Should a RB, including Zeke on Sunday, be called for lowering their head to initiate contact?


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Of course not!!! A RB naturally lowers his head just before contact. A RB will lower his head to protect himself( his knees, etc.) and to get lower than the defender. Low man wins in football. What is a RB suppose to do just before contact, stay high so the defender can get lower and drive him backwards. Also, on the Zek play both players lowered their heads. Zek did not initiate contact anymore than the defender.
Zek was penalized because he ran the other guy over because of his momentum and power. Terrible call!!
Yes they should. The NFL and THE PLAYERS UNION wants player safety. That needs to be eliminated. Using the helmet in that fashion needs to be eliminated.


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Hey Troll has their ever been a call the refs got wrong against us?
Please give us some examples of plays where we got hurt by the refs blowing the call..
He did admit one call was bad against us last game. However, he then disqualified his admission by saying we actually got a “net gain” (his new term when we ge has to admit a bad call went against us)out of the terrible call. see troll post 4th one down

You’ve got it right. This guy is a classic troll. Here to agitate. I don’t mind because he’s such an idiot and I made him realize that. Other than his pick em thread he literally only comments on how the refs are always right in Cowboys games. He was the only person on earth to defend the Eagle’s hold on Wilson in tbe first game. Yes. He really did that.

Don’t be too mean or he’ll cry to the mods. I made him ignore me by calling out his bs and providing proof of his inconsistencies and laughable conclusions which I don’t believe he believes. I still enjoy calling him out when possible because he seems like a genuine little *****.
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You can argue the point about whether it should have been called since it hasn't been enforced in general but if you actually look at the video, Zeke pretty much targeted that DB to run him over by turning back towards him instead of running straight like he had been or just running out of bounds with the first down. He got himself hurt on the play too so he simply needs to stop doing it. He probably got flagged because it was unnecessary.

He already had the first down probably should have just ran out of bounds. No need to take a hit there. Only bad things could happen like the ball popping out on him getting hurt.


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Only in the last few decades as they made the helmets "safer", have players lowered their heads to use as battering rams. When they were plastic with a bit of foam rubber, or worse, only an idiot would go head first that way. It's a false sense of security that leads to concussions.

My complaint is less about the rule and more about inconsistent application of it. I hadn't seen it called all season until Sunday.
What about the Earl Campbell runs in the 70’s-80’s?

We all agree(except one moron) that the application is clearly inconsistent with Zeke getting tbe first one. Ever?


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Maybe somebody could point to another RB this has been called on..?? I'll wait.

Personally, I think it was a BS call, right up there with the "snap infraction" a few weeks back. Another call where, I'd love for someone to show me the last time that was called.....

We sure have a knack for getting called for the most obscure "penalties", that no other team seems to get called for......


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You can argue the point about whether it should have been called since it hasn't been enforced in general but if you actually look at the video, Zeke pretty much targeted that DB to run him over by turning back towards him instead of running straight like he had been or just running out of bounds with the first down. He got himself hurt on the play too so he simply needs to stop doing it. He probably got flagged because it was unnecessary.

Have you ever ran at someone and got hit? That DB gets a low shot at the legs of Zeke if Zeke continues a straight path. I'm only going to assume Zeke takes the guy head on because that's the best way he can protect his legs with another defender on him as well.


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Maybe somebody could point to another RB this has been called on..?? I'll wait.

Personally, I think it was a BS call, right up there with the "snap infraction" a few weeks back. Another call where, I'd love for someone to show me the last time that was called.....

We sure have a knack for getting called for the most obscure "penalties", that no other team seems to get called for......
Better watch out, someone will be looking for you on here with those questions.


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You can argue the point about whether it should have been called since it hasn't been enforced in general but if you actually look at the video, Zeke pretty much targeted that DB to run him over by turning back towards him instead of running straight like he had been or just running out of bounds with the first down. He got himself hurt on the play too so he simply needs to stop doing it. He probably got flagged because it was unnecessary.


Exactly. This is one of these obvious ones. I don't think there could be a clearer play of what the NFL was trying to prevent with this rule.

"Got pushed down" - you people crack me up - it's like your eyes don't work!

This is the poster boy for the rule!

And the end result was Zeke got hurt - which is why the NFL instituted the rule!


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Exactly. This is one of these obvious ones. I don't think there could be a clearer play of what the NFL was trying to prevent with this rule.

"Got pushed down" - you people crack me up - it's like your eyes don't work!

This is the poster boy for the rule!

And the end result was Zeke got hurt - which is why the NFL instituted the rule!
I get what you are saying but did the tackler not lead with his helmet?
Zeke was doing what offensive players do, running towards the direction of the end zone. He didn’t turn to initiate contact. The DB dove at Zeke head first.

I know what they are trying to do and maybe it’s the rule in general that sucks. But I can’t ignore that the DB dove helmet first also.

I don’t like these helmet rules in general. I believe targeting defenseless players with your helmet is what we should be trying to eliminate. Not 2 fast moving guys who hit heads. Zeke couldn’t know this DBs head would be there. It’s too fast and too many moving parts.


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I get what you are saying but did the tackler not lead with his helmet?
Zeke was doing what offensive players do, running towards the direction of the end zone. He didn’t turn to initiate contact. The DB dove at Zeke head first.

I know what they are trying to do and maybe it’s the rule in general that sucks. But I can’t ignore that the DB dove helmet first also.

I don’t like these helmet rules in general. I believe targeting defenseless players with your helmet is what we should be trying to eliminate. Not 2 fast moving guys who hit heads. Zeke couldn’t know this DBs head would be there. It’s too fast and too many moving parts.

Not really arguing the merits of the rule or the fact that the defender may have led as well. Just saying this is what the NFL is trying to regulate and I think it is probably one of the clearest examples of what they seek to get rid of.


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I agree! Zeke turned into the guy to blast him, and SHOULD have been flagged. Had he lowered his head and just gone straight—THEN a flag was not the right call. Plus, he’s dumb to endanger himself, IMO. He had the first down. Just fall forward or go out of bounds!
Wow...what has the NFL come to that a fan would say this and feel justified?

Yes, the offensive player should just let himself get destroyed by defenders. No more defending yourself. Endanger


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Yes. These guys brains are turning to mush. I don’t like it but if a RB spears someone like that helmet to helmet it needs to be called.


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I think he was trying to stay in bounds not turning to hit the tackler... But maybe I just see it differently...

He was in bounds already and guaranteed himself the first down. It was a bravado moment, which we all do from time to time, but in a violent game just get what you can like Emmitt used to and live to fight another day. If Zeke goes down, we are just about done.


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Wow...what has the NFL come to that a fan would say this and feel justified?

Yes, the offensive player should just let himself get destroyed by defenders. No more defending yourself. Endanger

I don't know - maybe care a bit about the players lives after football - that's all.

Other than that, Zeke had the first down and could have easily gone out of bounds before contact. That is what smart RB's and players do!

Emmitt did it his whole career to the NFL all time leading rusher!


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The angle during the game looked like he was pushed into the other guy. This was not intentional regardless of angle. I'm not being biased this time.

Not intentional? I thought the guy pushing him had an effect too at first, but this angle shows that he really didn't affect things at all especially since he was pushing in the opposite direction Zeke was running.


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What I see in that video is a RB who recognizes 2 defenders coming at him from from different angles, and he puts his head down, and brings his arms in tight around the ball to protect it when he gets hit. Every RB in the league does the exact same thing. Not sure what else he was supposed to do as a ball carrier in that situation. It was a b.s. call.

He couldn't run out of bounds with the first down?


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Hey Troll has their ever been a call the refs got wrong against us?
Please give us some examples of plays where we got hurt by the refs blowing the call..

Not going to debate the actual play and just piss and moan yet again? And you think I have an M.O.?


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It’s a terrible rule. Running backs grow up and it’s also natural for them to want to initiate contact in certain situations so they can 1. Get extra yardage and 2. Protect themselves.

On the play in question Zeke knew the defender was going to nail him. Sometimes the best way to counter act that is to get low and initiate contact.

It’s not an attempt to hurt anyone by the running back. But their only other choice is to leave themselves wide open and then take a full shot to their chest or ribs or wherever the defender wants to hit. Which also isn’t safe for the runner.

So, I think the rule is terrible. And it’s also BS that Zeke is the first player called for it. Because I see that stuff happen every game. Which is also another reason the rule is terrible because running backs just naturally do that as part of their running.

Others are saying he didn't initiate contact. But he had a guaranteed first down and limited damage if he just gets out of bounds. If he takes a hit then maybe he gets another 15 yards by penalty. He tried to out-man the DB and got himself hurt. Like I said, you can definitely debate the merits of the call but I say preserve yourself because he is of utmost importance to this team.