A key Cowboy is supposedly out of shape

Ok, fair enough..why did he miss time last offseason? Honest question, I don't remember. Long year.ha

Well ya, he was in a contract dispute. Guys in that situation really need to avoid anything where they might get hurt as it means a ton of money
That's about 10-15 pounds from what he usually is. Hardly fat. Especially in a still picture. Yo guys do this with Romo every year. :lol: I guess its only fitting that its Ro's turn.

This isn't muscle we are talking about, it's fat. When has "Oh, he's just 15 pounds over what he normally plays" ever been a good thing? For football, the dude is fat. He had this issue in Oakland.

I'm not sure the debate here. He looks like ****.
It's McClain, there was an article and which Romo was saying they were really happy about attendance and that it was no big deal that McClain was out of shape just the fact that he was there was a good sign
If they have any foresight, they'll think long and hard about going LB early in the draft. Would be a mistake imo to trust either of those guys starting.
I just saw Ro at Baskin Robbins.

He said to tell you not to worry about it.
I was thinking either Bryant or McClain. Pure guess on my part. McClain because he always seems to be and Bryant because maybe he's slowly working back into shape after really resting his foot.

Bryant? This guy has almost 0% body fat, lol.
This isn't muscle we are talking about, it's fat. When has "Oh, he's just 15 pounds over what he normally plays" ever been a good thing? For football, the dude is fat. He had this issue in Oakland.

I'm not sure the debate here. He looks like ****.

It's not a debate. I guess I'm just saying he looks like id expect him to look at this point. All of these guys are over their playing weight.
Rolando being out of shape would be nothing new.

Out of shape, finding reasons not to partake in camp, seemingly always being too hurt to practice but rarely too hurt to play. That's just him. Why do people think he's so cheap?
Rolando being out of shape would be nothing new.

Out of shape, finding reasons not to partake in camp, seemingly always being too hurt to practice but rarely too hurt to play. That's just him. Why do people think he's so cheap?

Whatever happened with his house that was implied was arson?
The staff is bound to have had a good look at Ro McClain by now. If they deem he's unlikely to be fit to play adequately, they should draft a replacement.

Otherwise, elect to allow another LB currently on the roster to compete with him and determine whether to use or replace him.
No way it is Dez. He works hard. He's never been lazy. Stupid at times, yes. But never lazy.

Dez could do nothing but lay on the couch for a year eating potato chips and still be in better shape than 90% of the league.
Clearly he's bulking up to play DE while Jack slides into his old position. Don't panic, everything is cool.
Another Right Kind of Guy I guess. I'm still confused on what that is exactly.

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