Tebow time


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GIggles just released Tebow. I'm thinking he might be better than Weeden. At this point even Sexy Rexy Grossman looks better than Weeden. My dog looks better than Weeden. I'm going to go cry in a corner.
GIggles just released Tebow. I'm thinking he might be better than Weeden. At this point even Sexy Rexy Grossman looks better than Weeden. My dog looks better than Weeden. I'm going to go cry in a corner.

I knew this thread was just a matter of time. He's been cut so many times now but this new generation just wants the name. Instant gratification.
Flynn and K. Moore just became available.

I knew this thread was just a matter of time. He's been cut so many times now but this new generation just wants the name. Instant gratification.

I figured the team can rub his noggin for good luck.
Tebow sucks. We should bring in Flynn, Cassel, Russell, and or Young.

Agreed. I'm just unhappy with Weeden. Besides, Tebow is going to end up back on the GIggles once Bradford blows out his knee in week 2.
Tebow is definitely not better then Weeden

Disagree. Depends on how you use players. If you play read option with Tebow he can WIN games for you. It doesn't matter what offense Weeden runs, he cannot will not win games for you. At best, he will not lose a game, and that's asking a lot of him.

Some people are wired to win, like Tebow. Others are not. Tebow at the very least can run our 2 point conversion offense and may even be a better short yardage option than ANY back on the team.

Give me the winner. I want Tebow. He's even a RKG.

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