(1-8) Notre Dame Has #1 Recruiting Class?

JustSayNotoTO;1754917 said:
Did you not watch the game? NBC made a point to mention that a few of the Navy players had never played competitive football before.

Yeah, I watched it. Guess I missed that. I'm willing to bet that it was a most a couple of guys.

JustSayNotoTO;1754917 said:
To your other point, So what? Other teams with competent coaching staffs make do with inexperienced players ALL THE TIME, why is Moby Weis and the sacred Notre Dame getting excuses written for them? I remember Michigan making the Rose Bowl with a true freshman RB and QB, that experience excuse is SO played out....

Ok, how do you explain the Irish going from being one of the best offensive teams in the country to the worst in one year?

ND entered the season with a total of 75 scholarship players:

9 Seniors (Ty's last "Full" class)
15 Juniors (Mostly Ty's guys and Weis' first class while he was still with NE)
24 Sophomores
27 Freshmen

Take a second to digest those numbers. The 2007 Irish squad entered the season with 10 fewer players than the max allowed by NCAA rules (and they've had a couple more quit since then). There are schools on probation that have more scholarship athletes than ND does.

The roster consists of more than 65% freshmen and sophs. There isn't another major program anywhere in the country with anything like that many underclassmen.

Anyone who truly has an "unbiased perception" will admit the truth - the 2007 Irish are struggling because too many young players are being forced to play before they're ready. The reason for that is the lack of upperclassmen on the roster, a situation that is in no way, shape or form Charlie Weis' fault.

ND will struggle this year, but the team will be better for it in years to come.
tomson75;1754927 said:
If it were at all possible for you (and justsayno) to put your agenda driven bias aside for one minute, you might realize something beyond the obvious. For example, you MIGHT realize that those recruits are given those ratings before they commit, hence giving your ealier post absolutely ZERO merit. Try and back up your FIRST stupid *** post Nors...just try.

No , we agree the Notre Dame talent on the field is horrible. Their draft classes are recently vastly overated.

1-8 in a firefight with Air Force today and losing.
Nors, like Just say no, are so eaten up with hate for ND they can't see straight. Not that either one of them are all that perceptive anyway. I mean we are talking about Nors and those like him.
What you see at ND this year is the result of about 5-7 years of mostly average or below average recruiting classes. Davie and one good one and so did Willingham. And most of the good ones Willingham DID get are gone. 9 Seniors from a class that was not all that great to begin with. 15 Jrs from a class that was not good. I am not saying CCW is blameless; he clearly needs to get rid of his O line coach, where frankly MOST of the problems are. And he badly over estimated how much the young kids could do, got way too fancy when fundamentals SHOULD have been the order of the day. The great new class coming in, along with his last two, will help a lot. BUT ND needs at least one more class like it and really needs two.
burmafrd;1755692 said:
Nors, like Just say no, are so eaten up with hate for ND they can't see straight. Not that either one of them are all that perceptive anyway. I mean we are talking about Nors and those like him.
What you see at ND this year is the result of about 5-7 years of mostly average or below average recruiting classes. Davie and one good one and so did Willingham. And most of the good ones Willingham DID get are gone. 9 Seniors from a class that was not all that great to begin with. 15 Jrs from a class that was not good. I am not saying CCW is blameless; he clearly needs to get rid of his O line coach, where frankly MOST of the problems are. And he badly over estimated how much the young kids could do, got way too fancy when fundamentals SHOULD have been the order of the day. The great new class coming in, along with his last two, will help a lot. BUT ND needs at least one more class like it and really needs two.

And yet those coaches did much better with...inferior talent and recruiting?
Too bad recruiting ratings don't always translate to success. At this point, Weis may even coach talent down.

- Mike G.
burmafrd;1755692 said:
Nors, like Just say no, are so eaten up with hate for ND they can't see straight. Not that either one of them are all that perceptive anyway. I mean we are talking about Nors and those like him.
What you see at ND this year is the result of about 5-7 years of mostly average or below average recruiting classes. Davie and one good one and so did Willingham. And most of the good ones Willingham DID get are gone. 9 Seniors from a class that was not all that great to begin with. 15 Jrs from a class that was not good. I am not saying CCW is blameless; he clearly needs to get rid of his O line coach, where frankly MOST of the problems are. And he badly over estimated how much the young kids could do, got way too fancy when fundamentals SHOULD have been the order of the day. The great new class coming in, along with his last two, will help a lot. BUT ND needs at least one more class like it and really needs two.

I don't hate on ND, Weis is an ex Patriot coach. I'm just calling out the FACT his recruiting classes have been vastly overrated. They are not producing and ND at 1-9 Is as low as its ever been.

Poor coaching and recruiting. No hate - fact

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