200 million and you get this?

dbair1967 said:

man...6-0 Sox

this will be the greatest choke job in sports history if the Yankees dont have a miracle comeback


Breaking the curse is winning the World Series, not merely making it. Remember the ball going between Buckner's legs disaster in the 86 series?

And the best thing about the Yanks losing to the Sox - watching Steinbrenner roll that payroll up to $300 million next year!
Hostile said:
I started out with 9 articles of clothing. 1 gone per inning.

[/John Lovitz "the Liar" off]

Put your clothes back on... Nobody wants to see that! I'll tell mommmmm!!

fiddle dee dee....

Nothing makes a southern belle happier than seeing a yankee get stepped on... :D
Yep...The Yanks are on their way to the biggest collpase in MLB postseason history. No team has ever blown a 3-0 playoff lead. I knew it was coming after they won that 3rd game. It was just a vibe that reminded me of '81 when they were up 2-0 against the Dodgers.... I knew they were going to lose that Series, and I knew they were going to lose this one.

Personally, with as crappy and inconsistent as their pitching has been I'm surprised they made it this far. Yes, I'm a Yankee fan but before anyone has a hissy fit, I was a fan before anyone even heard of Steinbrenner when CBS owned them. Just like my Cowboys, I've stuck with them through the lean times between 63-76, and 79-95 and I'll continue to do so.

I just hope GS crawls back in a corner someplace and gets his nose out of personnel decisions. The last couple of years have reminded me of the '80s.

The rendition of "Turn Out the Lights... the Party's Over..." made famous by the great Don Meredith on MNF so many years ago... is echoing through Yankee Stadium...
too little too late for Rivera and the Yanks...

Can I say "Book It" now Hos?
Personally... I like Torre'... I think he is a good guy...

But could he not have combed his hair in that Visa commercial?

He looks like a chia pet...
BostonCowboy said:
10 - 3

3 outs to go...

Can you freak'in believe this!

You're welcome for Curt Schilling. What a nad up performance to get them here tonight.

Love that clock on midnight shot.
I bet Steinbrenner's balloon knot is puckered up right now like no time in history...
Oh ya baby! Lets go sox! I just love the yankees destructing after all the hype of the A-Rod trade. Im happy for the sox, but Im not sorry when they lose to the cards, who I've been pulling for since the rangers were out of contention...