Interesting. Werry interesting. Yes, our scheme is predictable and our receivers including the TE's are limited in what they do well. There aren't many CB's in the NFL who can't handle Dez one on one now. Witt is incredibly predictable. Those are the two stud weapons. We waited all year to see Switzer and Beasely out there together. The excuse why it didn't happen? Witt would have to come off the field. Geez, is that such a bad thing, that our 37 year old TE isn't on the field for 97% of the offensive plays. Don't tell me that Witt is still a great blocker. He isn't, he's an acceptable blocker.
Throw a TE out there who can get down field more than 8 yards, a WR who can run every route in every part of the field and I'm thinking it opens up options for an OC who knows how to use their WR's and TE's effectively. Linnehan did that in Detroit with Megatron. Maybe I'm wrong on this but doesn't talent open up the play book.
There is one of two ways to find out which came first, the chicken or the egg: 1) dump Linnehan and bring in a new OC or 2) retool the skill positions at WR and TE. Oh, and a third, do both