Act of Valor (movie with real Navy Seals)

Saw this yesterday....looks good as far as I can tell. I'll have to ask my friends how accurate it is...if and when they see it.
had no idea they were actual seals, every guy out there with a pair is going to go see this, genius
Looks like the acting will probably be top notch for the roles they are playing.

Can't imagine it being any better than having real Seals in there.

But the movie kind of looks like Call of Duty brought to theater.

From what I can tell they not only rescue a single person, but they go on to stop a huge terrorist attack.

And they do it by scuba diving, sky diving, tracking with a remote plane and a bunch of other things?

Looks good for sure but I have it a feeling it's not gonna live up to the trailer.
Looks like a transparent gimmick to me. Though it may lead to the technical details being more accurate than usual.
arglebargle;4381589 said:
Looks like a transparent gimmick to me. Though it may lead to the technical details being more accurate than usual.
If it adds something meaningful to the movie's story or experience, it is by definition not a gimmick.
theogt;4382384 said:
If it adds something meaningful to the movie's story or experience, it is by definition not a gimmick.

Don't know what definition you might be using, but here's the one I think is applicable.

"a trick or device used to attract business or attention"

I know a few people who have been in that nasty pool of Hollywood movie pitching. Not going to take this at face value, sorry.

YMMV, of course.
arglebargle;4382825 said:
Don't know what definition you might be using, but here's the one I think is applicable.

"a trick or device used to attract business or attention"

I know a few people who have been in that nasty pool of Hollywood movie pitching. Not going to take this at face value, sorry.

YMMV, of course.

Along the same lines as "based on a true story"?

2001, a Space Odyssey, based on a true story. No! Really! There will be a 2001, and space exists! Just don't monkey with my emotions.

Thing is, the script of the movie may not mesh with the real world training of the operators or things will be held back that would compromise operational efficiency. I can think of only one member here that could tell the difference when the legend is on the screen versus the truth.

As much as I'd like to know the difference, it saves lives if I don't know the difference. Know what I mean?

I'll take it at face value and watch it like I do almost any other military film.
Saw it tonight. Not impressed. What's the point of the special ball bearings if they're going to enter the country like they were planning, and to be used at the targets they were intending? The Russian guy explains the purpose of them (the guy playing Brahms in the warehouse) and then the antagonist picks targets and a method of insertion that doesn't matter in the least? I get where he said where you could take them, but they never indicated that highly secured area as a target. Moreover he indicated where and in what type of environment they were to be used, so what's the point of them again????

Irks me that they used the economy as a motivational factor in the plot line. I'm using the same in Isosceles.

The dialogue sucked. Too forced. I get they aren't professional actors, but there SHOULD have been professional writers behind the script.

Action sequences were good, but they should've been put in a script that warranted it. It seemed like they tried to squeeze too much into too little.

The guy sitting two spots over from me with his buddy said, "Clear up, clear up!" under his breath twice in a certain ending scene. I was thinking it as he said it.

Nobody in the theater got up until the roll call on the screen at the end was finished. I thought that was cool as hell.

If the action sequences of this movie could have been coupled to a plot line like "Traitor", this would've been a winner. I'll still give it a B- because I'm a sucker for any military movie. If I wasn't, maybe a C.
Par for the course. Actually sounds a little better than I expected, but my expectations were not very high. Hollywood wouldn't know good writing if it bit them in the buttocks. It's one of their major failings (especially considering that writers are cheap there). Sadly, paint by numbers is usually the best you can hope for.

Oh well, I will just re-watch Navy Seals again instead.
arglebargle;4431170 said:
Par for the course. Actually sounds a little better than I expected, but my expectations were not very high. Hollywood wouldn't know good writing if it bit them in the buttocks. It's one of their major failings (especially considering that writers are cheap there). Sadly, paint by numbers is usually the best you can hope for.

Oh well, I will just re-watch Navy Seals again instead.

AoV blows Navy Seals out of tge water. I went in with probablt higher expectations than i should have.
Hollywood is so far out in space. :D They can't do anything correctly anymore. Nobody goes to see these odd movies coming out. I can't tell you the last time I was at a movie I really enjoyed. They just aren't worth it anymore. Add to the fact the cost of admission and concession fees? I make a very good living and I just cannot bring myself to pay these movie prices nowadays.

I had a few people ask me today if I watched the Oscars last night. I was like ummm no, but I heard Kim Jing il's ashes were thrown all over Ryan Seacrest. :rolleyes:

No good action movies anymore. Nobody is even an "action" super star in Hollywood anymore. There can't be because there are no good action films being put out. Thrillers or Drama? When was the last great from Hollywood put out? I can't even remember, but we can certainly reach into the SAW jack in the box and pull one more out right? Gosh, I hope so! ;)

I will tell you a good movie I do recall being blindsided by and that is ..

The Kings Speech....but again I didn't go see this in the theater. To this day I still wonder why we can't get better writing in movies. The Kings Speech was a great movie and a great story. I miss how it makes you feel. I like going to a movie that makes you feel great or patriotic more or even sometimes a bit sad, but a happy sad. Movies that give those giant belly laughs and not the kind you have to leave your kids at home in order to laugh at them.

Hollywood is not a super star town anymore. Hollywood is a bunch of runts running around w/ 2 or 3 dumpy movies that barely made $$ but now since those are out, they can officially call themselves a movie star.

Movie star? Really? I heard Jennifer Aniston got her star on the Walk of Fame a week or so back. Does only being sexi and having a popular TV show really all it takes anymore? It isn't like shes the 2nd coming of Liz Taylor, lets be fair here.

The real Hollywood days are in the past, and its very unfortunate.

Another thing.... Disney is flat out awful...they should never make a movie again.

Anyways--I usually wait for reviews to beef up before I decide on something I might want to see. I usually go w/ the fans votes and give the critics about 1 second of my time. This movies reviews so far haven't been so "incredible", I think is the way theo put it. :D So I will wait....

Dallas;4431899 said:
Hollywood is so far out in space. :D They can't do anything correctly anymore. Nobody goes to see these odd movies coming out. I can't tell you the last time I was at a movie I really enjoyed. They just aren't worth it anymore. Add to the fact the cost of admission and concession fees? I make a very good living and I just cannot bring myself to pay these movie prices nowadays.

I had a few people ask me today if I watched the Oscars last night. I was like ummm no, but I heard Kim Jing il's ashes were thrown all over Ryan Seacrest. :rolleyes:

No good action movies anymore. Nobody is even an "action" super star in Hollywood anymore. There can't be because there are no good action films being put out. Thrillers or Drama? When was the last great from Hollywood put out? I can't even remember, but we can certainly reach into the SAW jack in the box and pull one more out right? Gosh, I hope so! ;)

I will tell you a good movie I do recall being blindsided by and that is ..

The Kings Speech....but again I didn't go see this in the theater. To this day I still wonder why we can't get better writing in movies. The Kings Speech was a great movie and a great story. I miss how it makes you feel. I like going to a movie that makes you feel great or patriotic more or even sometimes a bit sad, but a happy sad. Movies that give those giant belly laughs and not the kind you have to leave your kids at home in order to laugh at them.

Hollywood is not a super star town anymore. Hollywood is a bunch of runts running around w/ 2 or 3 dumpy movies that barely made $$ but now since those are out, they can officially call themselves a movie star.

Movie star? Really? I heard Jennifer Aniston got her star on the Walk of Fame a week or so back. Does only being sexi and having a popular TV show really all it takes anymore? It isn't like shes the 2nd coming of Liz Taylor, lets be fair here.

The real Hollywood days are in the past, and its very unfortunate.

Another thing.... Disney is flat out awful...they should never make a movie again.

Anyways--I usually wait for reviews to beef up before I decide on something I might want to see. I usually go w/ the fans votes and give the critics about 1 second of my time. This movies reviews so far haven't been so "incredible", I think is the way theo put it. :D So I will wait....


Quite the rant... Disney still puts out some good things, mostly under the Pixar studio. They have adult appeal while catering to kids as well. The live action movies (mainly the National Treasure and Pirates series) aren't great but I don't think Disney has ever done well with those types of movies. I haven't watched their latest non-Pixar animated movies (Tangle, Princess/Frog) so I cannot comment on them. Their channels are awful, hopefully my daughter never wants to watch them.
I saw it and I think you all had too high of expectations, they guys are real active duty guys not actors so why would you expect great acting? I flat out loved it, I didn't care about the stiffness of the dialogue or if the premise of the story made the most sense, I went to see a movie dedicated to our soldiers and to see at least a more accurate depiction of what these guys do for us.

***semi spoilers from here out***

when the boats came around the corner I almost got out of my seat

when the main guy saved his team my GF cried

when the bad guy died at the end I nearly yelled out **** you!

and when the flag was presented at the end my gf cried again because it reminded her of when her grandmother got hers and how heart felt it was when he said those words

bottom line is this movie evoked a passionate response from at least the audience in my theater and that is more than 99% of movies can do
rkell87;4431930 said:
I saw it and I think you all had too high of expectations, they guys are real active duty guys not actors so why would you expect great acting? I flat out loved it, I didn't care about the stiffness of the dialogue or if the premise of the story made the most sense, I went to see a movie dedicated to our soldiers and to see at least a more accurate depiction of what these guys do for us.

***semi spoilers from here out***

when the boats came around the corner I almost got out of my seat

when the main guy saved his team my GF cried

when the bad guy died at the end I nearly yelled out **** you!

and when the flag was presented at the end my gf cried again because it reminded her of when her grandmother got hers and how heart felt it was when he said those words

bottom line is this movie evoked a passionate response from at least the audience in my theater and that is more than 99% of movies can do

:laugh2: Hey everyone, if you want to know all about the movie and not go see it. Just read rkelllys post here.

:confused: Spoiler alert 2/3 in. :lmao2: genius
I'm curious to know if they are using the profits from this movie to do anything to help vets? Would be nice to see them do something good with it instead of seeing Hollywood make another buck off the backs of some of the hardest working people in the country.
Dallas;4431936 said:
:laugh2: Hey everyone, if you want to know all about the movie and not go see it. Just read rkelllys post here.

:confused: Spoiler alert 2/3 in. :lmao2: genius

happy now? now edit yours
Cythim;4431941 said:
I'm curious to know if they are using the profits from this movie to do anything to help vets? Would be nice to see them do something good with it instead of seeing Hollywood make another buck off the backs of some of the hardest working people in the country.

I saw this movie and wished they would donate all profits from this movie to benefit the vets. I hate that some hollywood is making millions off the sweat/death of these guys.

With that being said, It gave me a headache (from the hat cam motion) and I fell asleep from it after the first mission ended. Woke up at the end and then balled my eyes out.

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