Give the money to Foles


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What's it ranked with a legit number 1 receiver

Thing is that even if the Cowboys come out next season, with a top 10 passing offense. You know that Dak Doubters, will just say that is all because of Cooper and Gallup. Or that it's all Zeke, if the Cowboys end up being in the top 10 on any offensive category, next season. Just like they do with Cooper and the YAC thing to take away credit from Dak, even though all QBs stats are assisted by their WRs picking up yards after the catch.

Dak Doubters can find anything that Dak does while, where they won't try to discredit Dak and give all of the other players credit for it. While they will give full credit to the QB they support. Just like the case with Wentz, where he had a team so good, that they won the Superbowl without him this season and went to the divisional round without him this season. But, is propped up as "elite" or on the way to being elite and his supporters boast about his MVP season in 2017. While crediting any success that Dak has had, completely to the Zeke and the Supporting cast.

The constant double standards with Dak is mind boggling.


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Dak, still gets blamed, even in games where the WR has dropped balls that hit them right in the hands or dropped balls that could have extended drives or changed the outlook of a game. Could also point out, how that there were balls dropped by a TE/WR that hit them right in the hands in the loss on Saturday to the Rams. Yet, some will still focus on the other throws that Dak didn't make to give him all of the blame.

While, they can blame the WR/other players, when it comes to excusing the QB that they support. So, in support of Foles, they'll focus on Jefferey dropping the ball, instead of focusing on all of the missed throws and failed drives that Foles lead, which prevented the Eagles from putting up more points, for 3 quarters. Foles had time, before the last drive to put the Saints away and didn't do it. Dak got criticized for not scoring more on the Saints. Yet, Foles is supposed to get a free pass for it, just because some support him and want him as the Cowboys QB.

Double Standards, depending on which QB they support and think is great and which QB they don't like and think is bad. With Dak they will focus on the throws he missed and not mention the balls the WRs dropped. With Foles or any other QB they support they can focus on what the WR did wrong, in order to shift the blame. Instead of mentioning the throws that Foles missed.

Also, the same ones, who complain about how Dak Supporters, put the blame on other players, for losses and for the team not accomplishing certain goals or winning games. Have no problems shifting the blame to the other players, coaches, and whatever else, when it comes to explaining away why the QB they believe is great, lost a game or didn't accomplish certain goals.
You are 100 percent right in everything you just said. Great job. Wish more would use facts, like yourself, indeed of pushing an agenda.


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Thing is that even if the Cowboys come out next season, with a top 10 passing offense. You know that Dak Doubters, will just say that is all because of Cooper and Gallup. Or that it's all Zeke, if the Cowboys end up being in the top 10 on any offensive category, next season. Just like they do with Cooper and the YAC thing to take away credit from Dak, even though all QBs stats are assisted by their WRs picking up yards after the catch.

Dak Doubters can find anything that Dak does while, where they won't try to discredit Dak and give all of the other players credit for it. While they will give full credit to the QB they support. Just like the case with Wentz, where he had a team so good, that they won the Superbowl without him this season and went to the divisional round without him this season. But, is propped up as "elite" or on the way to being elite and his supporters boast about his MVP season in 2017. While crediting any success that Dak has had, completely to the Zeke and the Supporting cast.

The constant double standards with Dak is mind boggling.
You're right. People have to try and look at the first half of this season to say Dak was bad but don't want to use the first half of last season when he was on pace with Watson and was ahead of Wentz until a game or two before the KC game. Look at Daks stats this season when he got Cooper....... He is top 10 on most stats and top 3 on others.


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Jerry do not invest in Dak!!!!
You and all Cowboys fans will get more for the buck giving that new 20+ million contract picking up a Proven talented QB esp come playoff time in Mr. Foles.
Giving a franchise contract waiting for Dak to grow (Not going to happen lacks the Talent) is gonna be Jerry biggest mistake since the Jimmy divorce.....
Picking up Foles or any other more qualified QB will go a long way bringing this young team of ours to Glory land......

P.S. All I saw yesterday was a replay of the Green Bay playoff loss of 2 years ago as ......Dak could not make the plays when needed in a shootout game!!!!

ROFLMAO!! A shoot out you say??? HAR HAR buddy hey buddy WAKE UP!!! whew that was close you almost landed in a drunken comatose state there... Stat wise, Dak out played Goff, it was NO shootout ole boy, that right there was a genus coaching, knowing exactly what play to give your lack luster QB AKA Jared Goff once we set the D...they RAN over us ole boy, 270+ yds on the ground. Remind me again, just what game you speak of in this "shoot out"?


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ROFLMAO!! A shoot out you say??? HAR HAR buddy hey buddy WAKE UP!!! whew that was close you almost landed in a drunken comatose state there... Stat wise, Dak out played Goff, it was NO shootout ole boy, that right there was a genus coaching, knowing exactly what play to give your lack luster QB AKA Jared Goff once we set the D...they RAN over us ole boy, 270+ yds on the ground. Remind me again, just what game you speak of in this "shoot out"?
You didn't know that Goffs 15 of 28 for a 100 and something yards is special. That's a real shoot out if I ever saw one.


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You are 100 percent right in everything you just said. Great job. Wish more would use facts, like yourself, indeed of pushing an agenda.
Guys, go rehash pappydogs post... he utterly HATES Dak rhyme or reason, just simple hate. We all know Dak played a damn good game given our D couldn't stop a knat from rolling a BB downhill on Saturday... but to pappy, THAT's Daks fault. Don't waste the time...


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Guys, go rehash pappydogs post... he utterly HATES Dak rhyme or reason, just simple hate. We all know Dak played a damn good game given our D couldn't stop a knat from rolling a BB downhill on Saturday... but to pappy, THAT's Daks fault. Don't waste the time...
I have seen so many post from pappy and a few others. They just don't want to look at facts. That had an agenda and narrative they most keep pushing at all cost. The entire inaccurate myth has already been debunked but they are still at it. It's childish, foolish and silly


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I have seen so many post from pappy and a few others. They just don't want to look at facts. That had an agenda and narrative they most keep pushing at all cost. The entire inaccurate myth has already been debunked but they are still at it. It's childish, foolish and silly
Well, and sheeeeesh keep this between just us and a fence post ok Irvin,,,, but it's being rumored Pappy is actually...wait for it A SKINS FAN!


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I know ..right. but for the love of god, for it to come out now, at this time hes a true, died in wool Skins fan.... YUCK!
Haha. Maybe that's why he really hates Dak because he has owned the division including 2 sweeps against the Commanders and 5-1 overall


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Thing is that even if the Cowboys come out next season, with a top 10 passing offense. You know that Dak Doubters, will just say that is all because of Cooper and Gallup. Or that it's all Zeke, if the Cowboys end up being in the top 10 on any offensive category, next season. Just like they do with Cooper and the YAC thing to take away credit from Dak, even though all QBs stats are assisted by their WRs picking up yards after the catch.

Dak Doubters can find anything that Dak does while, where they won't try to discredit Dak and give all of the other players credit for it. While they will give full credit to the QB they support. Just like the case with Wentz, where he had a team so good, that they won the Superbowl without him this season and went to the divisional round without him this season. But, is propped up as "elite" or on the way to being elite and his supporters boast about his MVP season in 2017. While crediting any success that Dak has had, completely to the Zeke and the Supporting cast.

The constant double standards with Dak is mind boggling.
First where is the double standard at? Point it out with proof because saying something doesn't make it true. Secondly Dak homers can find anything and put a positive spin on it so you're mad folks don't agree with you? Why are some of y'all on both sides so insecure that y'all have to be right? Why can't y'all hype Dak up and folks like me say he's avg or some say he's worse and let it be that. Y'all can hype him up as something he's not and I'll keep saying he's avg. What's the harm in that without either side using cheap emotional techniques I expect from girls who are mad at me not men defending another man.


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First where is the double standard at? Point it out with proof because saying something doesn't make it true. Secondly Dak homers can find anything and put a positive spin on it so you're mad folks don't agree with you? Why are some of y'all on both sides so insecure that y'all have to be right? Why can't y'all hype Dak up and folks like me say he's avg or some say he's worse and let it be that. Y'all can hype him up as something he's not and I'll keep saying he's avg. What's the harm in that without either side using cheap emotional techniques I expect from girls who are mad at me not men defending another man.

Double standards are in giving the Benefit of the doubts to one QB, where it wouldn't be given to Dak. All based on which QB one does or does not support. Dak get criticized in his game against the Saints, for not scoring more in the 2nd half. And Foles didn't score against them, after the 1st quarter. But, because some support Foles, then they will just point out how Jefferey dropped the ball for the INT, even though Foles had chances on drives before then to put more points on the board. But, Dak has gotten criticized this season, multiple times for not putting up more points.

Double Standards are in whether or not a fan is going to hold all QBs to the same standards, or create different rules based off of which QB they support or don't support.

Not everyone has to believe that Dak is the future of the Cowboys. And some can even raise valid criticism of him. I don't hype Dak up to be elite or anything like that. I don't think he is as bad as some make him out to be. And the hate is gets goes overboard and over the top. To the point of blaming him for things not even his fault. Like blaming him for the "In the Grasp" play, using that play to say he "panics in the pocket." The hatred of Dak, from some is getting to a overboard level. The amount of anger and resentment some have towards him, I don't get.


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Double standards are in giving the Benefit of the doubts to one QB, where it wouldn't be given to Dak. All based on which QB one does or does not support. Dak get criticized in his game against the Saints, for not scoring more in the 2nd half. And Foles didn't score against them, after the 1st quarter. But, because some support Foles, then they will just point out how Jefferey dropped the ball for the INT, even though Foles had chances on drives before then to put more points on the board. But, Dak has gotten criticized this season, multiple times for not putting up more points.

Double Standards are in whether or not a fan is going to hold all QBs to the same standards, or create different rules based off of which QB they support or don't support.

Not everyone has to believe that Dak is the future of the Cowboys. And some can even raise valid criticism of him. I don't hype Dak up to be elite or anything like that. I don't think he is as bad as some make him out to be. And the hate is gets goes overboard and over the top. To the point of blaming him for things not even his fault. Like blaming him for the "In the Grasp" play, using that play to say he "panics in the pocket." The hatred of Dak, from some is getting to a overboard level. The amount of anger and resentment some have towards him, I don't get.
I hate the lazy well Foles or anybody else does it too narrative. I don't give a expletive because they don't play for the Cowboys. When they do I'll be crapping on them too. Then what about the posters who are down the line fair it will be some other whining about why Dak getting picked on. Dude is avg and if you think he's more than that that's cool too. The lazy y'all don't say this about so and so is so high school age stuff it's not funny. I'm sure most don't say it because like me they don't play for the Boys. Now for the small amount that are bias I agree they shouldn't be but I seriously doubt thats most being bias in that way.


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Dak, still gets blamed, even in games where the WR has dropped balls that hit them right in the hands or dropped balls that could have extended drives or changed the outlook of a game. .

And yet, Dak still gets huge amounts of credit from the likes of you for being "clutch", when LB drop balls that hit them right in the hands, that could have changed the outlook of a game, as in the giftwrapped Pick 6 served up against Seattle that got dropped.

Not to be outdone, he served up another easy TD to Ebukam last week. Dropped again. Guy has 9 lives

I remember more TD catches being dropped by the opposing defense the last 2 weeks, than I do "good" passes being dropped by our receivers.
Ask Gallup about the huge gain that was left on the field when he was wide open coming out of his break and the ball sailed about 4 feet behind him.


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I haven't insulted you but what I have done is called out your nonsense bs because you refuse to look at facts and would rather push that agenda instead.

Right. If I don't agree with you--I have a non factual agenda.

Brilliant discourse. Any actual examples of "facts" I've ignored in this scintillating tit for tat?


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And yet, Dak still gets huge amounts of credit from the likes of you for being "clutch", when LB drop balls that hit them right in the hands, that could have changed the outlook of a game, as in the giftwrapped Pick 6 served up against Seattle that got dropped.

Not to be outdone, he served up another easy TD to Ebukam last week. Dropped again. Guy has 9 lives

I remember more TD catches being dropped by the opposing defense the last 2 weeks, than I do "good" passes being dropped by our receivers.
Ask Gallup about the huge gain that was left on the field when he was wide open coming out of his break and the ball sailed about 4 feet behind him.

Dak threw an "almost INT" on Saturday. Where as Foles threw an actual INT, that turned the tide of a game, where the Eagles were beating the Saints 14-0. And that Foles INT, was the start of the momentum shifting over to the Saints side. Since this is about giving Foles money, then we can compare Dak's almost INTs, to the almost INTs Foles has thrown in his career, where the defender dropped it.

And can especially compare Dak's almost INT to Foles first one against the Saints. Because after that, Foles wasn't able to put any points on the scoreboard. Foles also threw an INT in the endzone, against the Bears and needed the Bears to miss a FG, to help overcome that mistake.