Twitter: Dak asking for $40 mil per Slater


Cowboys Diehard
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Seems to me that Dak has an agent who is really playing hardball games with the team. I'm not sure what this will lead to but it's troubling, in any case. Here's hoping they'll work it out to the satisfaction of both parties before all is said and done. This haggling process seems likely to be an exasperatingly drawn out ordeal before it's settled. I imagine Jerry and Stephen are in a quandary trying to work out all of their contracts at about the same time. Not a healthy predicament for any of the parties concerned, that's for sure. ;)


"We Are Penn State"
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$40m for this? :laugh:This franchise will be in shambles if they give him that :muttley:
Fake News Supporter Bandwagoner. :lmao:
There's no way he really asked for $40 million, I don't believe the report.
He didn't.
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Pixel Pusher
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Funny how quickly Jane backs off her "confirmed" 40m per year ask, it's suddenly down to 34-35 now that all these eyes are on her for reporting a bogus story.


Well-Known Member
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Jane Slater might wanna vet her sources a tad better. She isn't lookin great after that.


Well-Known Member
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Funny how quickly Jane backs off her "confirmed" 40m per year ask, it's suddenly down to 34-35 now that all these eyes are on her for reporting a bogus story.
clicks equal attention and benjamins. That's the name of the game. Journalism died years ago.


Cowboys Diehard
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Whoa -- conflicting reports now? Crazy stuff. What's next -- stay tuned for somewhat less conflicting info if any comes available! :muttley:


Well-Known Member
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Let me just let you in on a little inconvenient fact of life. I don't speak for the front office. I realized that years ago, like when I was 7. Between the ages of 5 and 7, I thought for a brief moment that I might, but realized that I didn't. Here's another one for you, neither do you. I've never seen the offer so I can't say that the team offered him 30 on average or like Wentz, 30 starting down the line or whatever. He is not worth 30 IMO and I don't believe that he would find another team to offer him 30 this year but whatever.

Dak originally asked for 30, then bumped it to 32, then we heard 34 and today, we hear 40. My "Front Office" never offered more then 30, from the reports I've seen. Now, if you want to view that as a commitment by the team then be my guest. I don't see it that way. He's a decent QB with a lot of intangibles but I'm not a Cowboy fan who worships at the feet of Dak. I see him for who and what he is. He is not as gifted a passer as is Wentz IMO. With a strong supporting cast, he can win a Super Bowl, if he continues to develop but, unless he improves substantially, he aint gonna put this team on his back and will them to a championship without Zeke and Coop and a hell of a D. In order to keep those guys around him, we have to sign reasonable contracts. I don't think he's worth 30 mil but if the team does, so be it. I'd pay him 26 on a two year extension and then see where we were at. If he has developed to the point of truly being a top QB in this league, then pay him more over a long period of time but don't pay him a boat load of money before he's even proven he can be more then just a middle of the road QB in the NFL. That's not what I would do, ever. Now, if that's your way and that's what you wanna do, then by all means, go do that in Philly but that's not how I see it or want to see it done in Dallas.

Unfortunately, not wanting to see it done like that in Dallas is going to have to make way in the very near future for actually seeing it done that way in Dallas.


Well-Known Member
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Oh, poor Dak

His greedy agent is out to tarnish Daks image

Never mind the fact that Dak changed agents and kicked his modest no name agent to the curb once he started seeing Dollar signs

Im sure he wants his money. I will be very interested to see how this plays out.


The Labeled One
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Why be cheap? @ this point asking for a ridiculous number like 40....... why not just ask for 50? Who's counting?? I mean 50 sounds so much better than 40. :rolleyes: