Demarcus Lawerence on leaving Cowboys: I know for sure I'm never going to win a SB there

Man, so, as a fan, this really makes me like him less. I figured he'd keep it classy. "I'll always be grateful for Dallas." Something along those lines.

Our fans are harsh and petty. We're dysfunctional sometimes. But show me an organization that isn't. My deal is, think of the fans who aren't petty and probably realize we aren't winning a Super Bowl soon. Odds are, most teams aren't winning a Super Bowl next year. That doesn't mean we want to hear you disrespecting the team, fans, et al, as you sign with the next team. That's also a huge dis on his former teammates.

And if, maybe, that was his attitude while he was here playing in Big D, then it's probably a good riddance on our part.

Or maybe he was saying that, you know, since he's getting old and all, and moving on to another team, that he "definitely" won't be winning a Super Bowl here --- because he'll be on another team.

I'd say that's "definitely" very likely to be the case moving forward for him, too, though, given he has 11 years here and nothing to show for it as far as Super Bowls.

I'm not saying he'll hurt their chances. Talent wise he's good. Just not championship good.

To me, it looks like the culture change is in full effect, fellas.
He’s not a fraud. He was a good player.
Fraud as in he was one of the highest paid defenders on a defense said to "need to play with a lead". Basically it's a nice way of saying they are soft. That's on his watch. Him, diggs, micah and Bland. That narrative should've been nipped in the bud

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