***Let me preface this thread that I know it is off topic, but this is something that is more important then football. That is in no way saying we should not talk football or anything of that nature...but let's not get this thread off topic, let's not have people making rude comments or getting in fights over stuff. This is too serious to be having petty fights over, let's not turn this into a political, or laying blame on this or that for the troubles or other debates****
Our fellow Americans and Human beings are in need of help. Many have nothing left, no home, clothes and just essential items to help them even have a semblance of life.
We are members of one of the bigger fan bases in the US if not the world. We have members of the cowboyszone that span the USA and many countries.
The best initial way to help is giving to the large charities that have been around for years and are able to handle these types of situations..such as Redcross, Salvation Armies, Catholic Charites and others of note. This is the best method due to logistical reasons...knowing they have the man power to best handle such a huge scope.
I am asking for those to help, to help anyway they can. I realize there are many with the financial ability to give money to charities. There are also many members that just do not have the money to give at this time, there may also be members that just do not trust giving what little money they have to orgs that they may never know if it gets to the needy.
For those that do not have much money to give or have problems, for whatever reason, giving money to some organizations...there are alternatives.
I hope we can come together not only as fans but as human beings to help our fellow man in a time of need that is one of the greatest ever in US history.
Chances are we can not help much with people still trapped in NOLA (New Orleans Louisiana),Miss or Alabama chances are we can not just drive down and volunteer...but there are other ways to help.
I work in a small company that is a sheltered workshop, but we also serve as a data entry and other computer related services. So we do not have many that can help but any help is better then no help at all.
I have started a plan for employees to find any clothes and items they can spare to bring to work and we plan on sending them to either a person I have been in contact with in Houston or to an area/charity in Houston that the person I have talked with that will indeed get these items to the people who need them.
I am sure many of us have some extra clothes that we no longer wear, or no longer like or just extra clothes we can spare. I am sure that even though people may not have much money they could visit a local dollar store (or any branch like a dollar store) and maybe by some hygeine products, even if it is just a few items.
I would like to ask a few people in that general area to donate some time to our cause. I would ask them to find agencies and orgs in their area that are giving directly to the people of need.
So maybe at the very least we can get some people in those areas to at least find organizations in there are that they KNOW are getting people the supplies they need. And then we can get addresses for those areas and have people send what they can.
As I mentioned before my company is doing this and my company was good enough to provide the shipping materials and pay for the postage.
Maybe some people could ask their employees if they could ask fellow employees to donate and if they could would the company be willing to at the very least provide boxes to pack the supplies and also pay for the postage of the supplies.
Like I said earlier...I am sure there are many people who just do not have money to send to charities but are still wanting to help in any way they can. By just donating some clothes it can be a big help to those who have lost everything, to people who may never have their homes to go back to and their lives will never be the same. Not only that these people have probably lost all documentation of their lives so it will be difficult for them to get jobs and other areas of need to make life normal again. They need our help. ANY help, no matter how small it may seem, is still help.
WoodysGirl has found some links to local area charities in the Houston area (where many are being sent to now) that we can send stuff as individuals or companies. IF anyone is in another area that they are bringing in these people and once again KNOW of agencies that are helping these people first hand....then please post links or addresses.
I realize many of us are in places so far away that it is almost impossible to get to those areas. But let us try to do what we can no matter how small that help may be.
There have already been millions of American Citizens donating money to charities, there has already been huge amounts of companies and organizations giving money...and if you have already done so then I say thank you...for those that just do not have the money to give...give what you can in other ways like I have mentioned.
I am not one doing this on a soapbox and telling you that you have to do this...I am just an average american citizen of limited monetary means that has had his heartstrings pulled due to this tradgedy. I can not explain the range of emotions and the desire, urge and convictions that makes me say I MUST help in some form or fashion...I am sure I am not alone.
We ask for no pat on the back or that-a-boy...we just want to help and want to do what we can.
Let's try to do this for our fellow man...the scope of this situation in NOLA, Miss and Alabama is just so huge that those people need help. Let's do what we can to give that help.
I know it sounds over the top...but I just do not think I could go without helping in some way and once again I know others feel the same way.
Sorry for rambling on....and thanks in advance for any help you may have given already or will give in the future.