2017 NFL Draft Spreadsheet


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OK, I have mentioned it a few times. Here it is:

* I used a bunch of other sites and came up with a scoring system based on other peoples mocks (not guys like us, but people that do this for a living, like CBS and ESPN); I then looked at what some individual mocks for the "experts" said and determined if anyone on my list should go up or down
- I used zero homerism on this and this may not account for fast risers of late (and I am ok with that)

* Everything runs from the RANKING tab; it you enter a number of a pick in in column W on that tab, it will check off that person on the offense or defense tab, the tracker tab, and enter that pick in the college tracker

Ex: OJ Howard goes #12 to the Browns; you go to the right of his name (in row 13, he is the 8th best player in my SS), select "Browns" in the drop down menu under Team (V) and then 12 under the Selection field (W); you will see that he will then be "checked off the offense tab and the tracker tab

* In the comparison tab, you can select up to 4 players to see their ranking, size, etc in comparison to each other
* In Column V, you would use the drop down to pick the team that selects the player
* There are also Profiles on the majority of the players (see column K); click that link to see the CBS profile on that player
* There are drop-down menus on just about all columns so you can view just what you want to see; example, you want to see all DE's? then go under column O (Pos) and select DE; if you want to see the DE and DT ad the same time, you can either select both of them only in column O or just pick DLine under function (column Q)

The link below is the file; this is in Microsoft Excel (2010 version); I put it in a dropbox account so if you don't have drop box, you may have to download it (it's free); I think you can open it in Excel as long as you have excel on your pc;

* If you can't get in there, this link doesn't work or don't want to go into drop box, PM me and I can email it to you. Let's have some fun.

NFL Draft Spreadsheet


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That is fantastic Pants. Its the best Draft tool out there and makes Draft days even more enjoyable. Thanks so much for sharing this.


Active Member
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That took a lot of work, so thank you very much for sharing it. What a great job! It will make it much easier to follow the draft as it unfolds.



Well-Known Member
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If anyone wants this and can't get in via the link on the OP, then PM me and I will email to you. Easy to use, and the filters make my draft experience better