Griner sentenced to 9 years


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Not sure why any American would go to Russia.
BG really should have picked a different country for her international basketball.

As it's obviously excessive hopefully she can be returned inside a year from now.


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Silver Surfer

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Wrong place wrong time? Dude, she knowingly took drugs into another country.

Which, in all probability, she had been doing for years without incident. Do you really believe this was the first time she brought drugs into and out of the USSR? The difference this time was that Putin wanted to use her as a means of embarassing or punishing the US for its support of the Ukraine.... its not that hard to figure out.

I'm not really that sympathetic her situation. I think people from our country are ignorant and often act entitled when they visit other countries, especially the famous and wealthy who've been able to get away with lawlessness in our country. They often think their status follows them around the globe, which it might have for many years.... but in this case, the situation changed and Griner was oblivious to the risk she was exposing herself to.


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Which, in all probability, she had been doing for years without incident. Do you really believe this was the first time she brought drugs into and out of the USSR? The difference this time was that Putin wanted to use her as a means of embarassing or punishing the US for its support of the Ukraine.... its not that hard to figure out.

I'm not really that sympathetic her situation. I think people from our country are ignorant and often act entitled when they visit other countries, especially the famous and wealthy who've been able to get away with lawlessness in our country. They often think their status follows them around the globe, which it might have for many years.... but in this case, the situation changed and Griner was oblivious to the risk she was exposing herself to.
stupid is as stupid does. She was always a thug and finally gets whats coming to her.


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Not sure why any American would go to Russia.
BG really should have picked a different country for her international basketball.

As it's obviously excessive hopefully she can be returned inside a year from now.
The Russians teams pay very well. That is why most to of the Americans go over there to play.


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Which, in all probability, she had been doing for years without incident. Do you really believe this was the first time she brought drugs into and out of the USSR? The difference this time was that Putin wanted to use her as a means of embarassing or punishing the US for its support of the Ukraine.... its not that hard to figure out.

I'm not really that sympathetic her situation. I think people from our country are ignorant and often act entitled when they visit other countries, especially the famous and wealthy who've been able to get away with lawlessness in our country. They often think their status follows them around the globe, which it might have for many years.... but in this case, the situation changed and Griner was oblivious to the risk she was exposing herself to.
Then she shouldn't have been doing it for years.


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Sucks for her and the punishment is absolutely ridiculous but when you go to another country you play by their rules.

Her sentence is obviously more political than it is just. You won't convince me that Russians are treated the same way with their drug policies.

Guess that's why you shouldn't travel to countries that are ruled by a dictator. It kinda sucks.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Full disclosure: I lived and worked in Russia shortly after the breakup up of the FSU, married a Russian (that had previously immigrated to Canada) and, at least until the Russian Ukrainian war, traveled to Russia every few years to see family.

Now, do I belive BG is a pawn in the greater Russian/US politics? Without question.

Do I think 9+ years is harsh punishment for her crime? Yes. However, it is not an outlier in the Russian judicial system.

Do I think she was unlawfully detained? No. She was carrying banned drugs and admitted to doing so. She broke the law.

Do I think she accidentally packed the banned items. No, but that is purely speculation on my part. I know when I travel to Russia (or, any other country for that matter), all medications are packed in their original containers and I am careful not to pack any banned items. I even leave my non-THC CBD ointment at home over concerns it may trigger questions from border officials.

I have mixed views on the US government's response to BG's situation. First, I believe they are playing directly into Putin's hands. Second, we have other US citizens detained elsewhere overseas. Where is the US government response to them?