A Wonderlic-esque Test

I made a 109 but I had some trouble with the verbal part, because English is not my native language. I had some trouble understanding some questions also.
StanleySpadowski said:
152 in something like 8 minutes.
That's pretty good from some janitor.

You know what you get for such a high score??

You're a lucky, lucky, luckyluckylucky little boy. You get to drink from.... The Fire Hose!!!

2much2soon said:
yea, 130 is the cutoff line for genius.

Strange, I always had the notion that 140 was considered the cutoff...

Where IS that pamphlet that Mensa sent me with their membership package?? I'm sure the answer would be in there...
nathanlt said:
So given your high intelligence, I'd be impressed to see you answer this question.

T.O. to Dallas for the vet minimum is a good thing.

A. True
B. False

One year vet min. would be good. I believe that BP and Bledsoe would be a good influence. Think of it this way, TO is about respect. He honestly had none for his last 2 QBs and coaches. I think he would respect what BP and Bledsoe have done in the league.
nathanlt said:
That's pretty good from some janitor.

You know what you get for such a high score??

You're a lucky, lucky, luckyluckylucky little boy. You get to drink from.... The Fire Hose!!!


One of the top 10 comedy scenes of all-time. Michael Richards is a physical comedy genius.
silverbear said:
Strange, I always had the notion that 140 was considered the cutoff...

Where IS that pamphlet that Mensa sent me with their membership package?? I'm sure the answer would be in there...

I don't know for sure, I just read that somewhere(on the internet) doing research after the first time I took the test. Maybe its an indication of our country's lowered expectations:D
I always thought IQ tests were some magical indicator of inherent intelligence but apparently you can prep for these tests and score higher.
I got a 120, but I'm pretty sure part of the score comes from how fast you complete each question, and because I was talking to somebody all throught taking the test, I probably could have done better.

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