Video: Why Dak Prescott is Actually the Most Accurate QB in the NFL | NFL Network

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Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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You have to consider some things..Jerry loves to be in the perception of the risk taker.. He was suppressed on the martin pick by Stephen and Garrett and it was proven to be the right pick. STEPHEN does the pick if Jerry wants to get outside the box for risks...I smell his work on Jaylon, which i was against, This year we see if that reach pays dividends..

I also smell jerry on Dlaw, Gregory, Dlaw maybe one of the better risks of Jerry but Mcclay was the one who brought him..Mcclay brings the meat, and im sure his opinion highly respected but i dont relate the actual picks to him..Im sure he has politicd numerous times..

STEPHEN to me is a less risky Jerry but he has made some bad moves on his own..The lack of a back up qb he took responsibility in offseason 2016, also you be sure the first moves in FA were to shore up depth in the oline and the eventual release of Green..OVERALL i think Stephen a better buffer for Jerry but his moves are the ones that cost us last year..I realize they didnt anticipate Free retiring, but Leary was a known, and they fumbled!

I agree that they fumbled on Leary, but I don't think we know who all fumbled.

Certainly, Jerry and Stephen working as the tandem GM and making decisions about who to keep and who to let go. Probably also McClay as the personnel man in not making it clear to them that trying to replace him with Green or low-cost free agents was a bad idea. And likely, Garrett, Linehan and Pollack for not making it clear that Leary was a vital part of the team's success in 2016.

Now, maybe McClay, Garrett, Linehan and Pollack all stood on the table for Leary, but we don't know that so it's easier to blame the Joneses, even if it's not accurate.

I'm an advocate of removing the Joneses from the equation by leaving talent acquisition and decisions up to others, but even with the Joneses involved, it's been made clear since at least the Parcells days that it's a group effort. So when a bad move happens, the group is to blame, and when a good thing takes place, the entire group deserves the credit.


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And Dak was rated #1 in the league in doing it?

Can't ask for more money than that.

Okay...let's see. All those fantastic stats and we are a middle of the pack team. Yep, all those stats sure lead to SB's now don't they.
HOF QB's are judged by SB's not stats.


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I'm really glad he's here, and I'm excited about watching where he goes from here.

But I'm not going to pretend I've seen NFL-caliber throws when I simply haven't yet. He can throw on the run well. Check. He can throw deep down the sideline pretty well. Check. he can throws 5-yard hook routes and out routes. Check. However, he can't sit in the pocket, go through reads, and throw in to windows down the middle of the field with any regularity. Until we see that, he's just an average quarterback at best.
That is exactly what I see too! That's why his 3rd down completion rate when it's 7 or more yards it seems like he struggles. My other issue is every QB has a couple bad games but Dak has had 8 straight bad games. And we're going to see if that continues into this season.


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I'll just say this...Brady, Brees and Rogers are not evaluated by stats these days...they are evaluated by leading their teams to the playoffs and getting to SB's... just saying.

YOU mean the Team of the officiating angel Green Bay? Lol..Thats already been proven out by the Nfl..Lol


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more like terrified with pressure. He's very reluctant to step up in the pocket and when he does and gets pressured he accuracy get's worse.

Dak has some major errors in his throwing style. He has to wind up to throw it 30 yards and is really slow at getting the ball out of his hands. Romo and Rogers can get that ball out in a zip...Dak not so much.


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YOU mean the Team of the officiating angel Green Bay? Lol..Thats already been proven out by the Nfl..Lol

You and I both know that the NY office is not going to let Jerry get to another SB as long as he's alive. The Commish has seen to that.


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I agree that they fumbled on Leary, but I don't think we know who all fumbled.

Certainly, Jerry and Stephen working as the tandem GM and making decisions about who to keep and who to let go. Probably also McClay as the personnel man in not making it clear to them that trying to replace him with Green or low-cost free agents was a bad idea. And likely, Garrett, Linehan and Pollack for not making it clear that Leary was a vital part of the team's success in 2016.

Now, maybe McClay, Garrett, Linehan and Pollack all stood on the table for Leary, but we don't know that so it's easier to blame the Joneses, even if it's not accurate.

I'm an advocate of removing the Joneses from the equation by leaving talent acquisition and decisions up to others, but even with the Joneses involved, it's been made clear since at least the Parcells days that it's a group effort. So when a bad move happens, the group is to blame, and when a good thing takes place, the entire group deserves the credit.

i think its plain as day..In fact i think some of Linehans flat stubborn actions last year kind of Prove it. Linehan and Garrett are mostlly the get me the players i need for the scheme and we will be successful. THEY had Green shoved down their throat, and i saw a potentially internal beef about it..Make no mistake Green was the reason for a crappy running game early, and the passing game destruction..Lack of a swing tackle or depth right at Stephens feet..Im sure Garrett and Linehan screamed loud....


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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I was there watching every game. I Actually got good tape with backfield views from offense and defense. I knew where the issues were pretty quickly, along with seeing Daks lapses in accuracy on short touch passes, and throwing out of the pocket in 2016..So I was not shocked, only shocked as to why more people didnt see the global picture..You want a nice easy package for your blame, i want to fix the right issues and see the potential he showed in 2016. EITHER WAY, 22-10 is not a bad consulation prize sport!!

His issues are MANY and can't be fixed at 25 ..... maybe if he was still in High School or College.....QB are born not trained....or else we would have a league full of Tom Brady's......we're wasting another season with inept Dak at the helm oh well what else is new in Jerry's world....


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And this will come off as insulting to some, but frankly, I don't trust people who have watched Prescott (or any player for that matter) that have a clear bias likely before even viewing the tape.

I'm not trying to insult people, but pointing out the few missed throws, while trying to ignore his total numbers is an exercise in futility and doesn't paint anyone in a good, informed, light.

We all know he missed some throws, we also know that they all do.


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Okay...let's see. All those fantastic stats and we are a middle of the pack team. Yep, all those stats sure lead to SB's now don't they.
HOF QB's are judged by SB's not stats.

So you now want to turn to the "one man team" argument? Trust me, it won't make your case look any better.

I thought you were resigned to "agree to disagree"?


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You and I both know that the NY office is not going to let Jerry get to another SB as long as he's alive. The Commish has seen to that.

Green bay though both games are the worst examples of officiating i have seen in the last five years of playoff football..That and Deflate sure there is more, but Green bay being Penalized three times total in that game in 2016....Highway robbery...Especially in the first half..I realize good teams overcome bad officiating but stacked officiating is a whole diff animal..The ruling on the Dez catch earlier this year was just another example!


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In the Atlanta game near the end Aikman said, " Prescott doesn't help his offensive line out any by not sliding up in the pocket. He had a nice pocket to slide up into." No pocket awareness or very bad awareness is one of his major problems, even in college he had this problem. It has been pointed out in his scouting reports too.


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His issues are MANY and can't be fixed at 25 ..... maybe if he was still in High School or College.....QB are born not trained....or else we would have a league full of Tom Brady's......we're wasting another season with inept Dak at the helm oh well what else is new in Jerry's world....

I disagree, However you probly one if the fans screaming to stay with Dak in 2016...In other words you like new car smell..Develop the potential, and realize its a team sport with very few quick fixes. I CANT believe we are having this discussion with a 13-3 and a 9-7 season..Ive seen alot worse seasons or two since 1970...Perspective...Do you use it?


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In the Atlanta game near the end Aikman said, " Prescott doesn't help his offensive line out any by not sliding up in the pocket. He had a nice pocket to slide up into." No pocket awareness or very bad awareness is one of his major problems, even in college he had this problem. It has been pointed out in his scouting reports too.

YEA Troy was in the Booth at the Greenbay playoff game when the refs were screwing the Cowboys, and the catch game. He gets paid to be a Cowboy hater these days..I love troy when he played..DAK has better stats than Troy did his first two!


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33,801 had an awful team and the other had a very good team where he only had to hand the ball off to one of the best RB and throw his amazing 5 yard safe passes.. :lmao:

what's next saying Garrett is better than Landry......:muttley:


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In the Atlanta game near the end Aikman said, " Prescott doesn't help his offensive line out any by not sliding up in the pocket. He had a nice pocket to slide up into." No pocket awareness or very bad awareness is one of his major problems, even in college he had this problem. It has been pointed out in his scouting reports too.

You just made my point.. You are trying to hard bro..You cant troll me or CLOWN me...What team are you a fan of?


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1,036 had an awful team and the other had a very good team where he only had to hand the ball off to one of the best RB and throw his amazing 5 yard safe passes.. :lmao:

what's next saying Garrett is better than Landry......:muttley:

I DOUBT Troy Said that but if he did, then he forgot what he went through and he should know what was going on there....You probly do as well..Move along..


Cowboys 24/7/365
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It is time to start singing an old Tom Cruise hit when Prescott threads began venturing down nonsensical Aikman bashing.

Highway to the Drama Zone!
Ride into... the Drama Zoooooone!


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I DOUBT Troy Said that but if he did, then he forgot what he went through and he should know what was going on there....You probly do as well..Move along..

Dak Prescott is the BEST Cowboy QB ever!!!!!
Troy couldn't hold his Jock strap baby.....Dak is GOD....!!!!!

Wake me up when Dak hits the bench!!!!!

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