Chip Kelly fostering an arrogant environment


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I'm not a Garrett supporter, and I think we need more nasty players. But those complaining about RKG characters, would you rather what chip is fostering. Here are comments/actions taken by eagles players this year and mostly this week.

1) Riley Coopers racist remarks in the beginning of the year
2) Lesean Kamel McCoy wearing a champions belt. Who does that? You won the rushing title be a pro and get ready for the playoffs
3) Carey Williams and Jason Peters both said the Saints got lucky and aren't the better team. Who does that? Did you hear GB or KC say that after their losses?
4) Trent Cole saying the rookie LT has a fresh new car smell and that he's going to make his life hell. I didn't see Cole make any game changing plays
5) Desean Jackson asking for yet ANOTHER new contract today.

Here's my thing, most of these guys were on this team when Andy was around and aside from Desean this was a relatively quiet team off the field. I don't support Garrett as a head coach, but at least he isn't fostering this arrogant can't back it up environment.

It depends. They players have to match the Head Coach. Some HCs can use this to their advantage while other HCs can't keep it under control.

The Cowboys under Jimmy were super cocky, but Jimmy was able to manipulate it to his advantage.

The Cowboys under Wade Phillips were super cocky and were allow to develop a sense of entitlement. With Wade as the HC this became a toxic locker-room and the players eventually quit on him.


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They're coached by a guy who's whole schtick is that everyone else has been doing football wrong forever. They're just reflecting their leadership.


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I'm not a Garrett supporter, and I think we need more nasty players. But those complaining about RKG characters, would you rather what chip is fostering. Here are comments/actions taken by eagles players this year and mostly this week.

1) Riley Coopers racist remarks in the beginning of the year
2) Lesean Kamel McCoy wearing a champions belt. Who does that? You won the rushing title be a pro and get ready for the playoffs
3) Carey Williams and Jason Peters both said the Saints got lucky and aren't the better team. Who does that? Did you hear GB or KC say that after their losses?
4) Trent Cole saying the rookie LT has a fresh new car smell and that he's going to make his life hell. I didn't see Cole make any game changing plays
5) Desean Jackson asking for yet ANOTHER new contract today.

Here's my thing, most of these guys were on this team when Andy was around and aside from Desean this was a relatively quiet team off the field. I don't support Garrett as a head coach, but at least he isn't fostering this arrogant can't back it up environment.

Good, because this team can't back it up.

As for "RKG's".. Let me know when one of Chip Kelly's players is charged with manslaughter... of his own teammate.


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Anyone feeling arrogant over winning the NFCE is as delusional as Desean Jackson's agent.

WV Cowboy

Waitin' on the 6th
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You say 'an arrogant environment' as if it is a bad thing.

For most things, and for most sports, I would agree with you, ... but not here, this is the NFL.

These guys are nasty, .. wait, no, they are beyond nasty. More and more of these guys are barbaric. This game is not for the weak or soft.

I'm serious, when I see how these guys are put together, how they are built, .. the speed, the size, .. this in no environment for niceness or politeness.

I want mean, nasty, rude, tough, physical studs that only have one gear, one speed.

Yesterday I watched REAL MEN that were playing in 0 degree weather, in short sleeves, on dirt, .. bashing their bodies together, banging their heads together for 3 hours. I mean WOW!

When it is that cold out and I step out to just get the newspaper I hate it. I warm my Suburban up before I get in it. And nobody is grabbing me and slinging me to the ground. LOL

Now I'm not saying I would tolerate criminals, drug-users, rapists, etc.

But I want to foster an arrogant, nasty environment where REAL MEN impose their will on other men.

That is football.


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There is a difference btw what you listed and what I want.

Look at the Carolina Panthers and San Francisco 49ers for what I want. Those teams have swagger and toughness, they don''t back down from anyone yet they still maintain jovial upbeat team chemistry. Our locker room is so stale and corporate it makes me sick sometimes just thinking about it. We need a mix up of personalities on this team.


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There is a difference btw what you listed and what I want.

Look at the Carolina Panthers and San Francisco 49ers for what I want. Those teams have swagger and toughness, they don''t back down from anyone yet they still maintain jovial upbeat team chemistry. Our locker room is so stale and corporate it makes me sick sometimes just thinking about it. We need a mix up of personalities on this team.

I'm wondering if this is true... You were in the Cowboys locker room when?


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I dont have a problem with 2 and 5. McCoy and Jackson are ballers they can do what they want. Carey and Peters are both scrubs. Cole's a player but that's a dick move. And I'm still waiting on someone to take 15 yards and a 2 game suspension for Cooper

Jason Peters, the all-pro LT and widely regarded as one of the best LT's in the game, is a scrub?


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Jason Peters, the all-pro LT and widely regarded as one of the best LT's in the game, is a scrub?

This also made me laugh. If peters is a scrub level payer then 95% of the cowboys roster is made up of scrubs.

When your own franchise is in shambles you don't go sticking your nose in someone else's business. Just make you look worse and like your trying to compensate for something.


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I'm not a Garrett supporter, and I think we need more nasty players. But those complaining about RKG characters, would you rather what chip is fostering. Here are comments/actions taken by eagles players this year and mostly this week.

1) Riley Coopers racist remarks in the beginning of the year
2) Lesean Kamel McCoy wearing a champions belt. Who does that? You won the rushing title be a pro and get ready for the playoffs
3) Carey Williams and Jason Peters both said the Saints got lucky and aren't the better team. Who does that? Did you hear GB or KC say that after their losses?
4) Trent Cole saying the rookie LT has a fresh new car smell and that he's going to make his life hell. I didn't see Cole make any game changing plays
5) Desean Jackson asking for yet ANOTHER new contract today.

Here's my thing, most of these guys were on this team when Andy was around and aside from Desean this was a relatively quiet team off the field. I don't support Garrett as a head coach, but at least he isn't fostering this arrogant can't back it up environment.





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so he turned them around got them from being a 4 win team to a playoff team, and there's a few players flapping their gums. I'll take that from a coach any day.


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yeah DeSean Jackson never did anything boneheaded before Chip Kelly got there



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Yeah. No freakin thanks. Ill take the "RKG" situation. Guys with class. You dont need to be a loudmouth idiot to be a good football player.

Vick murdering animals
Cooper the klansman
McCoy tweeting "Knowshawn sucks!"
Desean throwing fits and demanding more money despite being payed more than he is worth.
The list goes on.

Play like a professional, act like a professional.


Well-Known Member
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I'm not a Garrett supporter, and I think we need more nasty players. But those complaining about RKG characters, would you rather what chip is fostering. Here are comments/actions taken by eagles players this year and mostly this week.

1) Riley Coopers racist remarks in the beginning of the year
2) Lesean Kamel McCoy wearing a champions belt. Who does that? You won the rushing title be a pro and get ready for the playoffs
3) Carey Williams and Jason Peters both said the Saints got lucky and aren't the better team. Who does that? Did you hear GB or KC say that after their losses?
4) Trent Cole saying the rookie LT has a fresh new car smell and that he's going to make his life hell. I didn't see Cole make any game changing plays
5) Desean Jackson asking for yet ANOTHER new contract today.

Here's my thing, most of these guys were on this team when Andy was around and aside from Desean this was a relatively quiet team off the field. I don't support Garrett as a head coach, but at least he isn't fostering this arrogant can't back it up environment.

I am of the belief that it takes all kinds. In other words, for the most part you want RKG's except on both lines, offensive and defensive and safety's, I would rather see the nasty-tempermant type.

That's my recipe for success, but then again, I'm not a coach, so I'm not sure if that is the right way or not.


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and we lose like professionals. not really in a position to tell someone how to run their organization.


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They're coached by a guy who's whole schtick is that everyone else has been doing football wrong forever. They're just reflecting their leadership.

What would you expect from someone named "CHIP"?