The NFL is headed for no salary cap


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not going to happen
The cap was put in by the owners to keep themselves from having bidding wars. With no cap that qb would go shopping with his 120m offer and maybe get 150-200m. No cap will bring us back to the old days of bigger towns having the better teams. NY, Dallas, SF, Seattle will make Green Bay, KC, AZ, Cinn second rate teams or worse.
With no cap the salaries would actually explode higher from these levels

These contacts are based off a % of the teams salary pool .I agree the amounts are ridiculously high but if u keep putting up with more commercials, high ticket/parking prices, and keep on buying comically priced nfl gear the salary pools will keep going higher. I hate the commercial after the kickoff but if we keep putting up with it they will only get worse -maybe go to a commercial after every play.


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With today's QBs making $120 million plus, teams can't afford to surround their stars with talent. These billionaires will have to go back to the old days and outselling your opponent. Lucky for us....our owner is a master.
I doubt if that happens. the NFL wanted parity and that's exactly what they got with the salary cap. they also don't want out of control spending by a few.. what they might do is create some kind of salary exemption for QB position. not sure what it would be like, perhaps, regardless of cost put a percentage total against the cap for your QB salary regardless of the amount, so if its over that percentage, it won't count. its a QB driven league. they are the stars of the show.


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The NFL will never be salary cap free unless under special circumstances like in transition from one CBA to another. The OP is on crack or smoking dope and just wanted to say something provocative.


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O don't think that the fact that small market yes being able to win helps get more viewers at all. I actually think it's the opposite. The game was never more popular than when U had big dogs ruling. I also think viewership of playoffs and superbowl show this to be true. I didn't even see the last two superbowls till later and missed parts of some others. Especially when teams get hosed by referees or GOODELL. what we have is a league of owners motivated by everything but fair play and loyalty.
It wasn't. Attendance was down.


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With today's QBs making $120 million plus, teams can't afford to surround their stars with talent. These billionaires will have to go back to the old days and outselling your opponent. Lucky for us....our owner is a master.

I have never been a fan of the salary cap. But someone on these boards had an excellent idea, or posted an excellent idea. If you sign players you drafted to 2nd contracts you get a deal on the cap hit. An even bigger discount for following contracts. This would put more pressure on teams to draft well and wouldn't give any team an advantage over the other. If they did this you'd start to see more quality teams.


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The rules won't change, ergo having a sharp GM is imperative. Just recently look at the job done by Dorsey (browns), rosenhaus (eagles), our own Stephen (ad hoc gm) rams, etc. Then look at bucs, jets, giants, etc.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
With today's QBs making $120 million plus, teams can't afford to surround their stars with talent. These billionaires will have to go back to the old days and outselling your opponent. Lucky for us....our owner is a master.

More likely a max contract cap like the NBA...


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
With today's QBs making $120 million plus, teams can't afford to surround their stars with talent. These billionaires will have to go back to the old days and outselling your opponent. Lucky for us....our owner is a master.
This assumes he has the deepest pockets in the league and he doesn't. CAR, LAR and MIA have richer owners and are not as dependent on their franchise for their wealth. If the cap was to go away, the Cowboys would be stretched to compete and any owner dependent on his franchise for his wealth would have to be spending beyond the current profit level and might even see his franchise decline in value.

And because of the situation the Cowboys are in, the value of winning a SB doesn't have the monetary value it would for other teams. Teams like the Pats, Steelers and Cowboys aren't winning SB's for money because they can't make much more and have pushed the ticket prices about as far as they can for now. Think people would pay 20% more for a ticket to see a team that won a ring the previous season?

Seeing this team's struggles in managing the cap and overpaying players, no cap would exacerbate that and we have yet to see if this latest DE contract and upcoming QB and WR contracts will actually pay out.

No way these owners will not keep the cap and very little chance they're giving up their % of it in this next CBA. The players are rich off their talent; the owners are rich off their talent with money. The overall appreciation of the value of NFL teams is because of the cap, investors love fixed expenses.


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It has/does intrigue me to watch inflation in the NFL. I always joke that in 20 years quarterbacks will be getting 5 year/500 million dollar contracts! The race to be the first billion dollar player! lol


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I support actors trying to fill big shoes, but Will Smith (as much as I respect him) ain't no Robin Williams.
Especially on a coke bender.
I feel like that can take away from a movie by trying to compare one to the other. Instead I judge based on how that actor performs his version of the role. Makes for a much better viewing, in my opinion.

Robin Williams was the greatest though.....


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The rules won't change, ergo having a sharp GM is imperative. Just recently look at the job done by Dorsey (browns), rosenhaus (eagles), our own Stephen (ad hoc gm) rams, etc. Then look at bucs, jets, giants, etc.
Yep, the teams most likely to overpay in FA would just do more of that and right now the NFLPA knows the existence of the cap, and requirement to meet a % of that over a 3 year running total, keeps the playing field even for the players. No cap and no requirement of how much should be designated for player salaries and they know they are vulnerable to an owner like Bidwell, the reason for that minimum.

The teams that make mistakes with player acquisitions would just be making more expensive ones and I do not underestimate the greed factor with this group not to have a gentlemen's agreement about how much they will spend. Collusion? Sure, think they've never done that before?

It is pure myth that no cap means the Cowboys win it all or even field a better team. What you might have would be another Marlins fiasco, go for the gold one year and dismantle the team the next.

The NFL is smart, they know so goes one, so goes all in the increasing value of their league and individual teams. And what better way to allocate the players salaries than a % of the TV take and establish a hard cap?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It has/does intrigue me to watch inflation in the NFL. I always joke that in 20 years quarterbacks will be getting 5 year/500 million dollar contracts! The race to be the first billion dollar player! lol
Everything has a ceiling and a breaking point. The NFL will hit theirs and then they'll wonder what to do with those QB salaries.


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The cap exists because the owners don't trust each other to limit spending