Everyone has it wrong about Garrett


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He inherited a prime Romo, Ware, Witten, Dez, and Lee....people who say say he had no talent dont know what the hell they are talking about. I expect that from you tho. Look at the rosters the Seahawks and Panthers coaches inherited if you wanna see a real rebuild.

Sean Lee and Dez Bryant were rookies in 2010. The starting WR were Miles Austin and Roy Williams. The LB were Keith Brooking, Anthony Spencer, Ware and Bradie James.

Oh, and Tony Romo? Well, Mr Romo was injured (broken clavicle) and replaced by Jon Kitna (who started 8 games that year).


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Garrett has definitely changed the culture and direction of the franchise.

The only question that remains is that if it’s gonna be enough to finally get over the hump.

So far it hasn’t, but I guess that’s why he’s in the last year of his contract.


Regular Joe....
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This is a bait thread. The "Listless" team Garrett "inherited" that was apparently devoid of talent, had 6 Pro Bowl players on it, in 2010. In 2009, it had 9. In 2011, the first full year under Garrett, it had two. This team was not devoid of talent when he took it over.


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When Garrett took over in 2010 as the head coach he inherited a listless 1-7 team lacking talent. He followed that with 3 8-8 seasons with teams again lacking in talent and unable to do much about it because of salary cap issues. Everyone seems to blame him for the lack of a Super Bowl but in fact he’s the one who turned this organization around. Jones put a lot of faith in Garrett because of his pedigree and intelligence. He had a plan and a vision on how to build a football team. He first focused on getting the right kind of players. I promise you he wanted nothing to do with Greg Hardy. Secondly he focused on building the team from the trenches out which is something you can’t do in one year with the salary cap issues he inherited. He stuck to his guns and build a solid team improving it every year. There were some bumps along the way with time management but you haven’t seen those in recent years. You can nick pick a time here or there but they can be argued both ways. He still needs to prove it in the playoffs but its obvious he’s put together a young team, built from the trenches out and wins. Let’s see what happens this year.

Garrett was one of the reasons why that team was 1-7.


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Garrett is beyond awful and his offensive philosophy has held back the team for a decade.

We've never been as good as we can be because of him.

I don't give the Head Coach much credit for Player evaluation. McClay is the man right now. Nobody cares what Garrett thinks.. Just sit in the corner and clap.

I disagree, 1: you nor I have any idea what type of, if any, role Garrett has on player evaluation, cap management, player acquisition, or player cuts. However, the team started trending in the right direction under all those categories, when Garrett became Head Coach.

2. The Offense has rarely been the overall problem with the team. In fact, from 2011 to 2014, it was the only side of the ball that was actually competitive. The defense he inherited from Wade was very bad due to several bad drafts in a row. yes, we had a few pieces but not 2 or 3 guys can't play against 11 and be successful.

3. He won 13 games with a rookie 4th rounder as the QB. He took the team about as far any one realistically could have thought was possible with a rookie 4th rounder QB and a shaky D.

Now, I am not saying there haven't been some bad stuff along the way, 2015 was a train wreck and I put that on the HC.

Last year was disappointing though and If we don't get something done special this year, I agree it will be time to move on. But overall, his tenure here as not be horrible. I think it has actually been pretty good and if he does leave after this year, he left the team in a MUCH better place than what he found.


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This is a bait thread. The "Listless" team Garrett "inherited" that was apparently devoid of talent, had 6 Pro Bowl players on it, in 2010. In 2009, it had 9. In 2011, the first full year under Garrett, it had two. This team was not devoid of talent when he took it over.
Exactly!! Thats why they always ignore somebody when they bring up the Seahawks and Panthers rebuilds


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You’re right but they’ve built it based on the kind of team Garrett wanted to build.

The problem is that Garrett must get those types of players because he can't handle the Greg Hardy types and he let Dez get his way on everything until Stephen Jones finally said enough is enough.

He has not gotten through to Taco, Rico, etc.

He barely kept Beasley, TWill and other minor character issue players inline.

Again, if the alternative is Wade Phillips or Norv Turner as Head Coach, I'll take Garrett every day and twice on Sundays, but compared to many other NFL Head Coaches he has not been that good.


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The problem is that Garrett must get those types of players because he can't handle the Greg Hardy types and he let Dez get his way on everything until Stephen Jones finally said enough is enough.

He has not gotten through to Taco, Rico, etc.

He barely kept Beasley, TWill and other minor character issue players inline.

Again, if the alternative is Wade Phillips or Norv Turner as Head Coach, I'll take Garrett every day and twice on Sundays, but compared to many other NFL Head Coaches he has not been that good.


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I disagree, 1: you nor I have any idea what type of, if any, role Garrett has on player evaluation, cap management, player acquisition, or player cuts. However, the team started trending in the right direction under all those categories, when Garrett became Head Coach.

2. The Offense has rarely been the overall problem with the team. In fact, from 2011 to 2014, it was the only side of the ball that was actually competitive. The defense he inherited from Wade was very bad due to several bad drafts in a row. yes, we had a few pieces but not 2 or 3 guys can't play against 11 and be successful.

3. He won 13 games with a rookie 4th rounder as the QB. He took the team about as far any one realistically could have thought was possible with a rookie 4th rounder QB and a shaky D.

Now, I am not saying there haven't been some bad stuff along the way, 2015 was a train wreck and I put that on the HC.

Last year was disappointing though and If we don't get something done special this year, I agree it will be time to move on. But overall, his tenure here as not be horrible. I think it has actually been pretty good and if he does leave after this year, he left the team in a MUCH better place than what he found.

The problem you point out is that Garrett is stubborn and never wants to change things up. Sure he created a good culture in Dallas. But that is not enough to take this team to the next level.

If he was such a big success why haven't we seen it? Why is it that once they canned Linehan (which was hired by Garrett) canned for someone like Moore for the playcalling?

Garrett should be canned. He was one of the main reasons why we went 1-7 that year when he took over. His butt should have been canned also.

And if he was such as success, why is it that they are dumping his playbook and his conservative playcalling philosophy out the door?

The Cowboys are successful not because of Garrett. They are successful in spite of Garrett.


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The problem you point out is that Garrett is stubborn and never wants to change things up. Sure he created a good culture in Dallas. But that is not enough to take this team to the next level.

If he was such a big success why haven't we seen it? Why is it that once they canned Linehan (which was hired by Garrett) canned for someone like Moore for the playcalling?

Garrett should be canned. He was one of the main reasons why we went 1-7 that year when he took over. His butt should have been canned also.

And if he was such as success, why is it that they are dumping his playbook and his conservative playcalling philosophy out the door?

The Cowboys are successful not because of Garrett. They are successful in spite of Garrett.


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This thread is a major fail...Garrett has been here for 9 years...it doesn't take 9 years to go from 0 to 100 in this league..so no matter how you want to spin it, he failed..he didn't start at 0 and he isn't even at 100 now..has there been areas that he has succeeded? Sure..but this spin job isn't accurate


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When Garrett took over in 2010 as the head coach he inherited a listless 1-7 team lacking talent. He followed that with 3 8-8 seasons with teams again lacking in talent and unable to do much about it because of salary cap issues. Everyone seems to blame him for the lack of a Super Bowl but in fact he’s the one who turned this organization around. Jones put a lot of faith in Garrett because of his pedigree and intelligence. He had a plan and a vision on how to build a football team. He first focused on getting the right kind of players. I promise you he wanted nothing to do with Greg Hardy. Secondly he focused on building the team from the trenches out which is something you can’t do in one year with the salary cap issues he inherited. He stuck to his guns and build a solid team improving it every year. There were some bumps along the way with time management but you haven’t seen those in recent years. You can nick pick a time here or there but they can be argued both ways. He still needs to prove it in the playoffs but its obvious he’s put together a young team, built from the trenches out and wins. Let’s see what happens this year.