My honest review and feelings on this forum

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Already planned .. soon.
It's janky, so I'm only half-serious, but can't we add a google search box with the domain specified in the page footer and be done with this search field question?

You act like this isn't a serious issue. I understand everything that @Reality said in his post but you and I know that the google option is not perfect, not even close. For example, I often times want to search for a post or thread that has a specific keyword from a specific poster on this site, do you know how much of a crapshoot that is to search on google?

Also, I believe if we're going to have strict moderation of repeating similar threads, then there should at least be a search function to assist us into not making that mistake.

There are forums much bigger than CZ with similar software that have a search function.
Great. Til then, I'll just keep using the link I always give out: http://******/1Mrlyg7

Your search - cool stuff idgit said - did not match any documents.


  • Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
  • Try different keywords

(or remove the www)
You act like this isn't a serious issue. I understand everything that @Reality said in his post but you and I know that the google option is not perfect, not even close. For example, I often times want to search for a post or thread that has a specific keyword from a specific poster on this site, do you know how much of a crapshoot that is to search on google?

Also, I believe if we're going to have strict moderation of repeating similar threads, then there should at least be a search function to assist us into not making that mistake.

There are forums much bigger than CZ with similar software that have a search function.

I've never had any issues doing advanced searches of specific domain content via google. I happen to agree that it's nicer to have the functionality built into the forum software, but finding the material has never been a particular issue for me.
The search function in forum software is only efficient with lower post counts. We are almost at 6 million posts and using forum-based searching is very slow and server intensive. With Google, you can find what you are looking for much faster and with more functionality than you will find with internal searching.

The key is to add "" (no spaces between "site:" and "") to any search and it will limit search results to only this site. In addition, you can use a variety of other Google search options such as search time (last hour, last 24 hours, this week, etc.) to restrict your search results even more.

Why don't you just modify the site and add a search box that searches Google?

All fixed....except for the terrorist that doesn't want to use Google. :laugh:

EDIT: Ahh, I didn't read the later posts before posting this. Git're DONE!
All fixed....except for the terrorist that doesn't want to use Google. :laugh:

In the immortal words of Ronald Reagan: Well, there you go again... ;)

Folks that do not want to feed the Google monolith machine and who value any semblance of privacy does not equate to being a terrorist. In fact it's more opposite of that than not. Some folks value their identity and would prefer NOT to have their identity stolen, for instance. By terroristic or hackeristic types.

STOP the profiling of people not wanting to use Google = Bad Person. You are part of the problem.
In the immortal words of Ronald Reagan: Well, there you go again... ;)

Folks that do not want to feed the Google monolith machine and who value any semblance of privacy does not equate to being a terrorist. In fact it's more opposite of that than not. Some folks value their identity and would prefer NOT to have their identity stolen, for instance. By terroristic or hackeristic types.

STOP the profiling of people not wanting to use Google = Bad Person. You are part of the problem.

You're a fool if you don't think you're being tracked on the Internet. Google, Yahoo, NSA, or whatever clickbot out there. If you don't want to be tracked on the Internet, then get off the Internet.
You're a fool if you don't think you're being tracked on the Internet. Google, Yahoo, NSA, or whatever clickbot out there. If you don't want to be tracked on the Internet, then get off the Internet.

I didn't say that. But I'm not inviting them any more than I personally have to.

Plus, there are apps and sites, like, oh I don't know, tunnel bear, IPVanish, stuff like that.
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