Hollywood is so far out in space.

They can't do anything correctly anymore. Nobody goes to see these odd movies coming out. I can't tell you the last time I was at a movie I really enjoyed. They just aren't worth it anymore. Add to the fact the cost of admission and concession fees? I make a very good living and I just cannot bring myself to pay these movie prices nowadays.
I had a few people ask me today if I watched the Oscars last night. I was like ummm no, but I heard Kim Jing il's ashes were thrown all over Ryan Seacrest.
No good action movies anymore. Nobody is even an "action" super star in Hollywood anymore. There can't be because there are no good action films being put out. Thrillers or Drama? When was the last great from Hollywood put out? I can't even remember, but we can certainly reach into the SAW jack in the box and pull one more out right? Gosh, I hope so!
I will tell you a good movie I do recall being blindsided by and that is ..
The Kings Speech....but again I didn't go see this in the theater. To this day I still wonder why we can't get better writing in movies. The Kings Speech was a great movie and a great story. I miss how it makes you feel. I like going to a movie that makes you feel great or patriotic more or even sometimes a bit sad, but a happy sad. Movies that give those giant belly laughs and not the kind you have to leave your kids at home in order to laugh at them.
Hollywood is not a super star town anymore. Hollywood is a bunch of runts running around w/ 2 or 3 dumpy movies that barely made $$ but now since those are out, they can officially call themselves a movie star.
Movie star? Really? I heard Jennifer Aniston got her star on the Walk of Fame a week or so back. Does only being sexi and having a popular TV show really all it takes anymore? It isn't like shes the 2nd coming of Liz Taylor, lets be fair here.
The real Hollywood days are in the past, and its very unfortunate.
Another thing.... Disney is flat out awful...they should never make a movie again.
Anyways--I usually wait for reviews to beef up before I decide on something I might want to see. I usually go w/ the fans votes and give the critics about 1 second of my time. This movies reviews so far haven't been so "incredible", I think is the way theo put it.

So I will wait....