3000th post… webcam

Hostile said:
There's a reason Mom loves you best. Because you're just damned awesome.

Thanks for letting Erik join the site. Thanks for letting me write to Emily. Mostly thanks for just being a true friend.

Back at ya bro

As for the other... Thank you for being there and helping
Congrats on 3000 Princess!

Your sig pic is AWESOME! Juke really out did himself.
Princess said:
You are a true gentleman Silverbear... you really are

LOL... there was a time that you didn't think so... with good reason, I might add...

I'm happy that I've managed to resurrect my reputation in your eyes... I think I'll just stay away from discussing politics with you, and I ought to be able to avoid gettin' on your bad side again... that d*mned election got more than one person I regarded as a friend mad at me... even cost me a coupla friends...

I actually did feel bad when it got ugly between us there for a while... I'm quite glad that nonsense is behind us now... and if anybody gives you a hard time in here, rest assured that I've got your back... mess with the Bear, you get the claws... ;)
silverbear said:
LOL... there was a time that you didn't think so... with good reason, I might add...

I'm happy that I've managed to resurrect my reputation in your eyes... I think I'll just stay away from discussing politics with you, and I ought to be able to avoid gettin' on your bad side again... that d*mned election got more than one person I regarded as a friend mad at me... even cost me a coupla friends...

I actually did feel bad when it got ugly between us there for a while... I'm quite glad that nonsense is behind us now... and if anybody gives you a hard time in here, rest assured that I've got your back... mess with the Bear, you get the claws...

I felt back about that myself. I'm glad it is behind us. You can talk politics with me anytime you want. I think we have an understanding of each other now and what occurred in the past will not occur in the future.

BTW... You and I are in the same court on the 5 yr old. You are just doing a much better job of getting your point across...Your posts validated what I was saying - just more clearly- I felt as though you had my back.. Like I said... thank you for the intellegent posts.. I enjoy reading them a lot.

If anyone messes with you... I'll have my Sir Juke do away with their head :D
Congrats on 3000 Princess!

Your sig pic is AWESOME! Juke really out did himself.

Thank you DTM

Juke did a fantastic job. I'm very lucky to have a one of a kind sig like that. Not like anyone else could use the same one... :D
Congrats on 3k and the new sig is AWesome looking.

Thanks for helping me through some really hard times and thanks for always being there when I need to vent. You are one of the greatest, no matter what Juke says :D

Hope everything is going well and that Erik and Emily doing well.

Thanks for the friendship

Princess said:
I felt back about that myself. I'm glad it is behind us. You can talk politics with me anytime you want. I think we have an understanding of each other now and what occurred in the past will not occur in the future.

Apparently, you're one of those who understands that from time to time, friends can get angry at each other... sometimes, VERY angry... but you recognize that doesn't change the fact that you ARE friends...

Rest assured, I consider you a friend...

BTW... You and I are in the same court on the 5 yr old. You are just doing a much better job of getting your point across...Your posts validated what I was saying - just more clearly-

Actually, I think the fact that I'm NOT a parent means your viewpoint has a lot more legitimacy... it's easy for an outsider to stand there and tell you what he thinks you oughta do, but the perspective is JUST a bit different when it's the little ones that you love involved...

I felt as though you had my back.. Like I said... thank you for the intellegent posts.. I enjoy reading them a lot.

You are entirely welcome, milady... and thank you for puttin' up with my crotchety (bleep)...

If anyone messes with you... I'll have my Sir Juke do away with their head :D

Oooooh, now I feel downright dangerous... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
silverbear said:
Apparently, you're one of those who understands that from time to time, friends can get angry at each other... sometimes, VERY angry... but you recognize that doesn't change the fact that you ARE friends...

Rest assured, I consider you a friend...
As I you. Friends aren't always going to agree and sometimes that is the glue that holds friendships together.. diversity

Actually, I think the fact that I'm NOT a parent means your viewpoint has a lot more legitimacy... it's easy for an outsider to stand there and tell you what he thinks you oughta do, but the perspective is JUST a bit different when it's the little ones that you love involved...

Exactly.. and then to be told that I should be ashamed of myself for thinking that way from someone that hasn't had to deal with that situation in a very personal way... thank you for seeing that

You are entirely welcome, milady... and thank you for puttin' up with my crotchety (bleep)...
cratchety - yes...
bleep - no

Oooooh, now I feel downright dangerous... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

I think I've created a monster and may grow to regret it... LOL
Princess said:
You are a true gentleman Silverbear... you really are

I remember when Silverbear wasn't quite the gentleman.

He came in here with this arrogant attitude like he was better than everyone. He talked about how much more educated he was than everyone else.

I guess maybe that has changed lately, but he really was annoying in the beginning. :)
Nice post Princess...haha...I used to post more before the board underwent all the upgrades which is great..but i just havent much anymore LOL i had like 680 at the time of the upgrade..anywho who cares about that useless info...talk to ya soon....and you mean there are pervs here :)) :D :D :D
Am I the only one that is remonded of jacs by this?

Banned_n_austin said:
I remember when Silverbear wasn't quite the gentleman.

He came in here with this arrogant attitude like he was better than everyone. He talked about how much more educated he was than everyone else.

Arrogance is in the eye of the beholder, but I sure don't recall claiming to be more educated than anybody else... in point of fact, I went to college for 2 years, down at UTEP, and I generally tell folks that I majored in golf, minored in Juarez...

Now, I may have made some claims regarding my INTELLIGENCE... intelligence and education are not the same thing... not every educated man is intelligent, and not every intelligent man is classically educated...

Be honest, what annoyed you about me was my politics... I haven't had any real problems with anybody in here, outside of that board... and what annoyed most of the regulars of that board about that was that I was so vocal and tenacious in representing what was obviously a minority viewpoint on that forum...

I make no apologies for that, even though my side lost... never have cared for being part of the herd... :banghead:
silverbear said:
Arrogance is in the eye of the beholder, but I sure don't recall claiming to be more educated than anybody else... in point of fact, I went to college for 2 years, down at UTEP, and I generally tell folks that I majored in golf, minored in Juarez...

Now, I may have made some claims regarding my INTELLIGENCE... intelligence and education are not the same thing... not every educated man is intelligent, and not every intelligent man is classically educated...

Be honest, what annoyed you about me was my politics... I haven't had any real problems with anybody in here, outside of that board... and what annoyed most of the regulars of that board about that was that I was so vocal and tenacious in representing what was obviously a minority viewpoint on that forum...

I make no apologies for that, even though my side lost... never have cared for being part of the herd... :banghead:

Aw shucks, Silverbear - no harm no foul here. I was in the minority in the political zone as well; and I make no apologies. . .

The "arrogance" that I am remembering probably relates to you coming in here - being a newbie and all - and trying to stick out your chest a little.

I think the result of the reaction to that was several people in a cliche who may have been ganging up on you, so to speak.

Thus, making you look like a so-called troublemaker.

And just to let you know, they don't take kindly to trouble makers around here.
Congrats on your 3000th.......I read all of them.....The Pea Salad is in the mail.
Banned_n_austin said:
Aw shucks, Silverbear - no harm no foul here. I was in the minority in the political zone as well; and I make no apologies. . .

Hey, I didn't think you were mad at me... we both know I stepped on a lot of nerves over in the Political Zone back before the election... it got so bad that I finally had to exile my own self from there...

The "arrogance" that I am remembering probably relates to you coming in here - being a newbie and all - and trying to stick out your chest a little.

I can see the validity of that criticism... I guess I did come on pretty strong right from the start...

As the kids today say, that's the way I roll... though I might have been a newbie in here, I was hardly a newbie when it came to message boards... been around that sort of forum a looooong time, and I'm pretty much the same wherever I go (except that I can get a bit more vulgar on boards that don't worry about that sort of thing too much)...

You should know the REAL troublemaker was LaTunaNostra... she was the one who started nagging me to come over here and start posting, she caught my act over on the Ranch... said this board needed a "gunslinger"... so I was just trying to give the lady what she asked for... yeah, that's the ticket, let's all blame LTN for this mess... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA,,,

Now this IS gonna come off as arrogant, but I don't know any other way to say it-- it is the curse of a charismatic personality... every board I wander into, I quickly make some enemies, and I quickly win some admirers... just like our beloved Boys, nobody seems to be neutral about me-- you either like your friendly local Bear, or you strongly dislike him... but as I'm fond of saying, a man's actions have consequences, and one of the consequences of acting the way I do online is that you step on some toes... so I think it would be pretty weak of me to whine that I annoy people, when I could if I chose modify the behavior that annoys them...

I don't LIKE that some people dislike me with a certain intensity, I'd actually prefer it if everybody thought I was a good ol' boy... I'd like to be as universally liked as an AdamJT13, for example... but in the immortal words of that noted sage and philosopher Popeye, I yam what I yam.. I have more than my fair share of opinions, more than my fair share of attitude, and I'm not real bashful about expressing both...

I guess what I'm saying is I understand completely why some folks don't like me... my only consolation is that there are a few folks on each of the boards I haunt who really do like me... so instead of dwelling on those who don't, I prefer to focus on the friends I've made along the way...

I think the result of the reaction to that was several people in a cliche who may have been ganging up on you, so to speak.

Thus, making you look like a so-called troublemaker.

Yeah, I think you hit that one on the head... then again, if I'm in a forum dominated by right-leaning political thought, and I start spouting anti-right rhetoric, I AM a troublemaker... LOL...

Like I said, I'm not real big on trying to duck responsibility for my own actions... if you don't want to get ganged up on, don't go pissin' off the gang... I knew what I was doing, and I knew that it would provoke a strong reaction... well, I didn't know it would get QUITE as ugly as it did... and when it did, I decided that it was time for me to stop playing the agent provocateur... given how deeply I crave getting the last word, you've gotta know that walking away from that one came kinda hard to me... :D

And just to let you know, they don't take kindly to trouble makers around here.

Well, they haven't strung me up YET... but if I suddenly stop posting in here, round up the usual suspects, y'hear??

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