Twitter: Negotiations with Zeke have intensified **merged**


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Maybe the fanbase just realizes we have alot of good young talent and there is currently a salary cap in pro football and we'd like to see us keep as.much of our good young talent as possible.

Maybe the fanbase also realizes that some of our good young talent plays positions that are harder to replace than RB.

So maybe our fanbase would just like to see us not waste alot of our cap on one guy and mortgage winning as a team.

Are you talking about DLaw? or Jaylon?

Not Zeke? He makes less than TCrawford.


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If we’re going to the Super Bowl a lot of other things have to fall into place other than Zeke, he’s not our savior like some people prefer to think.

agreed but he makes us much better


Beyond tired of Jerry
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By the way, In the grand scheme of things, there are a lot more special people than pro athletes. Firefighters, policemen, military. All of them a lot more special and risk much more and not replaceable!

Oh brother, not this silliness again. :rolleyes:

When those special people can sell millions of dollars of tickets and get billion dollar TV contracts you'll have a valid comparison. Pro athletes make big money because they generate big money, or would you rather old guys like Jerry keep all of it?

Truth is, you don't care. You just don't like when players on your favorite team hold out.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Patience young grasshopper. Some of us have been saying he’ll be there all along. It’s just a matter of time now.

You've also been yelling at anyone who expresses a remotely negative sentiment in a preseason game, so pardon me if I don't bow to your wisdom. :muttley:

Obviously, it's going to work out. Despite the clowns saying "Zeke has no leverage" the Cowboys have been negotiating with him all along.


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Oh brother, not this silliness again. :rolleyes:

When those special people can sell millions of dollars of tickets and get billion dollar TV contracts you'll have a valid comparison. Pro athletes make big money because they generate big money, or would you rather old guys like Jerry keep all of it?

Truth is, you don't care. You just don't like when players on your favorite team hold out.

Guess what, the poster had no comeback for the facts of contract holdouts so he attacks the poster personally. That is pretty sad in my book considering he probably has no clue what the poster does for a living. The poster could be a NASA scientist or a brain surgeon or many other things that are more important or special than an athlete. Bringing in money does not make you special.

Fact, a player holding out is not honoring the contract. An owner cutting a player is honoring the contract. If you don't like the facts fine, but don't argue them when you are wrong!
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the bigger Zeke's guaranteed money, the sooner this team's window will close. but with garrett at the helm, that window has always been a porthole


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Guess what, the poster had no comeback for the facts of contract holdouts so he attacks the poster personally. That is pretty sad in my book considering he probably has no clue what the poster does for a living. The poster could be a NASA scientist or a brain surgeon or many other things that are more important or special than an athlete. Bringing in money does not make you special.

Fact, a player holding out is not honoring the contract. An owner cutting a player is honoring the contract. If you don't like the facts fine, but don't argue them when you are wrong!

I don't consider either to be honoring the contract.

If you sign a player for five years and cut him after three, you are not honoring the deal anymore than the player who signed for five years and wants a new deal after three. The employer wants everyone to believe it is only the employee not honoring the deal that matters. The only real difference is that everyone has gotten used to and accepted five-year contracts not really being five-year contracts from the team perspective.