Zeke Overrated and Over Paid?


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I would like to further discuss this, since I've joined I have seen so many post about "Zeke overrated", "Zeke overpaid", "Zeke is average". Can someone demonstrate to me a person who has two rushing titles(would of had three if it wasn't for bs), and is currently 7th in rushing(game behind some people in front of him), and that makes him AVERAGE? By being 7th in the league that means there are roughly 25 starting RB who have less yards than him. Thats above average by definition people. You know whose getting paid that isn't producing, Todd Gurley.

Long Runs- "We need the home run hitter", "Someone like Saquon that got that speed". Another person said that "Home run RB's win games". LOL, lets examine that shall we. Among the top runners with Zeke, Nick Chubb has the longest run so far, it it was ONLY about that home run hitter, than his team would be winning more games, people were saying that they would trade Aaron Jones for Zeke, his longest run is 15.

The fact of it is, Zeke is top 5 running back, and to me the best in the league but im bias, so my unbiased right now CMC is, and Zeke is next. But in no way shape or form will I say I would trade CMC for Zeke. And the people that say, "Zeke only has yards because the offense opens holes", yeah DUH thats the point of the game. Cook, McCaffrey, Fournette lines also block very well on the run, they NEED them too. Don't be hypocrites please. He may not be home run threat, but he plays physical football and runs hard every down; there will always be someone better at something, we just need to be happy we have a back who has been at the top for every season he's been in the league.

Risen Star

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You replied literally 5 seconds after I posted, did you even read what I wrote?

He's a speed reader.



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Well than why would I have to wait to the end of the season? In that case we should wait till the end of the season to pay Dak and Amari or Byron, just wait for everything because we don't know.. hes already through three seasons proved it thats why im saying he is not overrated or overpaid. He is not a one hit wonder.


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Zeke is the best running back in the NFL. Thqt hasn't changed. What's changed, is the game. Now, you got little squirters shooting off like misjudged sharts.

So, let me ask you this, running back to running back:

30 seconds left in the Superbowl and you have fourth and inches to get into field goal range, who are you taking over Zeke?


Outta bounds
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I would like to further discuss this, since I've joined I have seen so many post about "Zeke overrated", "Zeke overpaid", "Zeke is average". Can someone demonstrate to me a person who has two rushing titles(would of had three if it wasn't for bs), and is currently 7th in rushing(game behind some people in front of him), and that makes him AVERAGE? By being 7th in the league that means there are roughly 25 starting RB who have less yards than him. Thats above average by definition people. You know whose getting paid that isn't producing, Todd Gurley.

Long Runs- "We need the home run hitter", "Someone like Saquon that got that speed". Another person said that "Home run RB's win games". LOL, lets examine that shall we. Among the top runners with Zeke, Nick Chubb has the longest run so far, it it was ONLY about that home run hitter, than his team would be winning more games, people were saying that they would trade Aaron Jones for Zeke, his longest run is 15.

The fact of it is, Zeke is top 5 running back, and to me the best in the league but im bias, so my unbiased right now CMC is, and Zeke is next. But in no way shape or form will I say I would trade CMC for Zeke. And the people that say, "Zeke only has yards because the offense opens holes", yeah DUH thats the point of the game. Cook, McCaffrey, Fournette lines also block very well on the run, they NEED them too. Don't be hypocrites please. He may not be home run threat, but he plays physical football and runs hard every down; there will always be someone better at something, we just need to be happy we have a back who has been at the top for every season he's been in the league.
You’re right, of course... but if you’re looking for logic, you may be looking in the wrong place. This place is all emotion and hyperbola.

A very young and growing team with a 10-6 record gets a wildcard victory, and then a loss in the divisional round of the playoffs? A good season with a young, improving team that needs to learn to get over the hump?

Nope. It is a trash team that sucks because the coaches suck. The talent sucks. The front office sucks... and despite all of that, they were fully expected to make it to the NFC championship game and underachieved by not getting to said game.

You’ll learn after spending a little more time here.


Well-Known Member
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Well than why would I have to wait to the end of the season? In that case we should wait till the end of the season to pay Dak and Amari or Byron, just wait for everything because we don't know.. hes already through three seasons proved it thats why im saying he is not overrated or overpaid. He is not a one hit wonder.

Hopefully his production improves, he did say he feels he should be paid top money, because he's feels he's the best.
I want to see if he can come through on that statement. But you shouldn't feel emotionally invested in any player.

It's a what have you done for me lately league. Anytime you can get multiple picks for a players, I say take the chance.


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The point I was trying to make is don't say he as our running back is average because he's not. He's top 5 in every aspect of being a running back. But if you want to talk about the teams failures and the lack of coaching okay, just let him do his job because he does it very well.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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You’re right, of course... but if you’re looking for logic, you may be looking in the wrong place. This place is all emotion and hyperbola.

A very young and growing team with a 10-6 record gets a wildcard victory, and then a loss in the divisional round of the playoffs? A good season with a young, improving team that needs to learn to get over the hump?

Nope. It is a trash team that sucks because the coaches suck. The talent sucks. The front office sucks... and despite all of that, they were fully expected to make it to the NFC championship game and underachieved by not getting to said game.

You’ll learn after spending a little more time here.
I am Spock...

When he's singing the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins!



Red, White and Brew...
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Zeke is the best running back in the NFL. Thqt hasn't changed. What's changed, is the game. Now, you got little squirters shooting off like misjudged sharts.

So, let me ask you this, running back to running back:

30 seconds left in the Superbowl and you have fourth and inches to get into field goal range, who are you taking over Zeke?
Zeke isn’t better than Barkley.