Feature Requests: Help with filtering posters


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
So I'll start this off by saying that this may not be possible, but I'm wondering if there is a way to upgrade the ignore system here at CowboysZone. This is a two parter, but they are related enough that I figured it'd be best to keep it in one post.

Request 1: I am a frequent user of the chat during games. While on balance, it's worth it by far and a lot of fun, I do find it necessary to put some users on ignore in chat - especially when they are consistently and repetitively annoying. However, I would prefer to be able to hide them from the chat without also hiding all their posts. It can be true that a poster can be incessantly annoying during chat, yet still have worthwhile posts from time to time. Is there any way to separate these two ignore functions (as it was with the old system)?

Request 2: This one is a little more out there and I don't know if it's even possible. I have not seen this feature elsewhere, but I think it would be a boon to everyone. Is there a way to "rate" other posters and have that rating saved, but at the same time have it be personalized to each of us and private?

I'm not looking for a score rating that is aggregated and listed under the avatar for all for see, but rather a personal 1-5 star scale that reminds me of who it is I'm reading. I can see how a public badge system would have a negative effect. This data would be attached to my profile (as my current ignore list is) rather than the board as a whole. Sure we have our regular posters we all recognize, but there are dozens of folks you post less frequently. I would be a big positive to be able recognize their past habits at a glance; saving time and reducing groans and eyerolls. At the same time, it's less punitive than an outright ignore. The rating would show up under the avatar for me, but everyone's would be different based on their own perspectives.

My goal here is simply to save a little time when reading through posts. I can't tell you how many times I've read posts and gone through them only to realize "Oh yeah, this guy doesn't know what they are talking about." or , "Hmm, I agree with this guy a lot" I'd call it a combo "soft ignore / best poster" system.

Both are interesting ideas. If you don't use it already, you can Follow posters and have their posts available in your personal news feed (in your member drop-down). It doesn't rate them, but it lets you cherry pick them. That way, you can read my posts and Adam's without having to read CowboyRoy's, or whatever.

Re: a separate chat blocked list. You can do that, but it's voice-activated and only when in chat. Open a chat window and say loudly and clearly into your mic "Ban" and then "UserName." You might have to do it several times, but I've found that it eventually works. Try it now. If it doesn't work out, just hit up Reality and ask him to 'fax you some audio RAM' and he'll be able to hook you up. Usually, if there's a problem, it's with the audio RAM.

Good luck.
Request 1: I am a frequent user of the chat during games. While on balance, it's worth it by far and a lot of fun, I do find it necessary to put some users on ignore in chat - especially when they are consistently and repetitively annoying. However, I would prefer to be able to hide them from the chat without also hiding all their posts. It can be true that a poster can be incessantly annoying during chat, yet still have worthwhile posts from time to time. Is there any way to separate these two ignore functions (as it was with the old system)?
The chat system is simply an extension of the forums, not its own self-contained system. That integration helps keep things super simple for users by not requiring everyone to install java run-time (highly annoying) nor having to setup and maintain a completely separate account with a different username on some random third-party service, while hoping it never shuts down as many chat services do eventually. Because of the integration, its not possible to create separate ignore/follow systems.

Request 2: This one is a little more out there and I don't know if it's even possible. I have not seen this feature elsewhere, but I think it would be a boon to everyone. Is there a way to "rate" other posters and have that rating saved, but at the same time have it be personalized to each of us and private?

I'm not looking for a score rating that is aggregated and listed under the avatar for all for see, but rather a personal 1-5 star scale that reminds me of who it is I'm reading. I can see how a public badge system would have a negative effect. This data would be attached to my profile (as my current ignore list is) rather than the board as a whole. Sure we have our regular posters we all recognize, but there are dozens of folks you post less frequently. I would be a big positive to be able recognize their past habits at a glance; saving time and reducing groans and eyerolls. At the same time, it's less punitive than an outright ignore. The rating would show up under the avatar for me, but everyone's would be different based on their own perspectives.

My goal here is simply to save a little time when reading through posts. I can't tell you how many times I've read posts and gone through them only to realize "Oh yeah, this guy doesn't know what they are talking about." or , "Hmm, I agree with this guy a lot" I'd call it a combo "soft ignore / best poster" system.
The ignore and follow systems already in the site could provide you with an alternative solution for this. Any type of public rating system would be abused of course, but privately, you can simply follow the users you like most which will let you read their posts.
The chat system is simply an extension of the forums, not its own self-contained system. That integration helps keep things super simple for users by not requiring everyone to install java run-time (highly annoying) nor having to setup and maintain a completely separate account with a different username on some random third-party service, while hoping it never shuts down as many chat services do eventually. Because of the integration, its not possible to create separate ignore/follow systems.

The ignore and follow systems already in the site could provide you with an alternative solution for this. Any type of public rating system would be abused of course, but privately, you can simply follow the users you like most which will let you read their posts.
Yep. I knew a public rating system would inevitably be abused. I just thought a personalized marker of a sort might be an interesting idea.
The chat system is simply an extension of the forums, not its own self-contained system. That integration helps keep things super simple for users by not requiring everyone to install java run-time (highly annoying) nor having to setup and maintain a completely separate account with a different username on some random third-party service, while hoping it never shuts down as many chat services do eventually. Because of the integration, its not possible to create separate ignore/follow systems.

The ignore and follow systems already in the site could provide you with an alternative solution for this. Any type of public rating system would be abused of course, but privately, you can simply follow the users you like most which will let you read their posts.
How do you follow someone?

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