A view from a Panthers fan...

Cowboy Junkie;1131325 said:
Those men did not say anythose to him just to each other but they were standing just a couple feet away and he said the men were very loud

So, I am sure the opinions could have been the same that night if the janitor was watching. Did these guys see the Giants game???? This team played better but they are far from perfect. One game at a time. This momentum could change in an instance.
sbuscha;1131917 said:
So, I am sure the opinions could have been the same that night if the janitor was watching. Did these guys see the Giants game???? This team played better but they are far from perfect. One game at a time. This momentum could change in an instance.

The guy I know is a Panther fan and gose to all the home games and some of those he shared the suite were former and current Panther people...

The insite had nothing to do with Cowboy fans being stoked for their team and that is why I wanted to share the info...

The gentleman that I spoke with was at a lunch . I did not do an interview .
He just knew I was a Cowboys and football fan so he shared his experience...

Nothing earth shattering just some info from an outsider and some that know there team better than an outsider...

He told me one thing about the Panthers that is a scoop and he told me some negative things that the Panther people said about current players on the Panthers but I do not work for ESPN and I do not believe in tabloid crap so I will not share...

Plus he told me that most the negative talk was just reaction type stuff...
sbuscha;1131917 said:
So, I am sure the opinions could have been the same that night if the janitor was watching. Did these guys see the Giants game???? This team played better but they are far from perfect. One game at a time. This momentum could change in an instance.

What I got out of it was that the Panther people did not think that Dallas was perfect but that they have some things that could make them dangerous..
Cowboy Junkie,

Don't pay any attention to the doubters and cut-down-artists who never listened to their mothers advice : "If you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all."

Thanks for the information.
Angus;1131968 said:
Cowboy Junkie,

Don't pay any attention to the doubters and cut-down-artists who never listened to their mothers advice : "If you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all."

Thanks for the information.

Angus this is an opinion forum and in an opinion forum these things called opinions can be freely expressed.

I was not knocking the guys opinion I am just saying that it is nice to hear this just as it is nice to be told you smell good, however it really does not mean much coming from a fan whose team just got whooped. In Perception if you asked the same opinion of a giants fan it would be the opposite. EVERYONE has an opinion and is free to share. This is America.
Wow I can't believe how many are dogging Ware...better watch the game again...he was doubled a bunch when the panthers would make a 5 step drop he applied pressure... they didn't do any 7 step drops that I recall but I myself may need to go back and rewatch for any 7 step drops...ware may not have gotten a sack but the pressure he gave was plenty good enough for quite a few sacks if we could get any pressure up the middle...canty spears and fergie need to help him out some
Thank you for posting this account. Interesting to read.

Thanks again.
Thanks for the info!

The only question I have is were the panther personnel in positions that would require player evaluation? It would provide more credibility if they were in that type of position ,e,g. player personnel, scouts, etc. as opposed to say, marketing, accounting, etc.

For those who are so quick to discredit based on their own observations, I would remind you of one of BP's comments to the media when he says unless you know what a team is trying to do on certain plays you would have no way of knowing who is performing well and who is not. depending on the roles of these guys in the booth, they may be in a better position to discuss who looked good/didn't look good than joe fan watching the game on TV. I do agree, without knowing the specifics of the roles of these guys, you have no idea whether they are casual observers or experts and you have to take their opinions with a grain of salt.
DallasInDC;1132222 said:
Thanks for the info!

The only question I have is were the panther personnel in positions that would require player evaluation? It would provide more credibility if they were in that type of position ,e,g. player personnel, scouts, etc. as opposed to say, marketing, accounting, etc.

For those who are so quick to discredit based on their own observations, I would remind you of one of BP's comments to the media when he says unless you know what a team is trying to do on certain plays you would have no way of knowing who is performing well and who is not. depending on the roles of these guys in the booth, they may be in a better position to discuss who looked good/didn't look good than joe fan watching the game on TV. I do agree, without knowing the specifics of the roles of these guys, you have no idea whether they are casual observers or experts and you have to take their opinions with a grain of salt.

Good point...

I will not give out their names or position with the Panthers but id say it would compare a little if it were the Cowboys and it was Novacek and lacewell ...
Both the guys are adviser types for the Panthers at this time and they are involved some but I would not think on a day to day .

The guy I know told me that he gets in that suite maybe 3 times a year and he sees them quite often...

He also told me that they have spoken with Richardson on the phone while he has been there but did not this time as far as he knew....

He told me that there is a buffet like spread and a bar and that people are in and out of suite...( What I am saying is that the guy I know is not a crazed fan like myself. He gose to the games weekly and mostly is just fraternizing .He compares it with making deals on the green .when he is in there he talks with them just as he and I talk)

I hope that makes sense but he is not getting autographs or being a reporter and the only info he gets is what he observers.
He dose not go there looking for a scoop...

If he and I would have met for lunch next Monday instead of this past Monday he would have never mentioned the game...
Cowboy Junkie;1132536 said:
Good point...

I will not give out their names or position with the Panthers but id say it would compare a little if it were the Cowboys and it was Novacek and lacewell ...
Both the guys are adviser types for the Panthers at this time and they are involved some but I would not think on a day to day .

The guy I know told me that he gets in that suite maybe 3 times a year and he sees them quite often...

He also told me that they have spoken with Richardson on the phone while he has been there but did not this time as far as he knew....

He told me that there is a buffet like spread and a bar and that people are in and out of suite...( What I am saying is that the guy I know is not a crazed fan like myself. He gose to the games weekly and mostly is just fraternizing .He compares it with making deals on the green .when he is in there he talks with them just as he and I talk)

I hope that makes sense but he is not getting autographs or being a reporter and the only info he gets is what he observers.
He dose not go there looking for a scoop...

If he and I would have met for lunch next Monday instead of this past Monday he would have never mentioned the game...

Thanks for the info CJ. I appreciate it!!

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