10 Friday questions 9/18


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10 Friday questions 9/18

(I do this on a few boards I am at every friday, just never done it here so hope it's okay)

1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress:

2. What is your least favorite food:

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite:

4. Least favorite NFL team:

5. Least favorite animal

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day:

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?:

8. What is your least favorite fast food place:

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays:

10. Any weekend plans??


Well-Known Member
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Deb;2948973 said:
10 Friday questions 9/18

(I do this on a few boards I am at every friday, just never done it here so hope it's okay)

1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress:

2. What is your least favorite food:

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite:

4. Least favorite NFL team:

5. Least favorite animal

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day:

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?:

8. What is your least favorite fast food place:

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays:

10. Any weekend plans??

1. Jane Fonda
2. Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper
3. Which personality? :D
4. Stealers
5. Rats
6. Shopping
7. Coming in
8. Any chinese place
9. The travel
10. Nope


The Duke
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1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress? Jane Fonda

2. What is your least favorite food? liver

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite? Ego

4. Least favorite NFL team? Commanders

5. Least favorite animal? Pigeons

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day? In pain.

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school? The current market.

8. What is your least favorite fast food place? McDonalds

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays? Crowds

10. Any weekend plans? I won tickets to see Lee Ann Womack and Neal McCoy in Concert.


I'm Complicated
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1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress: Lindsey Lohan

2. What is your least favorite food: veal (never had it, never will)

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite: I'm forgetful :(

4. Least favorite NFL team: Giants

5. Least favorite animal: fleas

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day: On my feet

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?: Some of the people I work with are real jerks.

8. What is your least favorite fast food place: Taco Bell

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays: They're over so soon.

10. Any weekend plans? work, football, maybe yard work


Brain Dead Shill
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Deb;2948973 said:
10 Friday questions 9/18

(I do this on a few boards I am at every friday, just never done it here so hope it's okay)

1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress:

2. What is your least favorite food:

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite:

4. Least favorite NFL team:

5. Least favorite animal

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day:

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?:

8. What is your least favorite fast food place:

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays:

10. Any weekend plans??

I like these threads...

1. Cameron Diaz comes to mind.

2. Broccoli

3. My temper

4. Historically, the Commanders. Lately, the Eagles > Giants > Commanders in hate.

5. Lion

6. In line, or generally waiting on anything.

7. My tiny paycheck.

8. I can't eat Burger King anymore after living 50 yards from one in college.

9. I typically love everything about the holiday season...unless I'm broke.

10. Meeting a friend for his pre bachelor party get together in DC tonight, then Annapolis for the rest of the weekend with my girl.


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tomson75;2949005 said:
8. I can't eat Burger King anymore after living 50 yards from one in college.

Basically the same reason I can't stand them. Every Army base I have been on has a BK and if you missed the chow hall hours you didn't have much of a choice.


Pixel Pusher
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1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress:
I always go back and forth on actors, right now I'd say Kate Winslet.

I can't even read, LEAST FAVORITE? I have never liked Katherine Heigl. Whatever "it" is when it comes to actors, she doesn't have it.

2. What is your least favorite food:

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite:
Arguing for arguments sake.

4. Least favorite NFL team:

5. Least favorite animal

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day:
Working at a job I hate.

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?:
That I'm a designer at a firm that is numbers driven.

8. What is your least favorite fast food place:
McDonalds is awful.

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays:
Long lines.

10. Any weekend plans?
Housewarming party on Saturday, Visiting a friend who just had his 3rd son on Sunday Morning and then Football.


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
Reaction score
1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress: Sarah Jessica Parker.

2. What is your least favorite food: Cottage cheese

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite: I can be distant, unfriendly.

4. Least favorite NFL team: Washington Commanders

5. Least favorite animal: Rattlesnake

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day: Yardwork/mowing.

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?: Dealing with board members

8. What is your least favorite fast food place: Jack in the Box.

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays: Spending money.

10. Any weekend plans?? May try to get all the kids together for some photos. Also church, work and Cowboys-Giants on Sunday night.


Cowboy Fan
Reaction score
1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress: Cameron Diaz

2. What is your least favorite food: Mexican

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite: I trust nobody

4. Least favorite NFL team: Eagles

5. Least favorite animal: Spiders if bugs count ..... if not, Wild Dogs

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day: Driving

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?: Dealing with my office drama

8. What is your least favorite fast food place: Subway

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays: Money spent

10. Any weekend plans?? Playing with my Sons and watching the Cowboys Sunday night.


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress: Drew Barrymore-cannot stand her

2. What is your least favorite food: Lima beans

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite: Procrastinate

4. Least favorite NFL team: Eagles

5. Least favorite animal: Love bugs

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day: nothing comes to mind

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?: idiot customers

8. What is your least favorite fast food place: KFC

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays: Spending it with people who i probably dont like to begin with, much less going out of my way to spend it with them.

10. Any weekend plans?? Golf tmrw morning, Longhorns tmrw nite, NFL of course Sun


Reaction score
1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress: Jane Fonda

2. What is your least favorite food: Salad

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite: Don't take criticism well

4. Least favorite NFL team: Giants

5. Least favorite animal: Rat

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day: Sick/In pain

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?: My boss can be a real jerk

8. What is your least favorite fast food place: Sonic

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays: Cold weather

10. Any weekend plans?? Help my cousin paint his house


Well-Known Member
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1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress:

Have to go Cameron Diaz also.

2. What is your least favorite food:


3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite:

None. I'm perfect. .....WAIT! THAT'S IT! :D

4. Least favorite NFL team:


5. Least favorite animal:


6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day:

Having to travel for business and miss all of Sunday afternoon football while having to sit next to some obese slob and/or armrest hog on an airline.

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?:

(job) Being a Contractor employee and not having full access to all the tools to do the job that full-timer's do.

8. What is your least favorite fast food place:

TACO BELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blech::ralph:

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays:

WHAT upcoming holidays...?

10. Any weekend plans?

To get laid by a hot Asian chick :cool:


Active Member
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1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress: No clue

2. What is your least favorite food:Brussels Sprouts

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite:Being Annoying

4. Least favorite NFL team:Eagles

5. Least favorite animal:Skunks

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day:Sleeping

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?:Dealing with management

8. What is your least favorite fast food place:McDonalds

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays:Crowds of idiot people who trample people to say 5 bucks :bang2:

10. Any weekend plans?? I have to work 9am-4pm then 10pm-4am it sucks


Well-Known Member
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Phoenix;2949688 said:
Having to travel for business and miss all of Sunday afternoon football while having to sit next to some obese slob and/or armrest hog on an airline.

That was you? :eek:


Mr. Buckeye
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1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress: Jenna Jameson followed by Tera Patrick...if we are talking about acting ability.

2. What is your least favorite food: Liver...or maybe cows tongue...if I had ever had it...GROSS...both of them.

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite: Procrastination

4. Least favorite NFL team: Eagles

5. Least favorite animal: That damn coyote that took two of my cats...Jessica...I feel your pain.

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day: Working

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?: Having to get off this forum to actually do some real work.

8. What is your least favorite fast food place: Long John Silvers...the food always seems to be cold...Damn those drunk 2 am food runs.

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays: That I'm seeing Christmas stuff three frickin months before it even happens.

10. Any weekend plans?? Watch football...drink beer.


Well-Known Member
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1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress: Angelina Jolie

2. What is your least favorite food: Creamy type soups

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite: My outlook on life

4. Least favorite NFL team: Eagles/Skins

5. Least favorite animal: Cockroach

6. What is your least favorite way to spend a day: At work

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?: Routine/Boring

8. What is your least favorite fast food place: Jack in the Crack

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays: Shopping for Presents

10. Any weekend plans?: Working on freelance, stuff is due almost every day :(


The Proletariat
Reaction score
1. Who is your least favorite Movie Actress: - Don't know...

2. What is your least favorite food: - Eggplant

3. What personality trait of yours is your least favorite: - My temper

4. Least favorite NFL team: The NY Giants

5. Least favorite animal: Well since bugs are animals, bugs.

6. what is your least favorite way to spend a day: At work

7. What is your least favorite part of your job or school?: Driving there

8. What is your least favorite fast food place: All of them, i don't eat fast food.

9. What is your least favorite thing about the upcoming holidays: The loss of their meaning in favor of sales of material junk to fill the pockets of people I don't even care about.

10. Any weekend plans?? A birthday party and watching the Cowboys christen their new stadium with a good beating given to the NY Giants.


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ConcordCowboy;2949793 said:
2. What is your least favorite food: Liver...or maybe cows tongue...if I had ever had it...GROSS...both of them.

Oh man. You would never make it as Survivor Man (Les Stroud?) or Bear Grilzz (?) "Man vs Wild".....

Those guys, both of them, are amazing....

"I'm Bear Grilzz, and I've got to get me and my crew across this 8-mile river that is below freezing. It will take at least 4-6 hours to cross, and if I spend more than 30 seconds in it, I'll freeze to death. But I'm going to get myself and my crew across with only my shoe laces, a few pieces of heavy rocks, and my underwear." :lmao2:

And SurvivorMan, not to be outdone......

"I'm Les Stroud, and I've just landed on the surface of the moon. I'll be filming myself, without a crew, while I find water and food on this desolate landscape, where there is no water and food. And after I survive, then I will have to somehow figure out how to get back to Earth...." :lmao2: