Adding insult to injury


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I tell myself that every year. Because I always look forward to each year. Not any more. I have more important things to do, that are now even more important. :laugh:

But I will be here along with everyone else. No matter how often they post they are done.
Well, it’s not all about the Cowboys per se for me. It’s a familial thing.

I started going to Cowboys games with my dad in the mid-60s. I was fortunate to be able to return that by buying season tickets and taking him. I now do that with my grandson. It’s has always been about a shared experience with someone I love. That’s why I’ll pony up next year and the year after and the year after…..

What bothered me most about Sunday was it was at home and the complete lack of preparation and commitment. Frankly, it wouldn’t have bothered me as much if had been a road game.

I wasn’t happy they lost to the 49ers 2 years ago, but it was competitive and they simply were beat by a better team. That wasn’t the case this year.


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I wish more and more people would not renew. That may be the only thing Jerry would listen to.
It’s not really that easy once you’re committed with a seat license. Sure, I can sell mine and be free it, but that doesn’t affect Jerry’s revenues. Nor does me selling my tickets.


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Even in bone crushing defeat, Jerry is still trying to suck every last penny out of anyone who is dumb enough to blindly hand it over.
And here it is. I knew there would be caustic, personal insult responses when I posted. You have no idea each person’s motivation for buying tickets.