Way to go Jerry. Finally


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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There’s never any guarantees but this ensures the future is now. This is our best shot to make a run these next couple years with core of talent we have.

You're darn right it is. If they don't win the super bowl this season you can kiss it good bye for many more years. The money simply won't be there after Dak and Coop get their share and the rest of the team will suffer as a result. Romo was good enough to win a super bowl, but the supporting cast was never there - he couldn't do it by himself, and neither will Zeke.


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The only problem I had with this whole charade was the Jones boys public verbal posturing. Stephen said, “We’re not going to set the market”, then they did. Jerry public bravado was in the end just a windbag of nothing. Typical actually.

But that's what negotiations are beyond the behind-the-doors hashing out the numbers. Publicly, you make it seem like you're dug in on your side to put pressure on the other side and then pause to see if it takes effect before continuing to see movement. Same with players asking high, owners low-balling and then the two sides meeting in the middle. The only disappointed people are those who desperately wanted to believe the FO's public stance as ammo to stick it to Zeke because of their emotional hopes from being "offended" by Zeke's team's plan of action (which worked).


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In the end only his performance and impact on the field factored in.

And there were many others who had more issues extending him than his off field risk.

That and the cap hit. But what can ya do? He's a Cowboy, so now is the time for everyone to cheer his success.


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Maybe so but it ended better than how Pitt dealt with Bell or Houston with Clowney. Seems in the end Jerry and Stephen step up and get it done and others fail to do so.
It’s easy to get it done when you’re willing to meet their demands :)

We aren’t always as accommodating. Ask Demarco and Dez. We even let Ware go in the end which we later regretted.


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I don't think you have any idea how the negotiations went. You should probably just quiet down. It's not as simple as you think..
I think we can make some pretty sound speculations from what was leaked , actual quotes and results.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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This could have been resolved much earlier if he’d set his ego aside.

We knew where this headed when we set the Gurley contract as the starting point in negotiations.

I’ll give Stephen credit for seeing this thru and Jerry finally signing off on it. I felt pretty good this was going to happen before season begun but the drama dragging out wasn’t necessary . Almost seemed intentional by Big Daddy.

Now we can get the Dak deal done.

It wasn't going to get resolved until it had to be resolved. Each side wanted to get the best deal possible for them, so in order to push the other to concede anything there had to be external pressure to get the contract done. It wouldn't surprise me if the Joneses knew that it wouldn't likely get done until now because that's when it had to be done for Elliott to avoid missing games.


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Although Jimmy Johnson bears some degree of responsibility himself, the inability to make personal concessions, make the relationship work and retain a two-time Super Bowl winning head coach is Jerry Jones' worst mistake. And when I say worst mistake, I mean worst mistake in his entire life.

I’ve never really agreed that Jimmy deserved some of the blame for his arrogance leading this team from the ashes of 1-15 to back to back World Championships. I place all of the blame on an owner who wouldn’t bow down to his greatness and just take credit for bringing him in. That would have been enough for other owners.


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It’s easy to get it done when you’re willing to meet their demands :)

We aren’t always as accommodating. Ask Demarco and Dez. We even let Ware go in the end which we later regretted.

Dez got his contract as did Ware. Murray given his injury history the Cowboys were not going to match the high dollars Philly was offering. Dez got paid as the highest WR then his play faded. Ware had been dealing with injuries for 2 years after a very rich contract and Cowboys moved on and yes Ware went to Denver and put up a good year working opposite Von Miller. Right now we see the number 6 year 90 mill but without knowing all the details of the deal and the out year on the contract it is hard to know how much Dallas gave in. I actually have no issue with Zeke being paid the highest he is a 2 time rushing champ in his 1st 3 years, he is a big part of this offense. What I did not like was Zeke demanding a deal this season when he was not a FA next season like Dak and Cooper. I think this deal with Zeke could have gone smoother had he waited until next season.


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If that's how you would like to look at it.

Then Gurley set the market in 2020 not last year. It's still setting the market and paying the highest dollar. Doesnt help our CAP either way.

My only thing is that the guarantees are for a 6 yr deal vs a 4 yr deal which is a pretty big win. Both sides got what they wanted


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Dez got his contract as did Ware. Murray given his injury history the Cowboys were not going to match the high dollars Philly was offering. Dez got paid as the highest WR then his play faded. Ware had been dealing with injuries for 2 years after a very rich contract and Cowboys moved on and yes Ware went to Denver and put up a good year working opposite Von Miller. Right now we see the number 6 year 90 mill but without knowing all the details of the deal and the out year on the contract it is hard to know how much Dallas gave in. I actually have no issue with Zeke being paid the highest he is a 2 time rushing champ in his 1st 3 years, he is a big part of this offense. What I did not like was Zeke demanding a deal this season when he was not a FA next season like Dak and Cooper. I think this deal with Zeke could have gone smoother had he waited until next season.
I’d say Zeke played this well. He got paid now.


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I feel so bad for the Rams. Not until '22!?!?!? Geeze that's an awful contract.

And Zeke got more guaranteed at $50M so ours will likely be even worse. '24 hurry on up. Ughhhh

And it's weird they dont add the dead cap into the per year numbers. That's really four years $13.3M not $12.25
Biggest difference at least right now Zeke is an every down back, gurley will need to be platooned due to his knee.