What can fans do?

Been thinking about this for a couple of days. One thing for certain is that the local media isn't going to carry any torches...another thing for certain, is that Cowboy fans are too passive to get involved in driving across town for any protests. There is no way that any of the brainwashed zombies at AT&T dressed head to toe in Cowboy merch are gonna do anything....they are too far gone, and beyond any help. Than I remembered 1999, 2006, and 2011 in regard to the Dallas Stars and Dallas Mavericks respectively. ALL OVER THE DFW AREA you saw those little clip on flags that went above the drivers and passengers doors in support of the teams....vehicles had stuff painted on the side and back windows. Soooo.....how about getting the message out via vehicles. Somebody could make a KILLING right now selling bumper stickers with choice verbiage, and the 1st amendment would make for some pretty choice messages directed at Booger and Chuckles painted on windows....I really do think it would take off....especially when it starts to be common place. As mentioned on 105.3 The Fan this morning, do y'all realize that the thirty (30) year mortgage you took out on you home back in 1996 will be paid off before "your boys" reach a NFCCG....let that one sink in!!!
Definitely not show up and don't buy merchandise. Send petitions, take out billboards, be loud and heckle Jerry.
You notice nobody agrees with your "I've always been a fan so take my money, Jerry" approach, right? It's crickets on that post except for one of your buds.

Thankfully it seems there is a shift and more fans are starting to take my approach over yours.

You can thank us when/if actual change ever occurs.
No one agrees, or very few because they fear being correct, as well. The backlash they would get on here from the loud mouth haters

They rather succumb to the crowd, then to stand out for their real beliefs.

That isnt how jerry gets money lol , network tv makes money on commercials, but the nfl doesnt get any of that, and they sell time for ads
and that is before ratings are known. They know nfl games get good ratings so they chg a high rate on ads.
Jerry makes money on sponsors, like the official beer of cowboys official pizza or soft drink etc. ATT pays him a lot of $ yearly.
All the events at the stadium make $ , Home games are lucrative and a big part of his yearly profits.
Thats why nfl wants more home games.
Sorry but that is wrong.

The networks have a contract with the NFL. One of the rights they have because of that deal is to televise their games. For that they pay the NFL money.

They earn that money by for instance advertisement and commercials. So indirectly the NFL gets their money thru those ads. And they are interessted that ads are successfull because thats a way to up their revenue.

The revenue from this contract is split bewteen players (47% of the revenue is called the salary cap and is handed out to players for their contracts). The rest goes directly to each franchise evenly shared. So the owners (Jerry) of course make(s) money out of advertisement deals.

And i cant follow your logic that the NFL wants more "home" games. Whats that supposed to mean?
For every away team there is a home team. You will never get more or less "home" games. Every game is a home game per se.
No one agrees, or very few because they fear being correct, as well. The backlash they would get on here from the loud mouth haters

They rather succumb to the crowd, then to stand out for their real beliefs.

Your "Jerry take my money" approach is becoming more the minority every day.
The Popularity of the team has to plummet, affecting merchandise sales and TV exposure thereby affecting money flow and the Forbes ranking
Been thinking about this for a couple of days. One thing for certain is that the local media isn't going to carry any torches...another thing for certain, is that Cowboy fans are too passive to get involved in driving across town for any protests. There is no way that any of the brainwashed zombies at AT&T dressed head to toe in Cowboy merch are gonna do anything....they are too far gone, and beyond any help. Than I remembered 1999, 2006, and 2011 in regard to the Dallas Stars and Dallas Mavericks respectively. ALL OVER THE DFW AREA you saw those little clip on flags that went above the drivers and passengers doors in support of the teams....vehicles had stuff painted on the side and back windows. Soooo.....how about getting the message out via vehicles. Somebody could make a KILLING right now selling bumper stickers with choice verbiage, and the 1st amendment would make for some pretty choice messages directed at Booger and Chuckles painted on windows....I really do think it would take off....especially when it starts to be common place. As mentioned on 105.3 The Fan this morning, do y'all realize that the thirty (30) year mortgage you took out on you home back in 1996 will be paid off before "your boys" reach a NFCCG....let that one sink in!!!
You gotta quit supporting the team financially, period.
Jerry understands money.
stage a walkout on prime time.
Fire Jerry chant at every home game. Every single home game. For as long as they can.

JJ has enough money to last 20
Lifetimes. You want to get to Jerry… you need to think of ways to embarrass him. That’s the only thing he cares about… how he looks.
It's really a fruitless endeavor, for many reasons:

1. The Cowboys die-hards have been boycotting the Joneses for years, and it doesn't matter. I think I've bought one piece of gear in like 9 years myself. I have been to maybe 8 Cowboys games since 2014, and haven't paid my own money for any of the tickets.
2. The elite wine and cheese Dallas crowd will continue to spend large figures on suites and accommodations. It's a social experience for these folks.
3. The homer Cowboys fans love the Joneses and do not mind the way they do business and will gladly throw the last dollars in their checking account for the week on an in-game experience. The homers outnumber the diehards probably 500,000 to 1.
4. A ton of people hate the Cowboys and will spend money on watching them on tv or traveling to that tourist attraction in Arlington to watch them lose.

The Joneses are the most brilliant marketers of all time. I can't think of any other major business that fails over and over again, yet still can print more money than the previous year every year.
Been thinking about this for a couple of days. One thing for certain is that the local media isn't going to carry any torches...another thing for certain, is that Cowboy fans are too passive to get involved in driving across town for any protests. There is no way that any of the brainwashed zombies at AT&T dressed head to toe in Cowboy merch are gonna do anything....they are too far gone, and beyond any help. Than I remembered 1999, 2006, and 2011 in regard to the Dallas Stars and Dallas Mavericks respectively. ALL OVER THE DFW AREA you saw those little clip on flags that went above the drivers and passengers doors in support of the teams....vehicles had stuff painted on the side and back windows. Soooo.....how about getting the message out via vehicles. Somebody could make a KILLING right now selling bumper stickers with choice verbiage, and the 1st amendment would make for some pretty choice messages directed at Booger and Chuckles painted on windows....I really do think it would take off....especially when it starts to be common place. As mentioned on 105.3 The Fan this morning, do y'all realize that the thirty (30) year mortgage you took out on you home back in 1996 will be paid off before "your boys" reach a NFCCG....let that one sink in!!!
The last 5-6 games this season I was either working or the Saints game was on instead here in west central Louisiana or both!
I loaded up my feist and went squirrel hunting, got 5-6 miles of walking in through hardwood bottoms and was much happier than when watching the games. I’d suggest getting some type of hobby to fall back on… I’m in my early 50s I’m not too interested in a repeat of the stress from the Campo years!
The Joneses are the most brilliant marketers of all time. I can't think of any other major business that fails over and over again, yet still can print more money than the previous year every year.
I dont think they are really brilliant. And there are by far way more successfull businessmen then the joneses.

At what rate does the Dallas Cowboys franchise rises in value each year? 20%? Thats not sucessful compared to others.

But anyways... to understand that they are not brilliant you have to understand how the business plan works. That is not one of one franchise. The NFL as a whole (all franchises together) is successfull or not.

Let me explain: The income of the NFL is thru TV revenue, Merchandising deals etc... This money as a whole is generated by the NFL, not one particular team. And it goes to the NFL not to one particular team. So it doesnt matter which franchise is successfull. All others profit from that. So if you are an owner of an nfl team you will earn money even when you own team is bad. As long as people are buying merch and watching fames. It doesnt matter from which franchise.

Thats a strategy that devides risks. So the risk for one owner is very low compared to the potential profit. You rememebr when Jones always wanted us to believe that he always was a risk taker? Thats rubbish (but well that shouldnt be a surprise when it comes to Jones). No successful businessman takes risks. They make very calcuated decissions. And those are per definition not risks anymore.

As long as the product as a whole is interessting enough to attract viewers and sell merch every owner profits.
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Nothing spreads the word faster than Social media. Get on there and start blasting Jerry and Stephen!
have you been on twitter,?we have some unhinged fans and they hate Jerry and his evil son.
Been thinking about this for a couple of days. One thing for certain is that the local media isn't going to carry any torches...another thing for certain, is that Cowboy fans are too passive to get involved in driving across town for any protests. There is no way that any of the brainwashed zombies at AT&T dressed head to toe in Cowboy merch are gonna do anything....they are too far gone, and beyond any help. Than I remembered 1999, 2006, and 2011 in regard to the Dallas Stars and Dallas Mavericks respectively. ALL OVER THE DFW AREA you saw those little clip on flags that went above the drivers and passengers doors in support of the teams....vehicles had stuff painted on the side and back windows. Soooo.....how about getting the message out via vehicles. Somebody could make a KILLING right now selling bumper stickers with choice verbiage, and the 1st amendment would make for some pretty choice messages directed at Booger and Chuckles painted on windows....I really do think it would take off....especially when it starts to be common place. As mentioned on 105.3 The Fan this morning, do y'all realize that the thirty (30) year mortgage you took out on you home back in 1996 will be paid off before "your boys" reach a NFCCG....let that one sink in!!!
Tickets/season tickets will always get bought, sell your individual tickets to away fans (not Cowboy Fans from out of town). Make Jerry see his 'house' full of opposition. The one thing that got Jerry rattled was when 'local' media turned on him. The Fan need to take a view, maybe starting with asking their audience what they want, was Wolchuk right in his latest outburst. Then again the owners of The Fan are probably on the inner circle of Jerry sycophants, who are they, they're the ones, in the shadows supporting Jerry and suppressing their channel into being a mouth piece for Jerry.

The media could S
Fans, particularly during home games can fart in the direction of the Jones' skybox.
I’m reading some of the replies and am content to see that some of you get it… stop buying merchandise, attending games etc…

Unfortunately, there is far too many who believe that by doing that, they are turning their backs to the team or being disloyal.
So tell me… Jerry been loyal to all of you? Taking your money? Making empty promises? Not spending on FA’s (cause dowdle, Zeke and Vaughn are better than Henry?), overspending on an average QB? Or being too cheap to hire an HC and give him the reigns? You guys like our GM who thinks he’s a genius??

I could go on and on.
You know what’s funny? Most of you fans complain about JJ, the FO, HC etc…
But hey you’ll state I’ve been loyal since…

Well guess what? I was loyal since 75, went through the ups and downs… but I’ve come to realize that JJ does not care about this team winning or getting back to glory.
He cares about them being in the news, always… and being #1 on Forbes

So I ask again, how can a team that has not done anything for 3 decades, who’s become a laughingstock in the NFL… have the biggest fanbase??

I think that has gone out the window… I read this is going to be our year you wait and see…

Well it’s not going to be our year next year or the next or the one after that…

So I ask again, you’re going to stubbornly support a team that does not care about winning?

I’m not telling you to change teams…
I’m telling you watch from a distance, stop buying merchandise or attending games etc…

Cause when more of you do that and Jerry’s team is no longer #1 on Forbes

He or that imbecile Stephen will do everything it takes to win again

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