2024 has 2010 vibes to me, given the similarities


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Lets see:

Lame duck coach.....check
Dissension in the locker room ...check
cap problems....check
delusional owner.....check
coming off one of the worst playoff losses in franchise history that could easily linger....check
lack of draft capital.....check
havent stopped the run in years....check
entitlement run rampant.....check

Nope we should be good to go.


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In 2010, Wade Phillips was coming off his 3rd straight disappointing finish as his 11-5 team in 2009 got blown out in the divisional round. Jerry gave him another chance to get it right. Facing that pressure, Wade's boys got off to a terrible start and Jerry did what he should've done after the 2009 debacle - he fired Wade midseason.

This year Jerry's running it back with Big Mike, despite a 3rd straight disappointment ending with a playoff blowout. If the Cowboys felt pressure to deliver in 2023 it is only going to be higher in 2024. The 21st century Cowboys have rarely handled pressure well, so I won't be surprised if we get more of the same in 2024.

I don't think there's a JG on this year's staff unless DQ stays on as defensive coordinator. Either way, get your popcorn ready.
Did Wade bring you 3 out of 4 years of playoffs. Don’t care about beyond. He got your team there. Well he helped get you there. Its a team game.. And JG shanked Wade to get the job. Never seen a team actually give up on a HC. Well maybe egirls team this year but that’s ok. Then JJ had the ultimate yes man. He stayed for a really really long time.

By the way Wade went on to get a ring in 2014 with broncos DC. And also got one for Demarcus Ware. Good for Ware.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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In 2010, Wade Phillips was coming off his 3rd straight disappointing finish as his 11-5 team in 2009 got blown out in the divisional round. Jerry gave him another chance to get it right. Facing that pressure, Wade's boys got off to a terrible start and Jerry did what he should've done after the 2009 debacle - he fired Wade midseason.

This year Jerry's running it back with Big Mike, despite a 3rd straight disappointment ending with a playoff blowout. If the Cowboys felt pressure to deliver in 2023 it is only going to be higher in 2024. The 21st century Cowboys have rarely handled pressure well, so I won't be surprised if we get more of the same in 2024.

I don't think there's a JG on this year's staff unless DQ stays on as defensive coordinator. Either way, get your popcorn ready.
The 2009 season was a good season for Wade despite the blowout playoff loss, because he won his first playoff game as a HC and it was the Cowboys first playoff win in 13 years. The Cowboys didn’t look like there were going to be a very good team that season, they started off 2-2. It was the Miles Austin 250 yard game against KC that set the team off. They went on to beat the 13-0 Saints at the dome and finished the regular season with back to back shutouts. I think Wade’s soft camp cupcake approach caught up with the team.

Everyone thought after the playoff win the previous season the Cowboys would be even better but the team started the 2010 season flat and ended up quitting. The team went on to miss the playoffs the next 4 years. There’s a good chance we could suffer a hangover from the debacle in the playoffs leading to a bad 2024 season. This group of players seems to have trouble staying motivated. Wouldn’t be surprised if they quit on fat head and he’s sent to graze in a pasture sometime during the season.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I never wanted Wade hired in the first place. Another coach who was desperate for a second chance after previously flaming out in Buffalo. Jerry likes that.

Parcells left him an up and coming team yet he had the same postseason issues as Big Mike. Then it all fell apart. Will history repeat itself? We shall see.
I never wanted him either. I think I actually voiced that not long after I joined the Zone. lol Then we got Garrett and it was like be careful what you wish for. lol I do agree. I don't think next year is going to go well. I can see this team giving up under the pressure because I don't think anyone in their right mind is going to trust anything they do next year.

PA Cowboy Fan

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Did Wade bring you 3 out of 4 years of playoffs. Don’t care about beyond. He got your team there. Well he helped get you there. Its a team game.. And JG shanked Wade to get the job. Never seen a team actually give up on a HC. Well maybe egirls team this year but that’s ok. Then JJ had the ultimate yes man. He stayed for a really really long time.

By the way Wade went on to get a ring in 2014 with broncos DC. And also got one for Demarcus Ware. Good for Ware.
Great DC. Awful HC. Parcells left us a team ready to take off and we deteriorated during Wade's regime. The fact that Jerry neutered him by hiring JG first and everyone knew he was the coach in waiting only made it worse.


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VIBES ?? OK Buddy. Whatever get's you thru the night! So are you suggesting a tank job?

So you are projecting a CASTASTRPHIC or many Catastrophic injuries. And I get timed out for Breaking board rules

Wishing that out Qb and others get Injured ............ OK!

I am by no means wishing anyone gets hurt... I'm just saying with how things went with this past season (23) it was similar to how 2014 went... And now we're headed to 2024 season with players mothers and brothers and everyone calling everyone out. Just seems like something catastrophic is going to happen this season. I hope it doesn't, but just feels like something is looming. Not sure why you're trying to make it seem like I said something bad. Maybe take it up with a mod instead of putting words in my mouth.


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2024 is the last year in Fat Mike's contract. Jerry won't even have to fire him.


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Difference is after 2009 season ended, most thought we had a bright future. We got the playoff drought ended. We did get whipped in Minnesota but most just wrote it off as not being ready, like the 1991 team in Detroit in the playoffs.

After this season ended, totally different feeling. Absolute failure. No real future.

In the Romo/Dak eras, we have never bottomed out completely except when Romo or Dak were injured for the season i.e. 2010, 2015, 2020.

This team will be in the playoff mix next year barring major injuries. And around and around we go on the mediocrity track.


I'm not dead yet......
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Time to start my .McCarthy watch . AGAIN
I need to see the schedule but right now I'm going 5 games.


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In 2010, the Cowboys failed for several reasons:

1. Garrett abandoned the running game at the drop of a hat. Ironic since they were in a 2009 divisional playoff game as a result of the emergence of a successful running game with Felix Jones who averaged over 5 yards a carry during the last third of the regular season and ran for 148 yards in their wildcard playoff victory. Jones never carried the ball more than 9 times in six of their first eight games. The first time he got double digit carries he ran for over 100 yards. Jones had double digit carries in five of their six victories that 2010 season.

2. The Cowboys started the season with a makeshift O-line due to extensive injuries. They started a guy off the streets who was basically responsible for their first loss when his penalty erased eh winning TD for the Cowboys.

3. Tony Romo got his first major injury in 2010.

4. The preseason was very disruptive due to Jerry moving to different locations three times for the purpose of marketing exposure\. He also volunteered for an extra preseason game, the HOF game.

If next season is similar, wouldn't that be the same as prediction a Dak injury?

You want to compare next season to one in the past?

Pick any season after 1996. They are all pretty much the same. There is a lot of potential, everyone excited and then the injuries start coming....and keep coming. They pile up to the point where there are too many new faces to form any consistency. Bad coaching, penalties, and absolutely no luck in close games insure a lack of growth and cohesion among the team. Finally, with everything on the line, they disappoint. The End.


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What's funny is I posted something similar a year ago expecting the 2023 season to resemble 2010. So I was pleasantly surprised by how the 2023 regular season went. But I agree, eventually the bottom is going to fall out. All of the signs are there. This organization has no foresight on when to cut losses, smartly take 2-3 steps backwards to ultimately take one giant leap forward. They'll blindly keep chugging ahead talking about how close they are until they fall into an abyss. Again it will always point back to the clowns running the team who are never in any jeapordy of losing their jobs. So fans should expect the same vicious cycle....
Dallas will probably make the playoffs next season with a schedule that includes the NFC East and NFC South. Unlike Wade’s and Garrett’s team most of our best players are entering their primes. CeeDee and Parsons are top 20 players in the league. I hear the Packers are the youngest team in the league guess who the second youngest team is?


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I think they win between 10-12 games again next year. My worry is Mike has a good year like Garrett in 2014 and then he’s extended- after a tough divisional round loss. Having enough success to give Jerry more hope.

big dog cowboy

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So what happens if they are better next year? Do the rest of us get an apology for having to endure what at that point will have been an 8+ month long menstrual bleed from some of you?
I wouldn't hold my breath.


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Cowboys are going to be facing a first place schedule while losing a number of key people to free agency. McCarthy is going to have to pull a rabbit out of his hat to keep the wheels on.


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So what happens if they are better next year? Do the rest of us get an apology for having to endure what at that point will have been an 8+ month long menstrual bleed from some of you?
Does not sound like a healthy experience for you. You might want to spend way more time away from the forum if it makes you feel that way.


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Nothing like it…. Jerry had the actual HC he wanted in Jason and was just waiting to pull the trigger and it was the actual offense that stunk the bed. It was Jason Garrett that called the pass play to the RB with 80 yards to end the half..


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In 2010, Wade Phillips was coming off his 3rd straight disappointing finish as his 11-5 team in 2009 got blown out in the divisional round. Jerry gave him another chance to get it right. Facing that pressure, Wade's boys got off to a terrible start and Jerry did what he should've done after the 2009 debacle - he fired Wade midseason.

This year Jerry's running it back with Big Mike, despite a 3rd straight disappointment ending with a playoff blowout. If the Cowboys felt pressure to deliver in 2023 it is only going to be higher in 2024. The 21st century Cowboys have rarely handled pressure well, so I won't be surprised if we get more of the same in 2024.

I don't think there's a JG on this year's staff unless DQ stays on as defensive coordinator. Either way, get your popcorn ready.
It’s possible but not very probable. The team is much better at drafting and developing talent now. The lines of scrimmage are better and better coached. 8-9/9-8 is about the lowest I could see this team go. NFC opponents are still so weak, and the team will get plenty of easy wins to get to 0.500. Major injuries or retirements and who knows.


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Don’t forget we play a tougher schedule next year. Washington and NY will both be improved after making high picks, so we can’t count on 4 easy wins there. Aside from them, the only game anyone would consider a gimme is Carolina. We could conceivably play well consistently and still end up with a worse record…or play the same or worse than in 2023 and fall under .500.