No one wanted to give Colombo a chance and some with an agenda against BP want to see him fail. The guy is still young, still getting his strength back and is relatively inexperienced. He WILL get better. No 3rd or 4th rd rookie is going to beat him out this year. As much as some want it to happen.
BP was the one that convinced Jerrah to sign the HOtel to a long term contract. Decent right there. He was the one that picked out Kosier. Not bad at all. BP was the ONLY one that really wanted to give Gurode another chance at center last year. While not great, I would say BP did ok on the O line. Peterman was considered a very solid pick by EVERYONE. Rogers is the only one that BP wanted and was really wrong about. Johnson gave us 2 decent years as a starter, and one as a quality backup, so not a bad pick there. Petitti was considered at the start of his senior year a good solid 2nd rd pick- he ballooned up and that is why he fell. Turns out he did not have the footspeed to be a tackle. BUT he might become a decent guard. Tucker was the other BP choice that really stank it up. But out of 6 draft choices we got starters out Johnson and Petitti and Tucker. Rogers and Peterman never did anything. McQ we shall see. BP did a lot better job in FA then in the draft. Colombo and Kosier are solid starters, and even Rivera was decent- and if he had not blown his back would have been much better. Add that to resurrecting Gurode and keeping the Hotel and his record overall is good as of this time.