A huge favor - Grammar check for college essay.

Future;4956233 said:
Having a second set of eyes look over an assignment hardly counts as having someone else do your work.

Exactly. If you have it done already, there is nothing wrong with having someone look it over and spot errors you might have missed.
ajk23az;4956245 said:
Exactly. If you have it done already, there is nothing wrong with having someone look it over and spot errors you might have missed.
I got my BA in writing and MA - almost - in English. Trust me, no matter what people want to think, writing is a collaborative process.
Future;4956302 said:
I got my BA in writing and MA - almost - in English. Trust me, no matter what people want to think, writing is a collaborative process.

BA in what kind of writing? I was gonna be an English major but I went the route of linguistics. I still took some creative writing classes as electives. But my university didn't have a Writing BA; we had an English BA, an English MA, and a Creative Writing MFA.
JoeyBoy718;4956839 said:
BA in what kind of writing? I was gonna be an English major but I went the route of linguistics. I still took some creative writing classes as electives. But my university didn't have a Writing BA; we had an English BA, an English MA, and a Creative Writing MFA.
Writing is just the name of the degree. My college offered it but a lot of others didn't. It was pretty cool because it included a pretty good blend of creative and professional writing and was super flexible depending on what you wanted to do.

I took a lot of fiction, poetry, and autiobiography/memoir classes primarily, so it would be a lot close to Creative Writing than English or Linguistics though. There were options for concentrations, but I didn't go that route.
No problam send it too me an ill check you're gramer for ya
StanleySpadowski;4955802 said:
I hate what the internet has done to academic pursuits.

Call me old fashioned, but perhaps a college essay should be completed in its entirety by the student, punctuation and all. This isn't a shot as the OP because he's almost forced to get help as everyone else is.

I've seen students buy their class rank online for the most part and it infuriates me.

I remember when Google was called the library. :D

The good old Dewey decimal system. My 4 year old daughter will never have to learn it.
zrinkill;4954439 said:
You misspelled number one receiver.

It starts with a D and ends with a Z.


Just me, but isn't 500 words kinda light for a collage paper?
dez_for_prez;4957209 said:

Just me, but isn't 500 words kinda light for a collage paper?
It thought it meant an admissions essay to get accepted to college. Not one for a college level course.
Kilyin;4955872 said:
I came here for the Dez comment.

do your own frickin' work.

I am just looking for some criticism and grammatical review, not for anyone to rewrite my paper or massively change the tone. Nothing wrong with asking for an extra set of eyes on a paper I believe.

Vtwin;4956877 said:
No problam send it too me an ill check you're gramer for ya


dez_for_prez;4957209 said:

Just me, but isn't 500 words kinda light for a collage paper?

The CommonApp essay for transfer students for Fall 2013 is 250-500 words. College admission essays are small due to the limited time admission officers have compared to the number of essays they must review.

I appreciate everyone who has offered to review the essay and will send you PMs tonight after I get home from dinner with my family.

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