Get off the ship


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Dude, just stop. You're acting like the bully in the after school special, who's only mean to the other kids because he's afraid they'll find out his secret. Everyone has different ways of dealing with disappointment, and different levels of give-a-crap. Some cry in silence, some lash out at others, some live in denial, and some express their thoughts of what could have been done differently.

It's not anyone else's place to tell them how to react, unless they're lashing out at others.
he desperately seeks attention. this is his only venue for getting it. children dare not walk on his lawn.


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If you're crying over 1 loss that was a dogfight ending with the Saints not scoring a td need to get off the ship, you're not built for this , this ain't for the weak.

I agree with your point,, buttttttt, what is this real life stuff or what? What ain’t for the weak, being a football fan? Being a bettor? Being a season ticket holder and having fun 8-10 games a year in Arlington? Just looking for clarification


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Some are just venting
Some are actually happy with a loss as it gives them, in their mind, an excuse to act a fool with a bunch of idiotic trolling
Some. should be on medication and I don't say that as a joke or to belittle.
Some are just old farts who are cranky and irritable because thay have not had a good BM for days.
Some are casual or simple minded, as far as football goes, and think all losses or wins are because of one person whether that is a player or coach.
Some just get their kicks trolling.

With all that being said, I don’t think there are any regulars here who are bandwagon fans. Some of these folks here need to remember that people who spend time on a fan message board, especially CZ, aren’t the same people like Betsy at the corner market who says she’s a fan last week but isn’t this week.

The Dallas Cowboys haven’t won any thing in 25 years. If you say you’re a fan, I believe you. Why would you be a fan of a losing organization for that long and still claim the team as your favorite if you weren’t a real fan. Stop with that garbage!!! We’re all fans. If I said you weren’t a fan because you didn’t spend 15K on tickets this year would you agree.? If I said you weren’t a fan because you didn’t buy 5 new jerseys, three new hats, and matching pajamas for your wife and kids, would that be OK?

Everyone here has their own level of fandom and ways of expressing it, people should stop with the you’re not a real fan junk cause I could pull the same stuff about some of you if I wanted to.


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I agree with your point,, buttttttt, what is this real life stuff or what? What ain’t for the weak, being a football fan? Being a bettor? Being a season ticket holder and having fun 8-10 games a year in Arlington? Just looking for clarification

Handling the ebbs and flows of a football season, we're not talking real life here we're talking football.


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Who voted you the bouncer here. Screw you and the horse you rode in on! You have zero say on who stays or goes here. Get over your delusion.

I voted myself bouncer, it's my thread , you don't like it.....bounce


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i cry over every loss it seems...i may be weak but i have been here for 50 years watching every season

Then you might have an issue If you're still crying over 1 loss this


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if at seasons end we are 15-1, I will still hate having lost this game. it pays to be a winner.

You may have an issue, it's nearly impossible to go undefeated the way the NFL is set up now.


Red, White and Brew...
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Some are just venting
Some are actually happy with a loss as it gives them, in their mind, an excuse to act a fool with a bunch of idiotic trolling
Some. should be on medication and I don't say that as a joke or to belittle.
Some are just old farts who are cranky and irritable because thay have not had a good BM for days.
Some are casual or simple minded, as far as football goes, and think all losses or wins are because of one person whether that is a player or coach.
Some just get their kicks trolling.
I’m on board with #4.


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I voted myself bouncer, it's my thread , you don't like it.....bounce
Nope. I'm here to cry about the Cowboys one loss and I'm here to stay. Don't you see this season is down hill from here? If they play bad again, how can they expect to beat GB or Philly. They'll be lucky to beat the Jets. Bad coaching is going to become impossible to overcome and the GM won't do anything about it. :facepalm:


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I voted myself bouncer, it's my thread , you don't like it.....bounce

I like the Eddie Murphy line about his Uncle Gus and Aunt Bunny in 'Delirious". We can't repeat that but it still makes me laugh. LOL


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I voted myself bouncer, it's my thread , you don't like it.....bounce

I second the vote for you as bouncer


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I just imagine the boat will be pretty empty by the end of the season when the cowboys don't make the playoffs so u will probably have it all to your self mostly u and very few other die hard garrett defenders


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What's funny is you think that the Saints not scoring a TD somehow makes the loss look better.

It makes it look worse. If you hold the Saints without a TD in the Superdome and lose the game, your offensive coaches and the players were horrendous.

Your post is the textbook definition of trying to turn a loss into a moral victory.

First team we played with a pulse and got exposed offensively. It's not all roses and rainbows.
The Saints have more than a pulse, they are probably the favorite to represent the NFC in the Super Bowl. I don’t know about moral victories, but rest assured a lot of teams have lost games in New Orleans and most will continue to lose games there. They are a well coached team with a lot of pride.