Jerry sending message to Zeke at PC


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So let me get this straight. Every team has different needs and therefore pay certain positions more money than others. Some teams have more players they have to sign and some teams have different salary cap situations but because one team like the Rams make a dumb mistake and pay Gurley as much as they did then that automatically means we are obligated to pay Zeke even more?

Sorry, that’s not how it works, or that’s not how it should work. Sorry the Rams were as dumb as you are Zeke but that doesn’t mean the Cowboys are.
Zeke wants to be the highest paid RB in the history of the NFL...…………..he doesn't give a chit about "team building".


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Yea, try to turn them against one another you slimeball. Fans going to eat this up

This is accurate, and I don’t have a problem with it.
It is just a business, so try to get yours. Can’t be mad at the next man tho. Especially when it is with the team / winning in mind.

Fla Cowpoke

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Yea, try to turn them against one another you slimeball. Fans going to eat this up

He is a slimeball for telling them like it is?

Jerry has never been cheap with a player. Almost every big name he has resigned when their contract was due and for top money. Zeke, Dak and Cooper have been given offers supposedly putting them top 5 at their positions and have all been offered at least a year earlier than he has to. There is a value to being offered a new deal before it is required. Jaylon understands this and took money now that is a big raise from what he could have got over the next two years. He will also have a chance at a second big deal while he is in his prime. This is kind of what Jerry did for Lael....who got hosed in the draft but Jerry gave him a market value deal as soon as he could. Lael is gonna get paid again by someone.

Dak is gonna get paid just because he is a QB. I personally think there is no way in hell he should be paid the highest QB contract ever. He should get a deal that is around top 5 based on the current market...and there will be future contracts that reset the Mahomes.

THe RB market is what it is....Zeke can complain that he is the best RB in the market....but he just isn't going to make what QB's make, or even what the top WR's make. THe Bell deal actually was a step back from the Gurley deal, and Zeke isn't a free agent at the earliest for two years. If he gets anywhere near Gurley money he should sign it and be happy. He will be making much more money over the next 2-3 years than he would have otherwise.

Cooper seems willing to roll the dice that he is gonna have a huge year...that is being a river boat gambler. If we have offered him top 5 money, it is almost likely that he can only go down from there. We aren't going to throw the ball enough for him to put up top 2-3 numbers and I think Gallup is going to cut into this overall numbers.


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So let me get this straight. Every team has different needs and therefore pay certain positions more money than others. Some teams have more players they have to sign and some teams have different salary cap situations but because one team like the Rams make a dumb mistake and pay Gurley as much as they did then that automatically means we are obligated to pay Zeke even more?

Sorry, that’s not how it works, or that’s not how it should work. Sorry the Rams were as dumb as you are Zeke but that doesn’t mean the Cowboys are.

Agree. And pay him 2 years early. On what planet does that make sense??? Zeke and his agent have messed up. I will not be surprised to see him traded.


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Never said his talent was a mistake. For me it was just the RB position that high that was a mistake. Didn't even know about the mental side. definitely never would have drafted the kid if I knew any of that as well.

I think Zeke misses a couple of games.

I know what you are sayin though. NO RB should be taken that high in today's NFL. I agree but if Zeke were a decent person off the field, I believe we'd all have a different opinion given his accomplishments but reality is otherwise.


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I know what you are sayin though. NO RB should be taken that high in today's NFL. I agree but if Zeke were a decent person off the field, I believe we'd all have a different opinion given his accomplishments but reality is otherwise.

100% I would feel better about him. But I still would never take a back #4 overall and pay him 15 million per season. Especially the way THIS team is designed. With the most expensive Oline in football and a top 5 line. You simply dont need a top 3 back and really cant afford to pay him and cover the other more important positions.

Barkley is the ONLY guy I might consider taking that high. Once in a generation type back and an amazing individual.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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I had to get it delivered when I was recovering from a hip replacement and decided I would crawl to the damned store rather than let some teenager pick out my goodies. My groceries are too dear to me, they are my precious.
Hot damn.


Texas Ranger
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If Zeke wants to play this game, the Cowboys can keep him around for about 3 more years. Dude picked the wrong year to pick a fight. Hate or love Jerry, but the man went out of his way to stand up for him and Zeke acts like this. I am not surprised Jerry told him to stick it.

America's Cowboy

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He is a slimeball for telling them like it is?

Jerry has never been cheap with a player. Almost every big name he has resigned when their contract was due and for top money. Zeke, Dak and Cooper have been given offers supposedly putting them top 5 at their positions and have all been offered at least a year earlier than he has to. There is a value to being offered a new deal before it is required. Jaylon understands this and took money now that is a big raise from what he could have got over the next two years. He will also have a chance at a second big deal while he is in his prime. This is kind of what Jerry did for Lael....who got hosed in the draft but Jerry gave him a market value deal as soon as he could. Lael is gonna get paid again by someone.

Dak is gonna get paid just because he is a QB. I personally think there is no way in hell he should be paid the highest QB contract ever. He should get a deal that is around top 5 based on the current market...and there will be future contracts that reset the Mahomes.

THe RB market is what it is....Zeke can complain that he is the best RB in the market....but he just isn't going to make what QB's make, or even what the top WR's make. THe Bell deal actually was a step back from the Gurley deal, and Zeke isn't a free agent at the earliest for two years. If he gets anywhere near Gurley money he should sign it and be happy. He will be making much more money over the next 2-3 years than he would have otherwise.

Cooper seems willing to roll the dice that he is gonna have a huge year...that is being a river boat gambler. If we have offered him top 5 money, it is almost likely that he can only go down from there. We aren't going to throw the ball enough for him to put up top 2-3 numbers and I think Gallup is going to cut into this overall numbers.
This. ^^^^


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Several subtle shots at Zeke (and maybe Dak) at the Jaylon PC. He kept effusively praising Jaylon for looking out for the "team" with this contract.

Earned the right?,,, Hell, JJ owns the right to rib on Elliott, once the accumulated aggregate is ran thru the classifier,,,(that's right, it's golden nugget lingo)

*Now I'm hankering for a nice big slice of pie with a tasty dollop of cool whip on top,oddly enough:huh:


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If Zeke wants to play this game, the Cowboys can keep him around for about 3 more years. Dude picked the wrong year to pick a fight. Hate or love Jerry, but the man went out of his way to stand up for him and Zeke acts like this. I am not surprised Jerry told him to stick it.

^^This. Zeke signed a contract that still has two years left on it and he spends training camp in Cabo. Oh, and he is offended by a simple joke by the owner. The millennial generation kills me sometimes:facepalm:


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Yes, Jerry won't pay his stars what they're worth, and will expect them to take deals for the sake of the team, meanwhile he and his sons rake in billions of dollars on the backs of these very players, but sure, it is Dak and Zeke who are the greedy ones
Every company in the world builds its fortunes off the labor of their employees and the employees will never and should never be in control of how a company does business. NFL players are hired labor plain and simple. If they don't like the pay or situation they are free to not play football, but you signed a contract for a certain amount of years. You recived a signing bonus based on that contract. Jerry would be a very rich man with or without the Cowboys.


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Yes, Jerry won't pay his stars what they're worth, and will expect them to take deals for the sake of the team, meanwhile he and his sons rake in billions of dollars on the backs of these very players, but sure, it is Dak and Zeke who are the greedy ones
Jerry won't be out-cashed by anyone but he has a salary cap to work under. You think he wouldn't sign these deals in a heartbeat if he had no cap? This isn't rocket surgery, Einstein.


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I love that Jerry is now publicly playing hardball. That comment saying he's earned the right to joke and with Zeke is so great. Zeke thinks he can force the Cowboys hand, and I'm so happy that it doesn't look like that'll happen.

Maybe a little bit of that cutthroat oil tycoon bubbling back up to the surface.


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Getting toyed around with? Who opened their mouths about signing all 3 of these players with all under contract and started with Gurley's deal?

How convenient, shoot their mouths off and then try to turn it on the agents. Agents could care less about the Joneses and them letting it be known the ones they have trouble dealing with because they're lame negotiators without some leverage to work with like the personal attachment that Jaylon has.

Ya know who's not celebrating this today? Not one player in that locker room coming up next season because Booger used Jaylon's loyalty against other players and tried to put them in a bad view. Like that 40M BS rumor they started and the mysterious parking lot video of Bryant when he was negotiating.

That was a boatload of BS today. Never should have addressed the other players, that should have been all about Jaylon and not some hometown discount but the fact he's a Cowboy and one we do not have to be concerned about.

If I am those agents, I just got a hell of a lot harder to deal with and if I am one of those players, I'd let Booger know that was dirty pool and a low blow delivered during a happy time. Who in the hell isn't a Jaylon Smith fan? I'd bet those 3 players are and he just got used against them. I can't see him happy about that either.

Of course the fans are going to get all giddy and give Booger an attaboy, we want everyone to take less because we are not them.
