13-4 = back to square one


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hahaha i like where this thread has gone. It almost doesn't matter who's down there. there is tons of people on the sideline at any given time . dude has billions invested . i have questioned almost all of his personnel decisions. but the guy is intense about us winning. id rather have that than joe rich guy sitting up there with his rich friends chatting not really caring because either way he is banking


NFL Historian
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Square one my ***. We don't need to blow the whole thing up when all we have to do is fine tune the roster.


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40Bates40;1904362 said:
No, it's my assessment after 40 years of watching sports .

Jerry is an umbrella short of this guy:


It's only a matter of time.


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Where does one begin?

I subscribe to the 'no excuses' club of accepting defeat as simply as you do success...Better team won, period.

Could've, obviously, been a much different result had many things been different leading up to the game and even during the course of the game...Yet, it is what it is.

What needs to change/improve?

Romo: I can't say that anyone can honestly say they have a big problem with Romo scrambling and doing his Favre impersonation...I think we can all agree that the guy has absolutely no idea how to throw a ball away...Whether it was the costly grounding penalty or the two sacks he shouldn't have taken, Tony doesn't make good decisions in that regard...Wonder whose fault that is?...Is he simply not schooled in that procedure from the coaching staff, is that a mental error or is he simply trying to do too much and came undone?...Still, I can't lay too much blame on him for this game although that last drive was woefully managed (Clock management extremely poor).

Barber: Played a hell of a game and laid to rest any questions about the utility of JJ but didn't show up strong in the 2nd half like he has become popular for...Was that playcalling or was he simply gassed?

Garrett: Gotten a heap of praise and excitement for a lot of the season (Up until the 2nd half of the GB game) and has not distinguished himself since...Never as bad or good as they say you are is a popular saying, probably applies here too...Gone after the GB game was the 'genius' playcalling and, sadly, the adjustments that happened so frequently in the 2nd half of games...Where did it go?...Where did the benefit of having TO and Glenn in the lineup go?...Barely targetting TO, especially late?...I don't think I saw TO slant on one route...And how often are they going to force that fade in the endzone that resulted in Dallas settling for a FG instead of a TD in the 3rd?...I think I saw 1 screen attempt the entire game.

Crayton: Impressive and perhaps indicative performance from the newly resigned Patrick Crayton?...Some costly drops from the WR who loves to talk a good game...Couldn't catch the easy ones but catches one on his back hip??...I questioned the prudence in resigning him recently and a couple of drops certainly doesn't confirm it but the guy sure seems to never get open anyway.

Flozell: Not that this solidifies the notion of not resigning him but who really wants to have someone who can at any time cost you serious momentum with ridiculous and continual FS penalties?

Bigg Davis: 15 yard penalty on Strahan, just a killer penalty.

Reeves: Lined up in the slot and got beat by Smith for costly catches...That last drive before the half just killed the momentum they built up not to mention the costly face mask penalty...He's been up and down all season but he's been out there enough and had enough experience that he should'nt have been burnt like that...The only Cowboy receiver to get that open all day was Witten.

R.Williams: Did nothing to distinguish himself and took a poor angle to stop, his job btw, Amani Toomer on the first TD...Hopefully, these arguments about the utility of this imposter of a Pro Bowler are done...He's overrated and a terrible liability back there

LBs: I said this earlier in the season but I thought that the ILBs were mediocre and made very few plays to distinguish themselves...Can't think of a 'top tier' team with fewer plays made by their ILBs...Giants with Mitchell and Pierce were making plays...But Dallas with Bradie or Ayodele?...This is an area of weakness, not strength.

D-Line: Ware had a couple of nice plays but where was Ellis?...Where was the pressure?...From the looks of it, Romo faced a lot more pressure all day than Eli...There were several plays there where it looked Eli had all day to throw...Disappointing production from an area of the defense that was supposed to be freed up to 'make plays' this season under Wade.

Special Teams: Costly breakdown in the game for the Cowboys too...Didn't defend the kickoffs very well and allowed a very costly punt return...Made worse by the fact that there were no positives on Dallas' side of special teams either...It was all NYG

Penalties: If there's a top 5 of what makes a team undisciplined, penalties has to be right up there...Some costly, costly, costly penalties...You'd think, especially with the 2 weeks off, they'd be smarter...Alas, no.

Tackling: If penalties is way up there in the top 5 of things that point to a team being undisciplined, shoddy tackling can't be far behind...So disheartening to see Toomer's TD, special teams and countless other instances where defenders failed to wrap up...Real shame.

Overall, great season for a good majority of the season, at least until the December slide...into January.

Momentum is a killer and it wasn't hard to see no matter how much any fan may hold onto Dallas being better on paper...When you're playing well, when you're on a roll, good things happen...When you're not, they don't...That GB game was 11/29...It's been around 7 weeks since then that they looked a shell of their selves...Who does that fall on?...Is it easily blamed on injuries (Not the case in the GB 2nd half)?...Is it Garrett?...Is it Camp Cupcake Wade?

The thing that will be hardest to take was despite all the above, they still had a shot late to win...1:29 or so from inside their own half of the field...Unbelievably shoddy clock management...It's as if they had no idea what to do...Why would Barber continue to go up field on that first play and not head out of bounds?...The following play where Romo ran into Barber and they didn't even get the 1st down on that delay draw?...That killed precious seconds off the clock and shortened their options...No throws to TO, no sideline routes and no advantage over a depleted secondary for the Giants that had been toasted in 2 previous meetings...Bitter pill to swallow there. :banghead:


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40Bates40;1904262 said:
This loss will not go away like Seattle, this is a franchise killing loss. I hope we can recover. We're losing coaches and players and we're up against the CAP - we also have a fool for an owner because he thinks he's a GM. And now Ireland is gone, when all Jerry needed to do was make him the GM and step aside like Steinbrenner.

Where we go from here ? Who knows, but this much is sure, a teacher can never regain control of a class once they are deemed "soft" - the same applies to that clown we call Headcoach.

What Wade let happen here the last month was sabotage, he ruined this team from within. The BYE week was a time for hardwork, not backpatting , not relax and heel, it was a time to rejuvenate the playbook.

Wade is not the answer and we know it but our clown GM/Owner does not.

while your out here placing blame on the front office like some kind of Football GOD, don't forget to mention how the players themselves blew this.....If we would of won this game, your post would of been different I'm sure.


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landryscorner;1904832 said:
while your out here placing blame on the front office like some kind of Football GOD, don't forget to mention how the players themselves blew this.....If we would of won this game, your post would of been different I'm sure.
ya think:rolleyes: