I have thought about this for a while.
Why do posters need to start the same thread over and over again. We get it, Dallas hasn't won in 28 years, yada, yada, yada. The common demoninator is Jerry. We could wish all we want but Jerry isn't going anywhere. We all can only wait for death to see any change happen. That the reality of the situation. We all just have to live with it, till we don't.
On the operation of the team, if your just realizing that Dallas doesn't do free agency that they build though the draft. I don't know what kind of fan you are because this has been going on for the last 10 years at least.
If you expect Dallas to splurge on top level free agents, that's you projecting your beliefs on how the team should be run. Not rooted in reality. If your pissed that Dallas only signs depth pieces and bridge players till they draft a starter, that's on you.
All I ask is that you learn your team and stay rooted in reality. I would like the team to operate differently, but that is fantasy, wishful thinking, because it will still be run the same.
There's more but I would be getting in blueblood70 territory.