After this 47-9 embarrassment, feel free to revise your prediction for the season

Somewhere in there we'll beat a team we're not supposed, and people will get their hopes up. I feel like the 49ers are that team
If we beat the 49ers that would spring board this bunch to maybe actually believing in themselves. They haven’t beaten that team in what feels like a decade.
If we beat the 49ers that would spring board this bunch to maybe actually believing in themselves. They haven’t beaten that team in what feels like a decade.
Lol but the 49ers are spiraling. It would instill false confidence
Me brain trust, fueled by Old English, Doritos and gas station sandwiches, has revised me prediction for this season:


We shall be roiled like no other season. The other fans, you ruffians and I are up in arms.
It will be difficult to see, but maybe from this we get a better draft pick, or maybe see different names on the field.

Have you revised your season W-L prediction?

Holla and brings me a dollah!​
5-12 and if they play out of their minds against an injury depleted team, they will be 6-11
I predicted 9-8 preseason and I’ll stick with that for a few weeks. If we look awful against the 9ers and Falcons, I’ll likely revise it downward.
I predicted 10 wins, now I am having trouble seeing them getting more than 7
I was saying 9-8 before the season started but it looks like that would be a pipe dream right about now.

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