A job offer for Casey Anthony...


The Proletariat
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Larry Flynt, the humanitarian we all know and love who doesn’t waste a moment capitalizing on the misfortunes of others is at it again. He has swooped in and offered Casey a $500,000 paycheck for posing in Hustler Magazine. He’s also willing to go even further and share 10% of any profits the spread makes.
Hoofbite;4016821 said:
She'll probably do it.

That's not surprising. Neither will the number of dopes that will pay to look at her.
She better take this. Here earning potential may be pretty well limited to whatever sensationalized opportunities she can dredge up.
Doomsday101;4016878 said:
He could have her posing next to a container of Chloroform

Wrong. He will have her a pushing Scott's Seed Spreader filled with Chlorophyll!
it will probably be the best selling edition to... with the sick freaks out there these days.
Larry Flynt needs to die. Soon. That POS living this long proves the Devil takes care of his own.
vta;4016810 said:
He has swooped in and offered Casey a $500,000 paycheck for posing in Hustler Magazine. He’s also willing to go even further and share 10% of any profits the spread makes.

She should take it if she is a broke as she claims.

I can't see many rushing out to get that edition however.
Gotta pay that lawyer bill

big dog cowboy;4017407 said:
I can't see many rushing out to get that edition however.

With Hustler "readers" being so discerning and all .......

I have no doubt it would be a hug seller. She's decent looking, and she is a high profile person - that's all it takes to sell. Doesn't matter that there are tons of better looking women Hustler could use, the celebrity will bring people in droves.

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