I am strongly considering giving up my fan hood and watching the NFL


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Most old school people won't ever switch teams, but if there was ever a time to switch teams it would have been the day Jerry fired Jimmy/Jimmy walked out.

Actually that would have been a good time to just stop watching NFL games, Cowboys included.

I wouldn’t switch for the record


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It would have been inconceivable to me years ago but I am strongly considering giving up my fan hood and watching any NFL. I know it sounds maudlin and dramatic but I have lost so much joy for the league and have interests elsewhere that I actually think it could happen. I am a hockey maniac so it’s not like there is no winter sport for me. Cowboys aside I hate what this league has done and the games are unwatchable at times. I also have no hope that the Cowboys will re capture their glory as long as the Jones family owns them. I used to think things would be better when Jerry passed on but I think Stephen will be worse is some ways. Watching this team sleep walk through the last 3 games and Jerry defending this clown of a coach has me nearing the end of the line. I went Salmon fishing the last few days so really didn’t pay attention to the game. My buddy and I were actually howling over the Jets beating them. I dropped a note here early last week and all but predicted how that game could turn out. It did.

My doomsday clock is at about 11:50. Where are you guys at? Could you give up football?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

Fan since the 60's. Rags to Riches, Can't win the big one , till finally a SB. The landry years of not will we make the playoffs but who will be play in the SB. The rise of the Commanders, Niners etc. Then our dominance in the 90's..... Its been too long waiting for that to happen again in

All of those teams were not 16-0 and some wins were miracles due to Rodger S and Danny White. Jimmy J put together a well balanced O, D, special teams...

The current team to me doesn't have the overall balance those did , which as it stands right now doesn't give me confidence we will improve.

The league has changed to " flag football" and its hard to watch a game, as you are constantly waiting for the refs to overly involve themselves.

All that said, No on giving it up, but yes on taking a realistic it doesn't excite me the way it used to....


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So, we have fans who don’t like the NFL unless the Cowboys are successful ? Lol


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It’s so dramatic around here, lol.

Watch, don’t watch.

Be a fan, don’t be a fan.

If I was truly miserable following this team (like many on here present themselves to be), I would naturally start to do something enjoyable in place of being an angry “fan”. Would pick up a new hobby, whatever.


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this is me

i used to laugh hysterically at the "the game is rigged" guy, but not so much anymore

I don't know if it's rigged or not. I strongly suspect it. I believe that a lot of it is just bad officiating on an epic level. It's like there's some new hiring policy for refs that requires them to be near-sighted and have the attention span of a hyperactive dog.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I felt that way once during my younger days. It seemed like an impossibility I would ever give up on the Philadelphia 76ers. Loved Julius Erving. Loved Charles Barkley too. I enjoyed Barkley so much that I ditched the 76ers and became a Barkley fan when he was let go for Phoenix. Then I lost nearly all interest in the NBA when Chuck retired.

Never felt that same way about any other sport or team. I always believed, thinking I was being completely honest with myself, that I was never a true fan of the Sixers. I yelled, scream, loved when they won, hated when they lost and pimped them as an undying love. However, when push came to shove, I dumped the franchise like a hot rock and later left the NBA laying beside the trash bin.

Que sera sera I guess.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It would have been inconceivable to me years ago but I am strongly considering giving up my fan hood and watching any NFL. I know it sounds maudlin and dramatic but I have lost so much joy for the league and have interests elsewhere that I actually think it could happen. I am a hockey maniac so it’s not like there is no winter sport for me. Cowboys aside I hate what this league has done and the games are unwatchable at times. I also have no hope that the Cowboys will re capture their glory as long as the Jones family owns them. I used to think things would be better when Jerry passed on but I think Stephen will be worse is some ways. Watching this team sleep walk through the last 3 games and Jerry defending this clown of a coach has me nearing the end of the line. I went Salmon fishing the last few days so really didn’t pay attention to the game. My buddy and I were actually howling over the Jets beating them. I dropped a note here early last week and all but predicted how that game could turn out. It did.

My doomsday clock is at about 11:50. Where are you guys at? Could you give up football?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

You have to just not take it too personally. Watching Jerry interview has become weekly comic relief for me. I look at it as a win-win for me. I get Jerry the comediant/football buffoon or a cowboy win. I'm entertained either way.


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My boss used to like the Cowboys but they kept losing so he hates them now and is now a fan of the Patriots.

I think everyone is almost on that line.


Regular Joe....
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I don't know that I would ever give up football but I'll say this, the Jets game wasn't televised in my area, it's the first game I've missed in years and I was OK. I didn't wilt away and die, I cooked with my Wife and it was OK. I actually had some fun.

I get it, fans are angry and they should be. Maybe this is what needs to happen. I've always said that a team does not belong to the owner, it belongs to the fans. Maybe it is time for this message to be sent, in no uncertain terms, to Jerry?



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You have to just not take it too personally. Watching Jerry interview has become weekly comic relief for me. I look at it as a win-win for me. I get Jerry the comediant/football buffoon or a cowboy win. I'm entertained either way.

I hear you. I am a guy with little patience. The stupidity irks me to no end. I gave up yelling at the TV years ago. Now I just simmer in silence.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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College football overtook the NFL for me years ago. Part of it is being an Ohio State alum - I follow all Buckeye sports. Hockey games are a blast, basketball, baseball - they all take precedence over pro sports.

I grew up with Landry and Staubach. That will always be my favorite Cowboys era. I loved the 90s Cowboys as much as anyone else but Jerry's stubborn refusal to change how the football operations are run is wearing me out. Win, lose, doesn't matter - he and his kids will run the show, right down to making roster decisions and hiring the coaches. They may too blind to see the flaws - or maybe their relationships with personnel are more important than championships at this point - but frankly none of those things are why I watch football. I'm there for the product on the field.

I'm sick of the excuses. Tired of watching them do the same things while expecting different results. I've no need for Jerry & Son to produce a sound bite every day. Win something or shut up.


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It would have been inconceivable to me years ago but I am strongly considering giving up my fan hood and watching any NFL

GREAT POST - I am 53, I am also a 45+ year die-hard fan, and agree 100000% with what you are saying!....sure we will take the grief of the usual "minority lifers" that say we are not TRUE fans....LMAO at this absurdity, IF we;ve stayed through this HORROR SHOW for the past 20+ years then we are true fans in anyone's book!

So let me ask everyone this: Embedded in the definition of being a "FAN" of any franchise of any sport, inherently means you want your team to WIN, right? To be the BEST? To do EVERYTHING within the organization's power to put the best product, coaching, players and leadership on the field/court/rink ??......

How can fans continue to watch the Dallas Cowboys when clearly, without dispute, the Owner of this once great franchise DOES NOT PUT WINNING or CHAMPIONSHIPS as his MAIN PRIORITY?

Hiring completely UNQUALIFIED, Inexperienced INTERNAL coaches-in-training like Moore, Garrett...keeping the fossil Marinelli... WE ARE THE DALLAS COWBOYS WITH INCREDIBLE HOF TALENT headed by the worst coaching staff on the planet!@

MAKE NO MISTAKE!...the team we passionately root to win every week has a different agenda folks! They don't care about Fans, they don't care about Lombardis.....if they did, we would have had REAL COACHES years ago.

NO ONE will ever convince me differently. I have 2 decades of proof on my side.


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GREAT POST - I am 53, I am also a 45+ year die-hard fan, and agree 100000% with what you are saying!....sure we will take the grief of the usual "minority lifers" that say we are not TRUE fans....LMAO at this absurdity, IF we;ve stayed through this HORROR SHOW for the past 20+ years then we are true fans in anyone's book!

So let me ask everyone this: Embedded in the definition of being a "FAN" of any franchise of any sport, inherently means you want your team to WIN, right? To be the BEST? To do EVERYTHING within the organization's power to put the best product, coaching, players and leadership on the field/court/rink ??......

How can fans continue to watch the Dallas Cowboys when clearly, without dispute, the Owner of this once great franchise DOES NOT PUT WINNING or CHAMPIONSHIPS as his MAIN PRIORITY?

Hiring completely UNQUALIFIED, Inexperienced INTERNAL coaches-in-training like Moore, Garrett...keeping the fossil Marinelli... WE ARE THE DALLAS COWBOYS WITH INCREDIBLE HOF TALENT headed by the worst coaching staff on the planet!@

MAKE NO MISTAKE!...the team we passionately root to win every week has a different agenda folks! They don't care about Fans, they don't care about Lombardis.....if they did, we would have had REAL COACHES years ago.

NO ONE will ever convince me differently. I have 2 decades of proof on my side.

This post is an opus.


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I have a dog that is my best buddy. She is a perfect pal. She hates when I yell so I don’t. Funny thing is my wife and kids dealt with it for years. I didn’t care what they thought but that dog...
Some games my wife gets up and takes the dog outside.


Well-Known Member
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It would have been inconceivable to me years ago but I am strongly considering giving up my fan hood and watching any NFL. I know it sounds maudlin and dramatic but I have lost so much joy for the league and have interests elsewhere that I actually think it could happen. I am a hockey maniac so it’s not like there is no winter sport for me. Cowboys aside I hate what this league has done and the games are unwatchable at times. I also have no hope that the Cowboys will re capture their glory as long as the Jones family owns them. I used to think things would be better when Jerry passed on but I think Stephen will be worse is some ways. Watching this team sleep walk through the last 3 games and Jerry defending this clown of a coach has me nearing the end of the line. I went Salmon fishing the last few days so really didn’t pay attention to the game. My buddy and I were actually howling over the Jets beating them. I dropped a note here early last week and all but predicted how that game could turn out. It did.

My doomsday clock is at about 11:50. Where are you guys at? Could you give up football?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

why quit now when the chance of a garrett termination is quite good, knock on wood