Traveling Viking's Fans Warned About Eagles Fans


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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Fans are being warned against potential problems. I think the parking lot could be worse than inside.

This certainly isn't a surprise to us.

I can't believe they are letting them wear those stupid dog masks. I would think that would be a security risk since you can't identify anybody.

I hope Minnesota puts it to them, at this point, the Eagles losing is my biggest rooting interest in the playoffs.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
The Phithy fans are punks. Go with a couple people, not your girlfriend and don’t be 120lbs and you’ll be fine. They like the little guy there with his kid or girl then they abuse them. My buddy went there by himself a year ago sat there with his Jags jersey and no one said a word to him. He is a big dude 6’6 270. I was texting him saying I bet no one is bothering you, he said its like I’m invisible. Same when I go to giants stadium, they will ignore me in my dallas jersey but abuse the 90lb guy there with his girlfriend. Very chicken crap.


Nikola Tesla
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The Phithy fans are punks. Go with a couple people, not your girlfriend and don’t be 120lbs and you’ll be fine. They like the little guy there with his kid or girl then they abuse them. My buddy went there by himself a year ago sat there with his Jags jersey and no one said a word to him. He is a big dude 6’6 270. I was texting him saying I bet no one is bothering you, he said its like I’m invisible. Same when I go to giants stadium, they will ignore me in my dallas jersey but abuse the 90lb guy there with his girlfriend. Very chicken crap.

Hell im bout 130 pounds but i got this big thing on my hip. I aint worried about nothing. My lil sis goes to school in philly btw.


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I don’t think any of the philly stereotypical fan stuff is relevant anymore.

The tickets at the stadium are expensive Ike the rest of the nfc east. There are not more 7 dollar seats. You can’t behave like they used to.

Brad, Babe and kristi have commented on how tame the stadium is since it opened.


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I'm going to Philly next season, and I'm DEFINITELY wearing my Cowboys gear. Don't act stupid, and you don't have any problems. That goes for every stadium, including ours.

You won’t have any problems. Chances are you will find a bunch of people who enjoy breaking balls and it will just be jokes.


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I went to a Skins v Eagles game in the old Veterans a Cowboys fan. The section I was in was about 50:50 Eagles and Skins. Was ok only because I was a guest of an Eagles fan. Interesting experience.


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Fans are being warned against potential problems. I think the parking lot could be worse than inside.

This certainly isn't a surprise to us.

I can't believe they are letting them wear those stupid dog masks. I would think that would be a security risk since you can't identify anybody.

I hope Minnesota puts it to them, at this point, the Eagles losing is my biggest rooting interest in the playoffs.

This is funny I actually went to an Eagle Viking in Philly game in the 90's when the eagles had that great defense. My friend was a Viking fan. At one point he dared me and I yelled really loud "COWBOYS!!!!!" and no one did anything. Just dont get personal with people, dont get in their face, Philly fans arent going to just attack people because of who they root for. Thats overblown.


Well-Known Member
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I'm going to Philly next season, and I'm DEFINITELY wearing my Cowboys gear. Don't act stupid, and you don't have any problems. That goes for every stadium, including ours.
I live near philly and go to the cowboys game most years.....have my tickets away this year....cold and bad game...

I wouldnt downplay the potential for violence. Before the game you will get heckled. But if you take it in stride you will be fine...

But if the eagles lose you may have a drunk idiot take a shot at you after the game.
I personally would never wear cowboys gear or bring my kids. Not worth the risk. Life is too short and valuable to put up with some losers temper.


Well-Known Member
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I'm going to Philly next season, and I'm DEFINITELY wearing my Cowboys gear. Don't act stupid, and you don't have any problems. That goes for every stadium, including ours.
Not true at all. I wore my cowboys gear and had footballs thrown at me and was told to leave at halftime being threatened to be stabbed. I didn’t say a word or start any problems


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The Vikings fans have heard all of the same stuff we've heard over the years and going into any other stadium wearing your colors is walking down the dark alley, including ATT where they've had some problems. But if one is aware they're on another's turf, it pays to act accordingly and not invite a problem. But that doesn't mean something won't happen.

I have not seen any evidence to support the claim that the Eagles fans are the most dangerous to visitors. I've heard of altercations outside most stadiums and most of the time there is alcohol involved. I am an imbiber so I like my cocktails but I think if you are going to have something considered a family event, alcohol should not be served. The main purpose selling beer provides is the opportunity so point out to your kids how too much alcohol makes people stupid.

The NFL is image conscious and very aware of the Philly image as well. The last thing Lurie or the league wants is negative publicity at a showcase event. I would imagine the security will be evident to all of the attendees.

That said, if PHL loses and it is controversial, I would not want to be walking to my vehicle wearing purple.


Well-Known Member
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I'm going to Philly next season, and I'm DEFINITELY wearing my Cowboys gear. Don't act stupid, and you don't have any problems. That goes for every stadium, including ours.
It makes me nauseous liking your post but I actually agree with you for once. I’ve been to a Cowboys game and seen fans of rival teams minding their own business but were constantly harassed to the point of near fights. This went on everywhere from the parking lot to bathrooms to beer lines. At first I thought it was an isolated occasion but I saw it at least two games I went to. I was embarrassed as a Cowboys fan. I understand there’s good and bad fans for every team but it is every team.

Granted, it wasn’t at a game but I was at a few bars in Philly during football season a few years ago and everyone I met who found out I was from TX and a Cowboys fan actually bought myself and my wife a beer. Again, maybe I just got lucky but they’re not all bad and it happens everywhere.

Ironic part was when we were leaving to go to the airport, I opened the Uber door and the guys car was decked out in Cowboys gear. Steering wheel covers, seat covers, floor mats, etc. I couldn’t believe it and asked if he had a death wish. He laughed it off and said he’s never had any problems.

Also, from my understanding the Eagles and Giants fans hate each other more then either one of them hate us since they live in such close proximity together and often work with each other, commute with each other, etc.


Taco Engineer
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The Vikings fans have heard all of the same stuff we've heard over the years and going into any other stadium wearing your colors is walking down the dark alley, including ATT where they've had some problems. But if one is aware they're on another's turf, it pays to act accordingly and not invite a problem. But that doesn't mean something won't happen.

I have not seen any evidence to support the claim that the Eagles fans are the most dangerous to visitors. I've heard of altercations outside most stadiums and most of the time there is alcohol involved. I am an imbiber so I like my cocktails but I think if you are going to have something considered a family event, alcohol should not be served. The main purpose selling beer provides is the opportunity so point out to your kids how too much alcohol makes people stupid.

The NFL is image conscious and very aware of the Philly image as well. The last thing Lurie or the league wants is negative publicity at a showcase event. I would imagine the security will be evident to all of the attendees.

That said, if PHL loses and it is controversial, I would not want to be walking to my vehicle wearing purple.
I've been to Philly games, it's not that bad.


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Not true at all. I wore my cowboys gear and had footballs thrown at me and was told to leave at halftime being threatened to be stabbed. I didn’t say a word or start any problems
Seen it happen at AT&T as well, more than once. It happens everywhere. Based on our prior conversations I’d probably throw footballs at you too :lmao:


Well-Known Member
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The Phithy fans are punks. Go with a couple people, not your girlfriend and don’t be 120lbs and you’ll be fine. They like the little guy there with his kid or girl then they abuse them. My buddy went there by himself a year ago sat there with his Jags jersey and no one said a word to him. He is a big dude 6’6 270. I was texting him saying I bet no one is bothering you, he said its like I’m invisible. Same when I go to giants stadium, they will ignore me in my dallas jersey but abuse the 90lb guy there with his girlfriend. Very chicken crap.
Exactly like animals they only pick on what they perceive as weak and easy targets.


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I've been to a number of Eagles games both at the vet and the linc, do yourself a favor and leave the colors at home. I was there 3 years ago during our great playoff December run. We were sitting in a corporate box that had a couple of outdoor rows and we witnessed Cowboys fans in the field level seats below getting consistently hit with food cups and general garbage. The walk to the parking lot was even worse, those people are animals and proud of it. You can't fight what you can't see coming at you and nobody will help. We've found the Holiday Inn parking lot to be generally safe and an easier egress than the stadium lots.

We followed 2 guys for the short walk from the lot to the stadium and watched them down a fifth of bourbon between them shouting to no one in particular, "kill Cowboys fans", with the green war paint It felt like a bad version of Braveheart.


Well-Known Member
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I'm going to Philly next season, and I'm DEFINITELY wearing my Cowboys gear. Don't act stupid, and you don't have any problems. That goes for every stadium, including ours.
I'm from Philly. Living here is terrible during the season. I would say this, if you are going to the game and wearing a jersey expect trash talk to come your way. Depending on the time of the game it could be worst. The later the game, the more drunk, stupid and obnoxious it will get. If you talk trash, expect it 10x worst back at you. Possibly becoming physical. I agree, every team has dumb fans that take things a little too far, but Philly has elevated it an art form. Especially now that they are good team.