I just recently (within a week or so) mailed a fellow Cowboy fan a gift that he asked for...a lame gift as a matter of fact :laugh2: but he asked for it, so I delivered it to him. And to my amazement, it arrived in the mail on his Birthday, and that wasn't planned!
When I was working for the DoD at HAFB here in Utah, at lunch time I would go out to get me some burgers and fries and some times I would order for 5 people, me and four Security Gards that manned the gate at Hill Air Force. But, what goes around comes around...when I need a new sticker on my car allowing me to get into the base, instead of waiting for 45 mnutes behind other people...when I came in to get mine...I was called up right away.
There is some sort of saying that my mom taught me...give someone something, and it will come back ten fold for you in one way or the other.