I hate YouTube as well because these fools will grab the vids and upload them and never give the creator any credit.
Watch out for my next video... its gonna have my name and website ALL OVER it. I might upload it to YouTube myself and have a full description giving credit for where I got the clips and all. To all video creators... do yourself a favor and put it on YouTube yourself so you can RIGHTFULLY claim the video as your own.
Although, I've heard that YouTube is starting to take down a lot of copyrighted material (NFL/NBA stuff). Maybe you can report someone for uploading Copyrighted material and they'll take it down. That's the only way to get it off YouTube.
There IS a COWBOYS FROM HELL video also made by JDSmith.. see my website
www.cowboysvids.com in the Roy Williams section. Thunderstruck, though a very cool song, has been used probably a million times already.. not on Cowboys videos but all kind of other highlight mixes.
Also, I'm glad the guy gave reference to my site but I wish he had recognized that it says JDSmith created it on my site and gave him credit rather than me. I put my site together to have 1 place to find loads of Cowboys videos but not to try to take credit for other video creator's work. Just wanted to make that clear.