Zeke to meet with the Commish on Tuesday


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video tape of OBJ exists..just saying.
True, it was a video. We all know what it was but they can’t prove it and they would be opening a whole new box of worms by suspending people for unknown substances in pictures or videos. Dak would fall under that category.


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yup..go on strike if Goodell isn't removed from the rulings process totally. No exceptions. He should be nothing more than a figure head...he shouldn't be handing out rulings like candy anyway. Especially when you see the bipolar like pattern he has when making final decisions with players...its just nonsensical..no rhyme or reason except he is abusing power.

There is no way the players unite to strike over this. You have to remember that the amount of players that receive this so-called ‘unfair’ treatment by Goodell is a very small percentage of the NFL population. Most NFL players are smart enough not to put themselves in a position to be suspended in the first place. You are making the assumption that all NFL players look at Zeke and think he was treated unfairly. Sometimes you have to pause and ask yourself if they might look at Zeke and think ‘what an idiot...yeah, I’m not going to make a stand that hurts my payday for a guy that can’t get his priorities straight’.


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There is no way the players unite to strike over this. You have to remember that the amount of players that receive this so-called ‘unfair’ treatment by Goodell is a very small percentage of the NFL population. Most NFL players are smart enough not to put themselves in a position to be suspended in the first place. You are making the assumption that all NFL players look at Zeke and think he was treated unfairly. Sometimes you have to pause and ask yourself if they might look at Zeke and think ‘what an idiot...yeah, I’m not going to make a stand that hurts my payday for a guy that can’t get his priorities straight’.
I am not so sure. I think the players would fight for this actually. They tried to do this during the last cba if you recall.


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I am not so sure. I think the players would fight for this actually. They tried to do this during the last cba if you recall.
They know they screwed up the Elliot suspension. They were over doing it because of the rice screw up. I don’t think he gets suspended after other players have since done worse and got much less punishment. If he does suspend him then there is something really wrong.


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I mean really, would anyone be surprised if he was suspended? No matter how small the incident and whether he was guilty or not the first time, he was put on notice that he can’t screw up again.

Since he was under investigation and since he was suspended, he’s been involved in one highly questionable incident that the NFL could have investigated but didn’t (even though everyone claims Goodell is out to get him), the parade and now am incident with him on video intimidating and initiating physical contact with someone which is clearly against the rules.

If this was his first incident it would most likely been a non issue but this knuckle head continues to ignore the NFL’s warnings and openly defy them. That’s what makes Zeke’s case different than most others. Whatever he gets, if anything, he brought entirely upon himself. If his brain was as big as his head he wouldn’t be in this position.


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If they are meeting to discuss it then maybe he will get warned or maybe fined. Don’t sound like a suspension.
Hopefully, but if he gets suspended I have no sympathy for him.

Every time this happens we hear “I know I need to do better” and it continues to happen.


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This feels like some kind of passive aggressive payback from Goober-dell for Jerry's recent political sins.


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I am not so sure. I think the players would fight for this actually. They tried to do this during the last cba if you recall.

Bringing it up in the CBA talks is one thing...it’s a chip to be bargained. A lot of issues are chips. I don’t think this one thing, by itself, is enough to make the players unite and strike. At the end of the day, cooler heads will prevail and think “it’s not worth it”


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Hopefully, but if he gets suspended I have no sympathy for him.

Every time this happens we hear “I know I need to do better” and it continues to happen.
No doubt what he did. The thing I like about it is that it died down in the media. During the offseason I assumed this would be every day convo with the mediots.


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huh COULD BE but somehow lost on 6 players so far this offseason given a pass for worst action?? yes collusion and unfair practices around the league but it sure feels its hung on us more..
May be worse than this but how many were put on notice snd continued to break the rules after being suspended, fairly or not?


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No doubt what he did. The thing I like about it is that it died down in the media. During the offseason I assumed this would be every day convo with the mediots.
I’ve always figured something would come of it, whether a talk, a fine or a suspension. They aren’t going to keep letting him act a fool without doing or saying something. Basically he’s like a kid that was grounded and continues to break his parents rules whether he agrees with them or not, it’s no going to continue. I just thought it would be later in the off season.


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And the two most interested in this outcome aren't Booger & Son or Garrett & Moore, that would be Pollard & Weber.

If it's gonna happen, good that they have the time to prepare for it. And not only would we get a look at the two new RB's, we'd get a look at the new OC without his best weapon. This could get veeeeeerrrrrrrry interesting.


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Serious question: So it only counts if you're a millionaire?

If being sober added millions of dollars to my pocket then that is a bigger incentive than just for the sake of being sober. He was clearly wasted in the Vegas video, and the average joe isn’t hurting himself as much as zeke is by a night of fun.


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I’ve always figured something would come of it, whether a talk, a fine or a suspension. They aren’t going to keep letting him act a fool without doing or saying something. Basically he’s like a kid that was grounded and continues to break his parents rules whether he agrees with them or not, it’s no going to continue. I just thought it would be later in the off season.
Same here, glad this is taking place now.

I really do think he's just getting a chewing out and the real question about that is what good will that do?