Everyone has it wrong about Garrett


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Again, if the alternative is Wade Phillips or Norv Turner as Head Coach, I'll take Garrett every day and twice on Sundays, but compared to many other NFL Head Coaches he has not been that good.

I’ll bite for the sake of a conversation but before I do I want to throw out a disclaimer. I neither hate nor love Garrett. I like a lot of what he has done but do wonder if he has peaked. I also think finding another coach could be a tricky proposition.

Compared to many other NFL head coaches who has made Garrett not that good? I’m looking at the last 10 years. Who has been significantly better (again for conversation purposes)? Belichick of course. Tomlinson? Payton? Harbaugh? Reid? Carroll? Maybe some guys with quick success who caught lightning in a bottle but haven’t had time to sustain it—Pederson, McVay?
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Garrett is beyond awful and his offensive philosophy has held back the team for a decade.

We've never been as good as we can be because of him.

I don't give the Head Coach much credit for Player evaluation. McClay is the man right now. Nobody cares what Garrett thinks.. Just sit in the corner and clap.

imagine working for JJ - 1 losing season in 9 is rather impressive - assuming anyone could do better is kinda ignorant of reality

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Garrett finally realized that the team was better off with him just being a head coach. Some are man enough to be able to admit their mistakes.
LOL. Garrett never wanted to give up playcalling. His daddy Jerry had to take it from him and give it to someone else... and make sure he didn't try to secretly take it back like he did with Callahan.

I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just trolling and not actiually this uninformed.


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Just me but there's actually some truth OP is saying. The Joneses have handcuffed and kept Garrett on a short leash. Remember what happened with him as a head coach AND OC. OC job was taken and given to Callahan, who lost or had no respect for Garrett coz he answered to Jerry. He was fired and Jason brought in his buddy Linehan who was fine to a certain. But Jerry and Stephen didn't do the coaches any favors either. For example......

***** it was Stephen decision not to extend DeMarco Murray, despite pleases from Romo, Witten and Jason
***** it was Stephen and Jerry carrying the any RB can run behind this line card
***** it was Stephen and Jerry decided Joe Randall was good enough to replace DeMarco Murray
*****Stephen and Linehan decided Dez had NO PLACE on this team after 2017 season
*****Stephen, McClay and Jerry decide on WR by committee with Hurns as our new #1 WR
*****Even just this past offseason, remember the presser Garrett gave immediately after the season saying he expected all
coaches to return only to have Stephen embarrass him 48 hours later that no decision been made.

My point is I'm guessing there's been a lot behind the scene stuff going that Jason has held Jason back a bit that we'll probably never hear about. A lot of power and/or authority he hasn't over players and coaches you would expect. I'm not saying he hasn't had issues, coz he has but I think he gets waaay to much blame for what really is/was him covering for the Joneses.


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LOL. Garrett never wanted to give up playcalling. His daddy Jerry had to take it from him and give it to someone else... and make sure he didn't try to secretly take it back like he did with Callahan.

I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just trolling and not actiually this uninformed.
You don’t know how that all transpired and you sure as hell don’t know he tried to take it back.


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Another thing isn't it interesting over what 8-9 years he's never lost the locker room. Guys/players have always played hard for him.


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LOL. Garrett never wanted to give up playcalling. His daddy Jerry had to take it from him and give it to someone else... and make sure he didn't try to secretly take it back like he did with Callahan.

I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just trolling and not actiually this uninformed.
Jones said it was at his insistence that Garrett handle both head coaching and play-calling duties when Garrett was promoted from offensive coordinator to head coach in 2011, and that Garrett has not been "pounding on the table" to keep role.


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He inherited a prime Romo, Ware, Witten, Dez, and Lee....people who say say he had no talent dont know what the hell they are talking about. I expect that from you tho. Look at the rosters the Seahawks and Panthers coaches inherited if you wanna see a real rebuild.

Exactly. 9 seasons. How many playoff wins?


Romo was elite
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LOL. Garrett never wanted to give up playcalling. His daddy Jerry had to take it from him and give it to someone else... and make sure he didn't try to secretly take it back like he did with Callahan.

I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just trolling and not actiually this uninformed.
No, he is. He may be the most ignorant homer on these boards.


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This forum is led by a Lynch Mob of Garrett detractors but I don’t believe represents the entire base of Cowboys Nation.

Most fans I know personally support Garrett and feel he’s been a great influence on Jerry building this team and a more consistent culture.

That doesn’t mean we haven’t had some criticism in Game Day mgmt and play calling. But when we begin passing credit around if this core of talent reaches our goals we will begin with Jason Garrett and his process.


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I have mixed feelings about Garrett. I’ve been critical of him over the years while acknowledging his strong points as well. I think he gets players to play hard and brings out the best in many. On the negative side, his schemes are obsolete and he has refused to change things up. He’s also made some bone head clock management decisions and hasn’t been aggressive enough at times. We could do better, but we could most certainly do worse as well. For me, this year will be very telling. If we don’t make it to at least the NFC title game (assuming no devastating injuries), I think his time should be up.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I’ll bite for the sake of a conversation but before I do I want to throw out a disclaimer. I neither hate nor love Garrett. I like a lot of what he has done but do wonder if he has peaked. I also think finding another coach could be a tricky proposition.

Compared to many other NFL head coaches who has made Garrett not that good? I’m looking at the last 10 years. Who has been significantly better (again for conversation purposes)? Belichick of course. Tomlinson? Payton? Harbaugh? Reid? Carroll? Maybe some guys with quick success who caught lightning in a bottle but haven’t had time to sustain it—Pederson, McVay?

It either needs to include coaches with recent success or it needs to go back before Garrett was a head coach.

Take you pick:



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Garrett inherited some good players and after a little retooling had them in the conference playoffs. Came up short in Greenbay, but was primed for another run the following year when the tragedy that was Romo occurred.

Everything was geared toward Romo, including the hiring of Lenahan. It took a while to move on, but making change for change sake never seems to work. When Kellen Moore emerged as a viable replacement the team recognized the possibilites and made a good decision.

This team's on the rise. Garrett's a leader. Call him what you want (walk around coach, the clapper), but he's done a great job and I hope he's around for a while. Go Cowboys!

So what exactly has Garrett done? Retooling main credit goes to McCray with some input from Garrett, the other coaches and even Jerry himself. Garrett didn't do much evaluation other than seeing what would fit the team the best with the talent given. Any coach is supposed to do that.

So other than that what else has Garrett done? He doesn't call plays. Moore does that. He doesn't call defenses. What does he do?

He does nothing but walks around and provides bad judgment when the game is on the line. Remember icing the kicker?


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It either needs to include coaches with recent success or it needs to go back before Garrett was a head coach.

Take you pick:

Is this the list? I’ll stick with the last ten years just to keep it simple. Belichick is a no brainer. Tomlinson has been solid. Coughlin has those two super bowls and a lot of nothing else. Carroll has been good. Reid if you like a lot of winning without playoff success could be good. I guess I don’t see a lot, if any, coaches that make Garrett look horrible. Add in the recent success guys and you have 7-8 coaches who were arguably better than Garrett and one who clearly was.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
It took all of one game by Moore to show that coaching matters. Garrett may help keep team cohesion/organization but he severely lacks in design and planning and offers very little on game day.


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Yesterday’s game proves that talent maters. And the opponent you’re playing matters.

We’ve added Cooper from the beginning who almost single handily last year saved the season and probably Daks career, acquired Cobb, the return of Witten , addition of Pollard and a healthy Frederick.

All against a 24th ranked defense from last year and bottom tier team. Giants might win 5 or 6 games this year.


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I will play along

I think Garrett knows how to build a team and he would probably be a great GM

But he sucks as a headcoach.