RELEASED Taco Charlton - Officially Released


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What "content" do you need? Other than a 1st round pick that just got cut?

[quote2I see you avoid discussing those expectations on you … that's pretty glaring. Come on, tell us how you have never made a mistake at an time in any aspect of your life, and how it's reasonable to expect somone else to never have a mistake just like you.

I've never made a mistake of this magnitude. I've never flushed the company budget for the year down the drain. Have you?

Anything like your homer complex? You've obviously got that awfully bad.

Stop posting here then. Nothing you do or say matters.
A first round pick got cut! OMG, really?

Is that the content you are posting now? lol

He got cut. It was a bad pick. It sucks. The team has to do better. Of course all that's true. But is it "monumental"? Is it a mistake of a "magnitude" that is unimaginable in the NFL"? Is it worthy of great drama? Should we lose sleep over it and think it is a sign the whole team is going to hell in a handbasket? Not even close.

But you fall to pieces if you wish.


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The same people that defended Monte Kiffin when he was here.

Minimizing this draft miss.

The same people who defended Linehan, right until he was fired.

The same people defend Marinelli now.

Those that feel compelled to defend and make excuses for their favorite team for every mistake they make.

It's embarrassing.

Exactly, and have we not seen how our offence improved when we replaced Linehan with Moore? Why would it not improve with Richard at DE and someone really great at safety like Darren Woodson as a DB coach?


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Sorry that this Cowboy player did not work out...some seem unable to grab the bull by the horn. Defensive end requires an aggressive, not lazy reference point. His own self value cluttered his team values. Sorry guy, right now although, you are the loser. See ya....and good luck.


Cowboys Diehard
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Seeing that they just drafted an even more over rated bum in T. Hill, I would say they aren't going to be learning any lessons in defensive line drafting anytime soon.

Funny how it's become so accepted to be the first to assume unproven things that are yet to be given a chance to be proven. Hill is a rookie that has lots of work to do before he's likely to replace others who are more experienced than he is. Whether it suits you to admit it or not, assuming someone's a bum on the basis of practically no experience is far from being knowledgeable. Maybe it's a lesson you've yet to learn yourself. Hill was a 2nd round pick, not a 1st. That oftentimes entails further development.
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Taco had that great game against the Texans' future UPS drivers, he must have really pissed someone off since then 'cause I don't think he's been seen since.


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Neither is even close, both Late picks. Check out some of our first rounders back in the day, and the DEs we tried in the 90’s
C'mon Chuck, no love for Shante Carver or Kivaka Pittman?


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Yep, the only thing missing is "we need to move on".

Gavin Escobar flashbacks for sure. As well as Taco.
TBH, neither really got to show what they had to offer. Totally unneeded pick of Escobar and Taco should’ve never been the pick at 28.


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Taco has talent. He did flash in training camp. But a bust is a bust. I just hope Taco doesn't go on and produce for another team. I also think Marinelli is more of a motivator, than evaluator of talent. He needs to hit on his pet cats, either FA acquisitions, or draft picks.


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The Rock.



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This is a little bit like the Dez situation. Dez didn’t perform so he was cut. He hasn’t done anything since he was cut by the Cowboys. People made tons of excuses for Dez, but he really couldn’t play.

Taco hasn’t really done anything to justify the pick we made on him. He didn’t flash much. Now it also looks like he is a malcontent.

I don’t understand why people are surprised by this cut. He can’t play well and he seems to be a difficult player to deal with on top of that. Why is it the teams fault he sucks?

I fault the team for drafting him in the first place, but everything since then is on Taco. I’m not sure why that is even being debated.


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Funny how it's become so accepted to be the first to assume unproven things that are yet to be given a chance to be proven. Hill is a rookie that has lots of work to do before he's likely to replace others who are more experienced than he is. Whether it suits you to admit it or not, assuming someone's a bum on the basis of practically no experience is far from being knowledgeable. Maybe it's a lesson you've yet to learn yourself. Hill was a 2nd round pick, not a 1st. That oftentimes entails further development.
Taco actually showed more in college and his first NFL year than Hill has. And where did that get him? Hill has zero clout IMO other than Marinelli's approval. And being backed by Rod is definitely no indication of future NFL potential. However, sure let's give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he does eventually pan out. Great. My guess is Rod is gone next year and Hill won't have anyone to cover for him anymore. You wanna pull for him, fine. I say he's going to be a bust.


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This kind of ticks me off at the FO. Not just for the waste of a 1st rd pick, (we all knew he wasn't a legit 1st rd player at pick 28) but more so they didn't get anything in return for him. You can't honestly sit here and tell me you believe that they never had any kind of offer for him this entire time. I don't believe that for a second. If they had thoughts to let him go they should've taken whatever they could get regardless of how small. Something is always better than nothing.