Dez sides with Beas


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Pretty strong language given that you’re talking about a guy with a 77-59 regular season record as a head coach. The day he’s gone will be better than the day Parcells replaced 15-33 Dave Campo and gave this franchise hope again? Wow. That’ll be a zip-a-dee-doo-dah day indeed.
The difference is the level of talent Garrett has wasted. This team is ready to win a title NOW if we just upgrade the HC. Campo/Parcells years had an inferior QB and a dysfunctional front office


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People take things too personally. Dez & Beas have a right to criticize the offense. Most of us have been criticizing it for years. The truth shouldn't be scorned even if it isn't what you want to hear.

It's been pretty well documented that coaches have been very dismissive of any suggestions from players during the Garrett regime.

I wish them well.

If the cowboys succeed it will likely be because they change, which will validate their opinion.


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Why do y'all get butthurt when an athlete echoes the same thing we've been saying on here for almost a decade?

Garrett is a con-artist. A politician who hides behind empty catch phrases because his football IQ is not up to par. He's hamstrung a decent roster for years and gotten away with it because he knows how to lay it on thick with the bossman upstairs and can drive the bus over scapegoats with the best of them. The day he is gone will be the greatest day in this franchise's history since Super Bowl XXX.
Wow . . . I took a screenshot . . . Nothning but Truth . . . You are so right, he's been around this organization for so long . . . & that is his only "Talent" blowing smoke up the *** of an Egotistical Drunken Maniac


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Cooper played in 9 games, was a near ghost in the majority of games outside of 3. Was part of a nothingburger that we haven't had since Quincy Carter was our QB. That never happened with Dez as the #1. Just saying.
No likes . . . this destroys all Pro Dak Talking Points . . . guess that's the reason


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To be fair prior to that Dez put up an average of 76 catches for 1,084 yards and 11 TDs over the previous 4 years (and that includes his injury filled 2015 season - it was 91 catches for 1,312 yards and 14 TDs without it) so there really wasn't an issue that coaches felt they needed to teach him.

Not blaming Dak, just pointing out that different players excel in different situations. Age and injury catches up with everyone. In this case age (Witten) and injury (Dez) starting catching up with both by the time Dak and Dez got here.

I agree with you that coaching in general is just as much (if not more) to blame than the players in this situation. Dez's decline was (IMO) more injury related than age or quarterback. I fault him for not doing what he needed to do to adapt and be successful post injury. It was the right for the Cowboys to move on. In that situation I believe the team tried, Dez just didn't want to listen.
Yeah move on . . . By Dropping him after free agency . . . To totally screw him . . . It took them until April to pull the trigger on "A Decline" that was so Obvious . . . Sure Ill buy that


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Some people can't handle any criticism of 'their Cowboys', no matter where it comes from or how valid it is.

So instinctively they shoot the messenger and try to undermine their credibility.
Sounds like Politics . . . Maybe we are being bred that way


1st Round Pick
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That’s BS. Where you in on the coaching meetings when Garret would tell Linehan, we are only using the plays in my play book. If Garrett ran the show every 3rd running play would have been a draw. Linehan almost never ran a draw. Both Garrett and Linehan did not get enough out of our Offensive talent. Hopefully Moore can. We have the talent on offense to run the ball and pass the ball, if Moore is not so dam predictable like the other to Bozos.

It's the reality.

They don't want to change the offense and they never changed it with Linehan.

They believe in simplicity and familiarity.

There is not a thing different between what Linehan and Garrett did except Garrett was incredibly pass happy and Linehan brought balance to his offense.


Taco Engineer
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It's the reality.

They don't want to change the offense and they never changed it with Linehan.

They believe in simplicity and familiarity.

There is not a thing different between what Linehan and Garrett did except Garrett was incredibly pass happy and Linehan brought balance to his offense.
You're misinformed.


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None of that will make him wrong about the Cowboys.
Wrong or right from whoever's point of view, it's time for Cole to move on. He might have a bright future with the Bills. Your old team is just that, your old employer. Bad coaches, bad system, whatever. No team is perfect and the Bills are included in that list. I could talk about my past employers till the cows come home but it would not do me any good. All it does is make me sound disgruntled to my current boss and makes me a negative little twit.


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Wrong or right from whoever's point of view, it's time for Cole to move on. He might have a bright future with the Bills. Your old team is just that, your old employer. Bad coaches, bad system, whatever. No team is perfect and the Bills are included in that list. I could talk about my past employers till the cows come home but it would not do me any good. All it does is make me sound disgruntled to my current boss and makes me a negative little twit.

I'm not interested in what's best for Cole Beasley, he's not a Cowboy any longer. I don't disagree that him talking like this doesn't paint him in a good light. But I don't care about how he said what he said, only what he said. And his confirmation that we have continued to run a rudimentary, uninspired system that is a liability to our players.

That's the takeaway.


1st Round Pick
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Nice rebuttal.

Khiladi has more information.

It's more difficult for me to explain to someone who doesn't recognize offenses such as yourself.

They changed almost nothing in the pass offense between Garrett and Linehan. Any changes made were minor. Exact same system.

All Linehan did was come in and bring balance to the offense. That was his entire purpose as a playcaller here.


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My mention of right was his criticism of a poor offensive scheme. He’s right about that.
I have two points viewpoints on the scheme.

1. I've studied the Rams scheme and it makes me envious; although the Pats made some really simple changes to their defensive scheme that

2. On the flip side, the Cowboys scheme itself was not the primary issue in 2018. The issue, IMO, was situational play calling. Many OCs could use the exact same set of plays but do a drastically better job of calling the right play at the right time, especially in the red zone.

All offenses have some plays that are slower developing by design than some other plays. Linehan would call slow developing type plays in the red zone often. Some OCs might never call some of those plays in the red zone.


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I have two points viewpoints on the scheme.

1. I've studied the Rams scheme and it makes me envious; although the Pats made some really simple changes to their defensive scheme that

2. On the flip side, the Cowboys scheme itself was not the primary issue in 2018. The issue, IMO, was situational play calling. Many OCs could use the exact same set of plays but do a drastically better job of calling the right play at the right time, especially in the red zone.

All offenses have some plays that are slower developing by design than some other plays. Linehan would call slow developing type plays in the red zone often. Some OCs might never call some of those plays in the red zone.

I tend to agree with you for the most part, but I also feel that predictability was a huge component as well. Opponents knew 'what the Cowboys do', and what was coming far too often. And those 9-yard comeback routes were far too prevalent, to the point to where it was a running joke.


Taco Engineer
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Khiladi has more information.

It's more difficult for me to explain to someone who doesn't recognize offenses such as yourself.

They changed almost nothing in the pass offense between Garrett and Linehan. Any changes made were minor. Exact same system.

All Linehan did was come in and bring balance to the offense. That was his entire purpose as a playcaller here.
So it's the exact same system that almost had no changes????? - got it.

Schemes change every season even with the same exact staff. The best example I can think of that the most obvious is New England. They change their offensive and defensive schemes according to what the other NFL teams are using.


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So it's the exact same system that almost had no changes????? - got it.

Schemes change every season even with the same exact staff. The best example I can think of that the most obvious is New England. They change their offensive and defensive schemes according to what the other NFL teams are using.

And the Cowboys are the antithesis of that. They "do what they do" week in and week out, season after season, and everybody in the league knows it. And they all say so. And that's the point Beasley confirms and that the people in this forum already knew.


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Bryant is at the end of the line of his career, if not over it. I wouldn't be surprised if he's played his last snap in the NFL. Like many high maintenance receivers, his antics have orridden his value and the league has had enough.
Could come down to need overriding reservations.

However, I think the fact that he stayed on the beach so long and this Achilles issue happened, he's a last resort WR. Some team is going to be strapped for a WR and he would have to be considered a possession receiver and a rz threat with the jump ball. Still comes back to that ankle and a questionable ankle for a jump baller is a real concern.

And I think that maybe the things that he's gone through since being cut from the Cowboys might have gotten his attention. I don't know who has been advising him about his reactions to events but they've been ineffective. That "going to the East" stunt put him in a really bad light with other teams. The Cowboys took him in the 1st, with his poor rep, and then made him one of the highest paid WR's after he held them hostage, he should have kept his mouth shut but he seems to have the Booger Disease as well.


Taco Engineer
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And the Cowboys are the antithesis of that. They "do what they do" week in and week out, season after season, and everybody in the league knows it. And they all say so. And that's the point Beasley confirms and that the people in this forum already knew.
A couple of ex players who seem disgruntled say so, so you think that's how the entire franchise is run and everyone knows how? There's no way we would have won the 2nd most games in the last three years if that were accurate. Predictable to higher caliber teams is one thing, "everyone in the league" is another.


Taco Engineer
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Could come down to need overriding reservations.

However, I think the fact that he stayed on the beach so long and this Achilles issue happened, he's a last resort WR. Some team is going to be strapped for a WR and he would have to be considered a possession receiver and a rz threat with the jump ball. Still comes back to that ankle and a questionable ankle for a jump baller is a real concern.

And I think that maybe the things that he's gone through since being cut from the Cowboys might have gotten his attention. I don't know who has been advising him about his reactions to events but they've been ineffective. That "going to the East" stunt put him in a really bad light with other teams. The Cowboys took him in the 1st, with his poor rep, and then made him one of the highest paid WR's after he held them hostage, he should have kept his mouth shut but he seems to have the Booger Disease as well.
Risk vs. reward. Bryant did himself no favors throughout his career.