News: Why everyone is wrong about Dallas Cowboys’ Tony Romo Part II: Hall of Fame


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Why everyone is wrong about Dallas Cowboys’ Tony Romo Part II: Hall of Fame
By Blake Gibbs

In Part I, we looked at Tony Romo’s 2014 season, and why it was highly underrated. In Part II, we are going to look at his career as a whole and where he stands.

Probably the biggest misconception in football is that you can judge a quarterback’s ability on his number of Super Bowl rings. Ironically, this isn’t the case with any of the other positions in football. There are tons of non-quarterbacks who are considered legends, yet never won the big one. Why do we hold the quarterbacks to a different standard? In a way, we sort of treat them like pitchers in baseball. We look at their records, their performances in big games and their stats.

However, we still give pitchers a break if their teams weren’t good enough to carry them to a World Series title. We take a look at their ERA’s, their strikeouts, the number of no-hitters they threw and then come to our conclusion on whether or not they are one of the greats. For some reason, when it comes to debating how good an NFL quarterback is, most people always point to the number of Super Bowls he has won.

This way of thinking is incredibly skewed, and really holds no water when it comes to determining how good a quarterback is. I would challenge you to find two Super Bowl winning quarterbacks who didn’t also have at least an average to above average defense as well. Teams don’t win rings if they don’t have some type of balance.

Two years ago, Tony Romo battled Peyton Manning in one of the most epic regular season games in NFL history. Romo went 25-36 for 506 yards with 5 touchdowns and one interception, but the Cowboys lost 51-48. The one interception came in the 4th quarter with plenty of time still left on the clock. However, his defense couldn’t get him the ball back in time, and Dallas lost. Everyone tore Romo apart saying that he “can’t win big games”, that “he always folds when it counts” and other nonsense...



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Excellent article with excellent points. The fans on here that hate on Romo haven't been around as much. That's overall a very good thing for everyone.
However, we all have guilty pleasures and I am looking forward to there take on this article. :)


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I have 2 issues with the article.

The first being the Denver game that is brought up. I wouldn't really say there was "plenty" of time after Romo's interception. There was less than 2 minutes I believe, and Denver only needed one first down to run out the clock. That said, I would never hold that game (or that particular INT for that matter) against Romo. He was magnificent.

Second, in his playoff games, he led would be game winning drives 3 times (four if you count the one they did win last year), not two. Against New York he threw a perfect game winning TD pass...except Crayton pulled up on the route. Minnesota is his only Playoff loss where he didn't have the team in position to win (and he was massacred during that game).


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All these arguments are well and good. But perception, unfortunately, defines reality.
And whether people like it or not, a quarterback is judged based on ...
1.) His stats
2.) His Super Bowls
3.) His awards (league or Super Bowl MVP)
4.) His competition/contemporaries

Romo's stats warrant Hall of Fame consideration.
But he falls short in the other categories. He has no Super Bowl rings, no MVP awards and he played in an era that includes Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers (all of whom are sure Hall of Famers), Drew Brees, Ben Rothlisberger (both of whom will likely make the Hall of Fame) and Eli Manning (who has two Super Bowl rings and two Super Bowl MVPs and who is a Manning, the most famous football family).

Romo has all that going against him. Unless he gets a Super Bowl ring, he's not going to get into the Hall.

I would love to see Romo in the Hall of Fame with or without a Super Bowl. However, if Ken Stabler (who gets bounced despite having a Super Bowl ring because he played during the Staubach-Bradshaw-Griese-Tarkenton era) isn't in the Hall, it's going to be hard-pressed to get Romo in absent a Super Bowl victory.


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I have 2 issues with the article.

The first being the Denver game that is brought up. I wouldn't really say there was "plenty" of time after Romo's interception. There was less than 2 minutes I believe, and Denver only needed one first down to run out the clock. That said, I would never hold that game (or that particular INT for that matter) against Romo. He was magnificent.

Second, in his playoff games, he led would be game winning drives 3 times (four if you count the one they did win last year), not two. Against New York he threw a perfect game winning TD pass...except Crayton pulled up on the route. Minnesota is his only Playoff loss where he didn't have the team in position to win (and he was massacred during that game).

IIRC he had gotten stepped on during that particular throw, which may have taken part in the INT.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Probably the biggest misconception in football is that you can judge a quarterback’s ability on his number of Super Bowl rings. Ironically, this isn’t the case with any of the other positions in football.
Nice observation.


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Honestly even with a ring I am not particularly enthused about Romo's chances. There is just too much ignorance among the general population about Romo and unfortunately it extends to the media, voters and even people in the NFL who should know better. That tier article that came up was a real eye opener. Scouts and front office people with literally no clue that Romo is among the game's best in the 4th quarter and has been for some time now. They may has well have just been trolls from this board.
I can already feel the narrative being constructed that an aging Romo was carried to a Super Bowl... even though carried means finally being given a halfway decent line and a defense that forces a punt every once in a while. Football media is the most ignorant by far of all the major sports... I don't trust them to do the football equivalent of putting in Bert Blyleven.


Star Power
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This may be the biggest misconception of all time. Reality is reality, regardless of perception.

True. That saying is just one of the many common sayings that people just repeat because they've heard it. It's often used as a disclaimer for when people rationalize and justify their own perception and biases instead of looking at the reality of the situation. I'm not saying that tyke1doe is doing that though here.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Honestly even with a ring I am not particularly enthused about Romo's chances. There is just too much ignorance among the general population about Romo and unfortunately it extends to the media, voters and even people in the NFL who should know better. That tier article that came up was a real eye opener. Scouts and front office people with literally no clue that Romo is among the game's best in the 4th quarter and has been for some time now. They may has well have just been trolls from this board.
I can already feel the narrative being constructed that an aging Romo was carried to a Super Bowl... even though carried means finally being given a halfway decent line and a defense that forces a punt every once in a while. Football media is the most ignorant by far of all the major sports... I don't trust them to do the football equivalent of putting in Bert Blyleven.
I'm not sure how much of the general public's influence contribute to hall of fame voting lunacy. And I'm refering to the HOF voters of the major team sports--in particular NFL and MLB. Biases aside, some HOF voting decisions are plain stupid. Take MLB for example. There have been years when MLB voters haven't inducted anyone into baseball's HOF. That's plain nuts in my opinion. You may be correct but I can't see how specific home and work environments affected enough voters into rejecting every eligible player during those years. It may be a false assumption but I would rather believe such groups are overly manned by idiots.


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Big if's here, but if:

Romo gets to 45,000 passing yards and 300 passing TD's while his career QBR and completion percentage stay around where they are now, I would really be shocked if he didn't get into the Hall and that's with no ring. I'm not even factoring in his excellent yards per completion rate and some other stats either.

If we win a Super Bowl with Romo with numbers like I listed above, it would be pathetic if he didn't get in. Of course he'd have to play for another 3 to 5 years, probably closer to 5, but it's certainly possible.


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I think the real topic is the degree of quality that has been shown by Tony Romo despite the team not achieving at the very top levels as a whole.


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This may be the biggest misconception of all time. Reality is reality, regardless of perception.

That is true, but in a subjective issue such as what qualifies as a "great" quarterback or a "Hall of Fame" quarterback, perception can create reality.
The perception of Tony Romo is that he's not great compared to the other quarterbacks I cited. You may not like the perception, but it has become reality. And that reality will keep him from the Hall of Fame.
Of course, I believe that reality is reality. But that's not what I'm talking about. You can cite all the stats you want, but you're not going to change the minds of some people because his stats don't overcome the other factors they use to measure a great quarterback and, in particular, a Hall of Fame quarterback.
Hence, perception is reality.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Well, this is going to be interesting if you know who shows up! lol

Let's see if he does...



Intramural Legend
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Big if's here, but if:

Romo gets to 45,000 passing yards and 300 passing TD's while his career QBR and completion percentage stay around where they are now, I would really be shocked if he didn't get into the Hall and that's with no ring. I'm not even factoring in his excellent yards per completion rate and some other stats either.

If we win a Super Bowl with Romo with numbers like I listed above, it would be pathetic if he didn't get in. Of course he'd have to play for another 3 to 5 years, probably closer to 5, but it's certainly possible.
I think you're right. That would put him in the top 10 for both...and if he stays 2nd all time in rating with a high comp% and low int%, idk how you could make a case against him.

If he plays 3 more years going 4,000 yards and 30 tds, he'd end up at just over 40,000 yards and 330 TDs (30 ahead of Elways). I don't know how a guy like that wouldn't get in. The thing working against him, in that regard, is that Eli and Roethlisberger are likely going to finish with similar totals and, probably, more SB wins. It's a shame, but that's the reality of it.


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Romo could make the HOF if he has the hardware. But let's face it at this point to say Romo should be in the HOF is to say the same about McNabb or Phillip River. Romo is not the only and will not be the last quality qb in this league. The facts remain until Romo can elevate this team pass their short commings and win 2 sb's he will not consider. Especially since he will most likely be evaulated with the class and likes of Drew Brees, Eli Manning, Ben, Payton, Brady, etc... I just don't see it happening.


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I think you're right. That would put him in the top 10 for both...and if he stays 2nd all time in rating with a high comp% and low int%, idk how you could make a case against him.

If he plays 3 more years going 4,000 yards and 30 tds, he'd end up at just over 40,000 yards and 330 TDs (30 ahead of Elways). I don't know how a guy like that wouldn't get in. The thing working against him, in that regard, is that Eli and Roethlisberger are likely going to finish with similar totals and, probably, more SB wins. It's a shame, but that's the reality of it.

It's a passing league now. Stats just don't cut anymore. When they vote for the guy for the HOF they will recall his games, good and bad. If all Romo has is his choke status without and playoff sucess his chances are slim.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
That is true, but in a subjective issue such as what qualifies as a "great" quarterback or a "Hall of Fame" quarterback, perception can create reality.
The perception of Tony Romo is that he's not great compared to the other quarterbacks I cited. You may not like the perception, but it has become reality. And that reality will keep him from the Hall of Fame.
Of course, I believe that reality is reality. But that's not what I'm talking about. You can cite all the stats you want, but you're not going to change the minds of some people because his stats don't overcome the other factors they use to measure a great quarterback and, in particular, a Hall of Fame quarterback.
Hence, perception is reality.

I could not care less if Romo gets into the HOF. And I would bet that he is not even thinking that far ahead.

But, only idiots, smart *****, trolls, golfers and tennis players that have never played a team sport blame Romo for the 8-8 seasons, "eliminations games", "spot light games" or any other nonsense they try to come up with to blame him for the TEAMS losing seasons.

However, if, and this is a big if, or maybe not...if Romo does win a SB...those fools will be the first ones in line to want to celebrate with the FANS that know Romo is a damn good QB.

The poor bastid, Romo, has broken more bones in his body trying to help a team win without a good oline, a good defense, good coaching, yet somehow the fools that dog him despite if he ever wins a SB, will say now that it was the TEAM that helped him win.

Perception is reality...but, not everything that people think they see is real.


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It's a passing league now. Stats just don't cut anymore. When they vote for the guy for the HOF they will recall his games, good and bad. If all Romo has is his choke status without and playoff sucess his chances are slim.

Going by that, since training is so much more advanced now, Olympic Champions in the high jump should now be clearing over 8'.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Going by that, since training is so much more advanced now, Olympic Champions in the high jump should now be clearing over 8'.

Hell, the Bease could do that! lol