Zeke to meet with the Commish on Tuesday


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That's not the norm to meet with the Commissioner prior to a suspension. This sounds more like a stern talking to like "Zeke, you're writing checks your *** can't cash. Now, any more of this and I'm gonna be Godzilla and you know who you're gonna be"?

They usually just hand down the suspensions or fines. I'm betting this is a "come to Jesus meeting", which if I am correct, I am the first poster on this forum to refer to the hated and much vilified Commissioner Goodell as Godzilla and Jesus in the same post. Oh, I know, both have been done but not in the same post!!


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The one IM REALLY interested in , is Kraft. Will the NFL be able to access the video tape of Kraft even though he had it surpressed? My guess is yes, since Goodell doesnt have to follow courtroom procedue.


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whatever. I have no faith in Goodell. Zeke plays for JJ...he WILL be fined and suspended. Zeke should know better how to behave in public as well.

Just imagine walking into that office. Goodell's ego is immense. You better be able to please him and/or meet the desired level of respect at that moment or he will pass judgement on you with no recourse or explanation needed. It will just be what King Roger wants at that moment. No different than sitting across from the Little Rocket Man of the DPRK except for the murder or torture.

Goodell is a cancer on the league.


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I always harkin back to when OBJ was actually video taped with drugs on his hotel bed and the league did NOTHING. Had that been Zeke, it would have been all she wrote for at least 1 year.

Exactly. That nothing happened there was very telling. The league office is a corrupt backwater.


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I trashed goodell quite a bit last time and deservedly so. And I still don’t think this warrants a suspension, but man zeke just is getting in his own way at this point. I did dumb crap too when I was his age, but I also wasn’t in a position to be a multi millionaire hall of fame running back either.
The male brain doesn't fully develope untill the ages between 27-32.


Taco Engineer
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First, I don't think what Elliott did was detrimental to anything except him getting arrested or fined by law, which never happened. The league will do whatever it wants without any consistency. We'll just have to wait and see because it's anyone's guess what happens.
That all being said, this is the exact reason I wouldn't extend his contract until the absolute last minute possible. Partly because Elliott can't handle the social life when intoxicated. But mostly because the NFL is inconsistent and I'm not risking further suspensions.


Taco Engineer
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I trashed goodell quite a bit last time and deservedly so. And I still don’t think this warrants a suspension, but man zeke just is getting in his own way at this point. I did dumb crap too when I was his age, but I also wasn’t in a position to be a multi millionaire hall of fame running back either.
Serious question: So it only counts if you're a millionaire?


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Otherwise strike!
yup..go on strike if Goodell isn't removed from the rulings process totally. No exceptions. He should be nothing more than a figure head...he shouldn't be handing out rulings like candy anyway. Especially when you see the bipolar like pattern he has when making final decisions with players...its just nonsensical..no rhyme or reason except he is abusing power.


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I always harkin back to when OBJ was actually video taped with drugs on his hotel bed and the league did NOTHING. Had that been Zeke, it would have been all she wrote for at least 1 year.
Pictures are different from videos and this is the third time Zeke has been recorded being involved in an incident since his suspension. Odiva was suspended once for on field contact. If the NFL investigated every picture than Dak could be thrown in the mix as well.

The guy is dumber than a box of rocks and his behavior in the latest video clearly broke the NFL code of conduct that he agreed to when he joined the NFL. If he can’t follow the rules that’s his fault, no one elses.


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Just imagine walking into that office. Goodell's ego is immense. You better be able to please him and/or meet the desired level of respect at that moment or he will pass judgement on you with no recourse or explanation needed. It will just be what King Roger wants at that moment. No different than sitting across from the Little Rocket Man of the DPRK except for the murder or torture.

Goodell is a cancer on the league.
Goodell reminds me of "the 2 bobs" from office space. That's what we are dealin with here...except the stakes are much larger.