Recap: JJT Chat Wrap - 01/14/14 *Cowboys only*


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Chris Fiegler (Latham,NY)

What do you think that the Cowboys need to Address in the 2014 NFL Draft?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:04 PM)

They have holes everywhere, but they need DL help

R Lank, MD [via mobile]

did u watch the new england game? brady just 13 pass attempts cause the run game worked so well. very smart and unselfish and really what winning is all about unlke ur boys romo and garrett

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:07 PM)

That's an extreme example. He had a 5-game stretch earlier this season where he threw 40, 50, 41, 52 and 55 passes. The Patriots more than just about every other team tailor their game plan to each opponent. Most teams do what they do and alter it slightly to compensate for opponent

Davis (Boston)

How accessible is Mark Cuban compared to Jerry Jones?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:10 PM)

About the same. You can e-mail or tweet Cuban - you can't do that with Jerry - and he'll get back to you. Or you can find him in front of the stair master before most Mavs games. During football season, you can get Jerry at least once a week before the game and after every game. Cuban rarely talks after games

Landon Gailbreath (Lost Nation iowa)

What moves should that Cowboys make on defense this off season to put themselves right back in the Playoff hunt?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:11 PM)

They gotta fix the defense. They need at least two defensive linemen, a CB and a safety

Morice (Virginia Beach, VA)

Will dallas play a more man 2 man D this year or will it be like the offense where they say they want to be one thing but we hardly see it all year?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:12 PM)

way too early for that question. That's an OTA or training camp question. Right now, they're reviewing what worked and what didn't last year and focusing on the draft and FA

hawkins [via mobile]

I know that you can find some good talent from small schools, but the cowboys need to look at more draft prospects from the top tier football programs because the safeties we have just dont have the talent, would you agree?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:14 PM)

I don't mind small school players, but there's more boo or bust with them because of the competition they faced. JJ Wilco has talent, but there's a big jump from Georgia Southern to the NFL. He also played just one year at safety. They needed as proven a safety as they could get, and they took a prospect. A highly-coveted prospect, but a prospect nonetheless. Heath was an undrafted FA from a Div II school. he was supposed to be good special teams player - not lining up for 60 snaps a game

Davis (Boston)

Where does Jerry World rank among NFL Stadiums?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:15 PM)

it's in top 3

Mark (Cary, NC)

Hello JJT - 2 QUESTIONS: 1) Once Jerry turns over the reigns to son Stephen - do you see him as "involved" as Jerry on player issues (drafts - free agency)? and 2) Do you think Jerry pays any attention to the way the remaining teams are actually WINNING (strong running games - dominant OLines and tough defenses)?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:16 PM)

I don't know why you don't think Stephen is as involved as he can with every aspect of this team? I don't get the feeling that much would change if Stephen was the GM instead of the VP. He's doing all the contracts

Greg (CT)

Alright so obviously we expected both coordinators to be fired which isn't the you think some of the reason behind why they were kept is if DC doesn't make playoffs it's just an entire house clean vs. just JG and keeping new coords with new HC coming in?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:17 PM)

JJ is hoping stability creates continuity and better overall performance. Plus, he blames the injuries more than coordinator for defense

Greg (CT)

Why do you think Mo hasn't panned out?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:18 PM)

he hasn't been the playmaker and ballhawk he was in college, he's not a physical player, he's been hurt so much that he hash;t gotten into a rhythm of practice and playing and they've used him in too much zone coverage

Greg (CT)

Is it safe to say that Ware is taking a big payout to stay or getting cut? No restructuring stuff. What do you think happens?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:19 PM)

It's too early to say what's going to happen with Ware. My suspicion is he'll take a pay cut or he won't be here. The Cowboys will offer a figure and Ware's agent will check around the league and see if he can get more $$ elsewhere. If he can, he'll leave. If not, he'll stay

Greg (CT)

Why don't they just make Escobar a slot receiver instead of TE. He can't block a lick but seems to have great hands, assuming he has speed.

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:20 PM)

Ding! Ding! Ding! Actually, they should flex him out and put him in the slot just like every other team with a receiving TE does. It's not his fault the coaching staff was too obtuse to use him

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:21 PM)

we knew he couldn't block when the Cowboys drafted him. So they should've maximized his strengths instead of worrying about his weaknesses

Gilbert Rojas (Houston ,tx)

Do you think Dallas will use more fullbacks to help with the run game?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:23 PM)

Another dumb move. They spent the entire off-season with no FB and ⅔ of the way through the season they decide a FB is the best way to help the run game. All that does is make you shake your head. I'd think they'd have a FB on the roster next year

Chris from Vista Ca [via mobile]

When is Jerry Jones going to realize that he is the problem? He needs to hire a real GM. I give him credit on being a genius in the world of business but probably the worst when leading a football team. His biggest mistake was chasing Jimmy away. The year he let go of Sean Peyton and he went to the saints, they destroyed us. Same went with Rob Ryan. Look how far the saints got.

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:23 PM)


John John (New Brunswick)

If there are no top shelf D-lineman available to do go for a high end safety, like Ha Ha from Alabama if available for the Boys?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:24 PM)

Sorry, I don't start looking at specific names in the draft until April. Other folks do, but I'm not one of them.

DCON (Austin, TX)

Cowboys: What do you think the 'Boys are likely to do with both Hanna and Escobar, given their cap situation? I like both players. Keep both, trade one?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:24 PM)

keep both of them. Escobar should have starring role next season

Kenyatta Adams Roselle NJ [via mobile]

Good Afternoon Jean. Do you think JJ will trade up in the draft for a pass rush specialist because we all know that JJ likes to make a splash during the draft. Thanks

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:26 PM)

Nope. They need a bunch of players. They're not going to trade up because the price will be too steep

Vince (Grand Rapids, Michigan)

Hi JJT, thanks for taking my question. How does DeVonte Holloman fit into the Cowboys' plans for 2014 and could he be a replacement for Bruce Carter? He was very impressive in the only game I saw him get real playing time (vs. Eagles).

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:28 PM)

There's a role for him it's just a matter of what it is. He'll get a chance to compete at SLB, but so will Kyle Wilber

Jay (Plano)

what are the odds the Cowboys actually say goodbye to D. Ware?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:28 PM)

50-50 today

Yuma Cactus (desert)

Why didn't Bruce Carter get some "secret sauce" this year?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:28 PM)

He was one of the big disappointments of the season. The 4-3 helped Jason Hatcher and it hurt Bruce Carter. He was a beast in the 3-4 and too many time he was just a guy in the 4-3

Chris Vista Ca [via mobile]

When is jerry goin to realize he is the problem being the gm? Great business man. Terrible Gm

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:29 PM)

Never. Ever.

AJ (Salem)

It's just a hunch, but do you see someone sacrificing too many draft picks to move up and take Manziel or Bridgewater? Could the Cowboys roll the dice on one of them?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:29 PM)

No. They need too many players

vince (mobile,al)

Is Spencer really going to be easier to keep than Hatcher. I'd let Spencer walk unless he'd take a minimum and franchise Hatcher.

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:30 PM)

Roger that on Spencer. As much as I love Hatcher's game, I'm not spending $$ on 32 year old DL with one tremendous year.

Chris San Diego [via mobile]

Is romo really te answer to the cowboys? I mean I'm sure you saw the last game where the back up did just the same as romo. Maybe with one or two less completions

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:31 PM)

There's a reason why Romo is a starter and Orton has become a backup.

G-Money (Chicago IL)

Blessings JJT - It's looking more and more as if Jerry will retain the Cowboys coaching staff from last year, when most of us thought Garrett, Callahan and Kiffin could all be fired. Is Jerry now placing a greater value on stability within his staff and do you think this is a mistake on his part?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:32 PM)

It looks like it. You could say that's a positive. He's trying a different approach

Ray (From Southside)

Great work..i know u think Garrett has done some nice things for the cowboys, but dont u think they do need stability..U are always saying about Pittsburgh, the Ny Giants how they keep there coaches around and dont pull the plug..there were times on this def(yes i know it has been historically bad) that plays were to be made and they didnt make them ie. the bears game dropping 4 ints rigth in the db's hands?? thoughts on keeping continuity??

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:33 PM)

I'm not opposed to it. Continuity can be a very good thing. Changing head coaches every 3 years is not a good idea

Jerry (TX)

JJT, Thanks for keeping it real for us Cowboys fans. Tell us something that would surprise us about JJ.

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:33 PM)

He's the coolest billionaire I know. Nothing more fun than hanging with Jerry for an evening

Davis (Boston)

Any chance the Cowboys move up in the draft and take Clowney like the did with Claibourne?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:35 PM)

nope. The cost is way too high for that

Davis (Boston)

% that Aiken man gets a job in cowboys management?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:35 PM)


Vince (Grand Rapids, Michigan)

Do you think Barry Church is the long-term solution at one of the safety positions--free safety?

Jean-Jacques Taylor
(1:36 PM)

I don't have a problem with Barry Church. They need the guy next to him to play better

See the rest:


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" I don't get the feeling that much would change if Stephen was the GM instead of the VP."

take that children of current cowboy fans

in cleveland, we have a joke for Browns fans:

What is the Browns fans prayer?
Oh Lord, dont let my children become Browns fans so they might win something in their lifetimes

Risen Star

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" I don't get the feeling that much would change if Stephen was the GM instead of the VP."

take that children of current cowboy fans

in cleveland, we have a joke for Browns fans:

What is the Browns fans prayer?
Oh Lord, dont let my children become Browns fans so they might win something in their lifetimes

What the guy wanted to know is when Stephen is the owner of the team will he fake GM like his father.

The Frenchman obtusely scoffed that of course he would do the same thing when he's GM.

I really believe the Dallas media is about the worst in all of sports.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Thanks for the content, as always, WG. But, man that guy is clueless.
JJT is the most worthless of the DFW sports media which is quite an accomplishment considering Calvin Watkins, Nick Eatman and whats-his-name that works for Babe.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
JJT is the most worthless of the DFW sports media which is quite an accomplishment considering Calvin Watkins, Nick Eatman and whats-his-name that works for Babe.

Steve Dennis = whats-his-name


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I am so disappointed in myself that I spent the time to read that. Thanks for posting Cowboy stuff, but JJT is more clueless than most of the posters on this board. And, I knew that BEFORE I read it. Stupid me.