support of the teams....vehicles had stuff painted on the side and back windows. Soooo.....how about getting the message out via vehicles. Somebody could make a KILLING right now selling bumper stickers with choice verbiage, and the 1st amendment would make for some pretty choice messages directed at Booger and Chuckles painted on windows....I really do think it would take off....especially when it starts to be common place. As mentioned on 105.3 The Fan this morning, do y'all realize that the thirty (30) year mortgage you took out on you home back in 1996 will be paid off before "your boys" reach a NFCCG....let that one sink in!!!
There's a group on line called Cowboys zone. We meet daily, we're all grieving football refugees. It's a wonderful support group. You should check it out lol.
Stop showing up and stop buying merchandise

That’s the only way Jerry or Stephen will put together a quality team and staff

It’s like any other job, if the owner of the plumbing company doesn’t hold anyone accountable and they leave more feces in the bathroom than it started with you no longer contract them out and the company dies
wont matter,

teh Suites make the money.

not you.

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