My analogy hits the nail on the head. It can be easy to not understand something we don't want to understand.
I don't know what you consider 'trolling' to mean specifically. My understanding of it, is to throw out some bait specifically to get a reaction. That is not why I first commented here.
I commented here because I thought it was funny that you tried to discredit a poster, with a personal attack, calling his character into question by saying his post was motivated only by the desire to say 'I told you so', while never addressing the content of his post. You've probably noticed a few different times the last couple days when others have criticized an 'I told you so' post. You might noticed that I haven't commented in those situations. The difference is... I don't disagree with the other critics and I've never noticed any history of them regularly doing the same sort of thing, or other ways of responding about the poster rather than the post. You however, have a long history of 'I told you so' posts, and in making it personal and about the poster rather than the post. You often do it subtly, but you do, do it often. So when I saw you call someone out for it I laughed and called you out for it. You called me a liar and began your usual obfuscation tactics... and here we are.
I'm sure this doesn't help you understand. I wish there was a way I could prove my prediction on how you will respond to this. It will be in one of two ways. Of course, now that I said that, you may chose to not respond, but that would be the first time you ever didn't get the last response so that will be difficult for you.
Barring a legitimate response that invites further worthwhile discussion, this will be my last response. I've done all I can do TO. HELP. YOU. UNDERSTAND. It's up to you now.
To bad we're so far apart. I'd love to have a beer or six with you. Seriously.